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Everything posted by Simonflyer

  1. I read one at my school, and found it pretty informative, but i dont get one sent to me.. Do you have to oreder it, or does it come once you've done your PPL?
  2. Thanks **Tezza and Ossie** for the chatter on CPL.Very inspiring. Im currently at the beginning of the long road to the CPL, and i was thinking to myself i could be too old to work in the industry..(Half the pilots i know started when they were 16 and had there cpl by the time they were 18/19!) The theory side of all this is can be a bit of a slog, but im with you tezza in that i want information to be better, safer, and really know what im doing..The flying itself is expensive, but apart from buying the books(im that obsessed im working bob tait AND the aviation theory centre!)i can study as often as i want, and i must admit that getting 86% on GFPT was almost the highlight of my entire training, because i was no good at school, but i just worked hard and the rewards are excellent.. I sit the PPL in a month or so.. Im pretty sure that you can sit the PPL exam as a cyber exam through your school, and you will get the result immediately, and if you fail it you can sit it again 5 or seven days later...But Like i said..im pretty surei_dunno I find with the exams there are two answers that are wrong, and two answers that sound right, but there is always only one correct one..:thumb_up: Good luck to all with the exams..
  3. I Probably use a mix of both - i was up in some pretty wild xwinds yesterday, and because the plane was set up in a draggy configuration i.e almost full right aileron and full left rudder, i had to have a fair bit more juice on the approach than usual.. I always liked that old book "stick and rudder" where he talks about throttle being all about the up and down, and stick forward and back being about speed..Seems to be the case..But i guess thats why circuits are the size they are, so that if something goes astray we can hopefully make it back unpowered....
  4. Hi Nathan.. Yep i went on friday and found the RA tent..It was towards the Northern end of the runway, near some of the rare planes on display, kind of away form the main displays...A bit hard to explain, but i did find it.. I took my grandpa, and we both had a ball.He's 82 and used to fly about 60 years ago with his mates.., so im sure some of the jets there would have been slightly bigger, faster and noisier than what he used to plod around in, but twas good fun.. I was knackered from all the walking.Cant imagine how he did it. Cheers
  5. Thanks guys.. I get really good ground help from my instructor, but im into looking at as many methods as possible to make sure i have a really good grip on the whole thing.Im a bit of a spunge for anything aviation at the moment..Its bloody good fun thats why! I like the idea of doing a practice flight on the ground with all my calls,radio changes and clearof's.There just seems to be a lot to remember, and a lot to do..Im sure that i will get a grip on it as time goes by just as i did with the flying..i remember when doing a circuit was a huge ask, and i was sweating the whole way round.. A big help is that i can fly a couple of times a week again now, so that should keep me a bit fresher each time..:thumb_up: Cheers
  6. I guess im just after tips to keep the rust out while im on the ground....better ways to prepare etc. Im also probably being a bit hard on myself, as i keep forgetting that im pretty new to all this..(i started flying in august last year), and have only 40 hs or there abouts.
  7. That B1B was quiet wasnt it!...My ribcage is still rattling..Never heard anything like it..it was like a concorde sized F111..
  8. Oh dear!..A beached whale:big_grin:
  9. I recently got a class 1 (Just to make sure the *****$ to get CPL isnt a waste of money!) A bit of poking and prodding, but im no supermodel in terms of health or looks!
  10. Great post.. I wished id read it ten minutes ago, as i just posted a "need help" in the Navigation section.. I had a flight like that today where i felt like id never set foot in a plane before, and it was i think mainly due to rust(in me) from not flying..I think i may be being too hard on myself?..Maybe you are too?.. This flying business is quite challenging, and ultimately rewarding, but we are bound to have good days and bad days, and it sounds like you felt you had a shocker, yet no-one got hurt,no damage to the plane, and apart from feeling pretty crappy about it there was no harm done.. Next time will be better..(hopefully for me too!) and it does keep getting better. :thumb_up:
  11. Hi Yall.. I was hoping i could get some pointer's on Navigation exercises for on the ground training after my very dissapointing Nav today(Nav 4).. To say i was rusty is a large understatement(granted I hadn't flown a Nav for 2 months), and difficult winds,Turbulence,diversions for various reasons, and cloud bases that seemed to move up and down to sit at whichever height or direction i chose to fly didnt help:help:, but i found that i got flustered quite a bit(much more than usual) by all these things, and i really can't believe how far back in progress i went in two months.The last Nav i flew, i felt like i was really starting to get on top of it, today i felt behind the plane most of the way:censored: I guess i would like to know of any tips to keeping sharp between flights, and if anyone thinks there are any aids that may be of use to really make my time in the air money well spent.. Cheers
  12. Hi Yall Il be in there friday during the day(if you buy a gold pass you can get in before the public and have a wander around:thumb_up:.. I may have missed it in earlier posts, but does anyone know where the RAA tent will be(what building?)? I cant wait! Cheers Simon
  13. Hilarious! I reckon the guy in the little one's jaw must be on his lap.. Probably like that down at avalon right now..
  14. Welcome aboard.. It only gets better from here on in..Nav-ing around / different planes / different airports, and of course this great site to tell people who are just as obsessed about flying as you..Or is it just me that's obsessed? Cheers
  15. Im in for a trip to Indo or something like that..I just have to find a way to fit the surfboard into the Tecnam!..(might have to leave the girlfriend at home:big_grin:)
  16. Sounds like a wild trip!Need a co-pilot? Excuse my ignorance here, but can we fly to(or in) particular countries with GA licenses? Anyone know which ones?.. Cheers
  17. Checkout speedtest.net Its actually for checking the speed of your connection, but it may have other utilities im not aware of.. Cheers
  18. That is one incredible flyer!
  19. Thanks for that guys.. And yep..I may not be as funky as i once was.. Cheers
  20. Hi Yall.. Any info on if its possible to change my username? Cheers
  21. Really liked your post MAJ., and i like the discussion in general.. Im currently studying the MET section of the CPL syllabus, and i have a whole new respect and love(a bit nerdy, but its bloody interesting) of the weather and the astounding processes that are going on in the troposphere.. I have surfed for years, and i just dont go out if the conditions look unsuitable for my skill level(intermediate at best), and that is with only the info i have in front of my eyes, and maybe some tide info...There are no official guidelines or rules governing if i go out, but i just make what i think are good safe judgements.. With flying, there is a huge array of information for me to get my hands on before i go up, and there are guidelines and regulations which are to ensure and improve my safety..The more i know about the weather, the more respect for it i have, and i am not interested in pushing my luck with it at all. The longer i fly, and it is still very early days for me, i realise that us as pilots and our decision making really is the difference between being a safe Pilot in Command, and being just another maverick that could have a very short stint on earth..I just have to make sure that i continue to leave the Ego in the back seat everytime i fly..:thumb_up:
  22. Simonflyer

