Hi All.
Just thought id keep sharing my experiences of flying and now Nav-ing around the country-side...
The first thing is...How bloody good it feels to finally get out of the circuit even though i do love touch and go's ..
I set out on my first a couple of weeks ago, and it was thermally and just hard to keep straight and level..Also being left handed, how do i go about holding the Stick,pencil,do the writing hold the maps, flying the plane and all the other little tasks that are needed to fly..i sorted it out.............eventually..
The Nav was Locksley/Bendigo/Deniliquin/Locksley..
The first thing i had to do was make sure i was flying out of the meatbomb's(parachutes) way at Nagambie and also to keep out of the puckapunual war zone (would they shoot me down if i flew in there?)
Then overfly bendigo and head to deni..No problems apart from some very unclear radio calls from someone, somewhere in the area..really showed me the power of good, consice radio calls..Which brings me to my first real stuff up..
I may or may not have made a bumbling,three-peat, mess of an inbound call over the melbourne centre frequency into Deni.Somehow i didnt get(or didnt hear) the usual rebuke that you get for that sort of behaviour..(or so i was told)
Anyway with that sorted,and with red cheeks, i did my first tarmac landing(all grass strips for me so far)then a quick reset, and off for locksley..we got slightly blown off track, but a small correction, and we made it home...
I was knackered but happy..I also knew i had a lot of homework before the next one..
Which I did..Last Sunday
It was Locksley/Wangarrata/overfly Myrtleford/Yarrawonga/Locksley
I was much more on my game this time, and was on track and time most of the way, but i noticed that on approach to Yarrawonga, and not having spotted the airport where i thought it should be, i kept trying to correct to where i "felt" it should be, not just staying on and trusting the track...Anyway It was of course right on track, not where i guessed!
The leg home was tricky as it was right into the sun, and visibility wasnt much chop..I made a mistake on my track, but we sorted it out in the end...
Ive got a bit more flying to do around the steps now, and then hopefully in a few weeks of on my own which im sure will be a buzz
If anyone has any ideas on good trips from Locksley down to the coastline, around the steps and then back up the other side please let me know..