I must admit..On my drive to the airport today for my first flight in a C172, i was not looking forward to the pasting I thought the hot, humid and lumpy conditions would give me, and thought to myself that I would have my work cut out for me from woe to go..
Well i was wrong! the C172 is an absolute pearl!No wonder its one of the most popular airplanes in the world.I can really only explain it as being like a holden with wings.It just kind of sits there no matter what you throw at it, and it just kept plugging along.I was thinking what kind of head-shaking hell I would have been in if I were in the Tecnam.
In the past when Ive tried to fly new planes Ive felt really anxious, but today I was just chilled and enjoyed it all.Had some good laughs with the CFI with my first few landings, but kind of got the handle on it until my last which made it so that we might both need some chiro done..Oh well..Next time..
I keep waiting for the buzz of flying to wear off, but it just keeps getting better.