    737 simulator

    How much fun is it!!! It was a trip to one of those things that got me flying... I bought my Grandpa 90 minutes on one for his 80th birthday(he used to fly tiger moths 65 years ago with his mates).He had a ball as did i sitting in the navigators seat watching it all, and it was chatting with the instructor on the day that gave me the belief that i could actually do it..That i wasnt too old, too poor(although that may be the case any minute!at least im happy!) or too stupid.... Now Im a third of the way through a PPL/CPL course and have been thankfully introduced to the brilliant RA world where i have completed most of the endorsements.. Gotta love it..:thumb_up:
  23. Great news! Welcome back to the skies...it's an unbeatable feeling as you know... Cheers
  24. What a great video..and what a star.. My thoughts go out to family and friends... R.I.P
  25. Hi All. I noticed there has been a few posts on Locksley field/Shepparton and the changes that went on(the move from Wallan Etc.), and i thought i would give a bit of information on my experiences flying with Sue and Nathan, and learning out there.. My plan long term is to go onto a career in Aviation(Teaching in RA and possibly GA too along with other GA work), so I did an obsessive amount of research on flight training before i began including going to about ten schools in moorabbin, picking up all the info packs, doing two separate TIF's, talking to as many pilots as i could and making calls to quite a number of other regional schools, but in the end i opted for Locksley for a few really simple reason's. I think the first would be that when i went out there to do my tif and had chatted with Sue(and later on Nathan), i could tell that she had a lot of passion for her work, and was willing to answer my constant never ending array of questions(that still continue).She has always been willing to impart a little extra knowledge, and i really feel i have benefited from that.The office is well looked after and clean, and it might sound like a small thing,but to me that stuff shows there is care taken to detail..I cant tell you how many places i went to that were run down, and i thought to myself if they look after their planes like they look after the office, Im Dead! The flying itself is a pleasure out there, and in my opinion is a great place to go from ab-initio t wherever you like.There is not a lot of traffic around, but you do get enough learning to deal with the odd busy day, as Mangalore is a couple of NM away, and the students there are always joining in the cct.I also have in my mind that a bit further into my training(PPL and CPL) that i will spend more time in controlled airspace and learn to fly under those conditions, but to get to this point now has been great without the added pressure of 450000 movement a year or whatever it is at moorabbin. I also had to take into account the financials as we all do when we start to fly, and i am going on to CPL A so no matter how i do it, it was going to cost a bit.But quite a bit less..This Is yet another reason we fly RA Yes?? At locksley, there are no wait times on taxi..Pretty much as soon as you are in the air you are in the training area,the costs for the tecnam 130$ solo 180 dual are competitive in RA and absolutely murder GA Costs. anyway i cant recomend them highly enough..:thumb_up: checkout the website at Fly Victoria - Locksley & Shepparton
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