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Everything posted by Simonflyer

  1. ADMIN.. I think that right now our thoughts and concerns should be with the missing pilots, not the industry....Lets hope all are found safe and well.
  2. A bit more than interesting i should think..thumb_down
  3. Looks like nice flying up that way. Well done and enjoy the awesome privilege that you now have.... :thumb_up:
  4. this is really cool..Particularly if it works..
  5. Thanks brett.. Will do.... Simon
  6. Welcome... Sounds like fun, and i bet the view in the NJ area would be pretty spectacular...Probably pretty intense and busy airpace as well?.. Enjoy the forums.. Cheers
  7. Hi All you Perth/WA types! Im gonna be over there working for a few months next year, and would love to keep up with the flying.I was wondering how far the nearest RA Aerodrome/strip (preferably with Tecnams) is to Perth CBD, and if theres nothing really close if anyone can recommend the good schools/clubs in Perth that are well respected and not shoddy rip off merchants! (Jandakot i suppose?I have a PPL(or will have by then) as well as an RA licence with all the trimmings and would prefer to fly RA if i can....) Any info or help would be much appreciated. Cheers Simon
  8. The best Nav bag I ever had for the Tecnam was a 99c safeway special.....
  9. Great photos I had a day right in the heat of the summer flying out north of Deniliquin and i had to be above 4000ft so as not to be affected by the big buggers I flew through a small one that appeared on short final once, and it yawed the plane firmly right, and then firmly left...Full power and I was outta there, but if it was a big one I wonder how bug the effect would have been.. anyone else been through one?
  10. Great post Michael. Id really like to do some unusual attitude recovery stuff before I start instructing, but also just for my general handling and flying confidence.. I remember a few years back and Id been riding motorbikes for a while and thought i had it down ok but then I went and did an advanced riding course, and realised I was a minnow in the skill department at best. I have to say that even if you never want to fly GA, get stuck into the GA theory.Ive been currently studying CPL aerodynamics, and I must admit there is a large hole in my knowledge(which Im trying to fill) about flight and air and wings and how it all works, and im convinced that i will be a better pilot with more knowledge of what it is exactly that makes it all happen, and also what stops it happening. I might have to head out to YLIL myself and have a bash:thumb_up:
  11. Hi Matt.. Thanks for the reply..I might keep a couple of options up my sleeve that aren't coastal or that don't involve crossing the range as Im taking several pax who havent flown much before, and Id like to give them the most comfortable experience possible.Two hours of lumps and bumps might be a turn off:yuk: Cheers
  12. Hi guys.. Just wondering if anyone has done a flight similar to this, or at least across the great divide from east to west, and can share any tips.. Im not a huge fan of tiger that is in some places er quite high and unforgiving, and I was considering tracking (to avoid the largest chunks of High Tiger) Mangalore-Albury-Corryong-jindabyne-Merimbula (avoiding a place on google maps called, and i kid you not, "Pilot wilderness"!!Doesnt sound like fun for me.) Is this the safest way to do it?Am I being too careful? I will of course be asking the CFI about all this, but I thought id throw it open for debate p.s Im doing the flight in a C172 with 3 p.o.b. Cheers
  13. I was reading somewhere that the cut T/Shirt thing was so that your wings could grow through without ripping it.It was an old USAF or RAF tradition. The bucket of ice water was/is common in the US. Where i fly they give out wings at an end of year wings night.. What ever floats your boat i suppose.A can of Solo is pretty funny..
  14. Very Interesting..Thanks
  15. Hi Tim. Welcome to the forums Sounds like you've got a pretty cool life! Enjoy..
  16. This is the best thread ever
  17. Yep..Done a bit in an Archer and quite liked that as well.Come to think of it..I dont think there's been a plane yet that I don't like to fly...Il keep doing research:big_grin:
  18. Cost is probably part of it, but the last year hasn't been fantastic worldwide for finance, so my thought is that numbers will rise again in the next few years when things improve.. But why would you fly GA if all you want to do is have a bit of fun and get out on the weekend?Its cheaper all round, and is based for the rec flyer..On the other hand, some of the toys in GA are quite a lot of fun to play with whether it be for work or play!If youve got spare cash burning a hole in your pocket.
  19. Great find this vid.. That kid will never forget that flight, and it may well be the thing that inpires him to get up there himself.It is so good when people are willing to share their passion with others. I love taking up people that have never flown in light planes before, and seeing the look on their face after you do a steep turn.What Ive found is that no matter how steep the turn is they always want another one steeper. The thing I liked about the video.It didnt matter what position the plane was in, the kid just looked like he was straight and level.No inkling of being sick or uncomfortable..A natural born stunt pilot perhaps?
  20. Happy Birthday Tomo.enjoy it. Im glad i didnt find flying at your age or i wouldnt have gotten anything done!Ever! :thumb_up:
  21. I must admit..On my drive to the airport today for my first flight in a C172, i was not looking forward to the pasting I thought the hot, humid and lumpy conditions would give me, and thought to myself that I would have my work cut out for me from woe to go.. Well i was wrong! the C172 is an absolute pearl!No wonder its one of the most popular airplanes in the world.I can really only explain it as being like a holden with wings.It just kind of sits there no matter what you throw at it, and it just kept plugging along.I was thinking what kind of head-shaking hell I would have been in if I were in the Tecnam. In the past when Ive tried to fly new planes Ive felt really anxious, but today I was just chilled and enjoyed it all.Had some good laughs with the CFI with my first few landings, but kind of got the handle on it until my last which made it so that we might both need some chiro done..Oh well..Next time.. I keep waiting for the buzz of flying to wear off, but it just keeps getting better.
  22. Good.If your not doing anything wrong, you've got nothing to worry about.
  23. The personal challenge. The unique skill. The focus that goes into it and all the planning Giving the brain a workout. Top gun...Not me-the film.Had me salivating as 10 year old.Still does when I think too closely about it.Is that weird? Looking at how small the world is from height and getting things into perspective. The idea that someone someday will pay me to do it.At this stage i dont care how much.Ask me in five years and Il probably say something else..I kind of hope not The feeling when you absolutely nail a landing... And your CFI is watching:thumb_up:... Or in the plane with you:thumb_up: I really could go on all night!
  24. That has some very cool learning tools on there..:thumb_up:
  25. To start with i really thought you were taking us for a ride.. A wind farm near Y-ass?Excuse me..
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