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Everything posted by Simonflyer

  1. I nearly filled a bag watching it..He really gave the gum a workover!
  2. Great work and congratulations! I tried to sit mine on Sunday, but was grounded due to a CB of 1000..Not great to do stalls from that height.we managed to do the ground component, and i should be able to do the flying part thursday if friday.. Enjoy the rest of the training.:thumb_up:
  3. The RA human factors exam had the worst wording, and flat out wrong and misleading things in it that i have come across in any of the aviation tests done to date.Some of the medical information is wrong, and the wording can be misleading. I dont want to knock the RA thing, but they need to get that test checked both medically and grammatically so that there's no mistakes and so it is concise clear and accurate.
  4. Gday and welcome.. enjoy the site.. Cheers:thumb_up:
  5. Hi there. Im 6'2 and 100 ks, and i fly the Tecnam Super echo and it has great performance even when one of my instructors who is also around the same dimensions jumps in. Im also impressed with it's overall performance and if i had the cash would be my ideal runabout as it will land and take off on a dime has a cruise of 100kts and is comfortable enough for a plane of its size..Ive forgotten what its called, but the next size up from the echo even though it is only 30 ks heavier sits much better in any thermal activity, and around the circuit etc when an extra bit of stability and weight come in handy. Enjoy:thumb_up:
  6. Hi Adrian.. Looks good!... During my xc training, i was taught to do a mud map as a separate page, which is really just a rough outline of the trip i.e whatever lines i drew on the map, just roughly transpose and shrink onto the top third of an A4 piece if paper.I then put dots where all the airfields im going are with their Ctaf's, and also along the lines, roughly where i would change between different melbourne centre frequency's, and any overflies..This part of the Mud map is mainly for radio changes as you can see. Then below that, i will write down the airfield name and height,the circuit height,runways,and ctaf.Pretty much along one line, and below i may put any procedures specific to that airfield..I also sometimes write down what height i need to be at as i turn on to final,and what height an overly will be..I find the less i need to be running over in my head on any approach the better, particularly at busy fields. Overall it keeps things a bit simpler because all i need to do during a clearof is look briefly at the mudmap for any upcoming freq changes,enter the time's onto my log, and keep on flying. I guess my thought was you could find a space on an A5 sheet for a small mudmap at the bottom.. Cheers:thumb_up:
  7. Hi There and welcome.. Good place to fly up at Shep.Who is/was your instructor?Nathan,Sue, Harry or Chris? Ive flown a bit with all but Harry, and its a great school in my opinion.Im currently doing a conversion on the Archer up there, and have done a lot of my earlier training at Locksley. Ive noticed a couple of interesting builds going on up there..That wasnt you doing the test on the ground roll with harry on easter friday was it?I cant remember what the plane was exactly, but it was a beauty.. **Big Pete** i think you could be right about the north central being the RAA capital.Wherever i have flown up there it seems every second plane is Tecnam this or Jabiru that, and it seems to be steadily building in numbers as well... Cheers:thumb_up:
  8. I say flying is flying, no matter what it is.. enjoy!
  9. Hi Chris. Welcome and enjoy! Cheers:thumb_up:
  10. Great work!It just keeps getting better!:thumb_up:
  11. Anyone got any ideas on what happened to the two choppers flying side by side in the second clip?They both just seem to lose their tails and crash...were they shot, or was it a wind related thing??
  12. Good one troy and welcome. Its never too late as far as i can tell. Im just getting started at 32, but i feel better equipped to do it now than i would have been at 18, because i know how much focus it takes to get the most out of what you love.. Good luck with all the studies, and make sure your wife never sees the invoices particularly once you start doing the Nav's!:thumb_up: Cheers
  13. welcome...Enjoy!:thumb_up:
  14. Thanx guys. Ive put it on hold for a little while, as im nearing the end of my PPL in the piper, and costs are prohibitive, but as soon as i get that done, itl be down there for a jaunt to see the family.. Cheers:thumb_up:
  15. Spot on Skydog.. I couldn't agree more.I Jumped into an archer recently for the first time, and found that the inertia in it just helped me on to the ground and through any lumps and bumps in the air, whereas the tecnam just wants to fly, and due to its lighter weight can get a bit bumpy on the hot days.... From what i can gather from some instructors i have spoken to, us as Ra Pilots find it relatively easy to go from Ultra lights to Ga Planes,but some Ga Pilots just crack it coming the other way, because there are so many more inputs to put into the aircraft(particularly in the circuit). Below is my training to date, and the Approx costs Time to: Totals First solo ..................................................13 hours Pilot Cert(with Pax)Including the test a further 6 dual and 11 solo.........................30 hours XC Cert. 17 dual and 2.3 solo....................................49.3 So.. Around the 7.5 to 8 grand mark all up to that point.The Navs cost me a bit more than id hoped, but i had a two months break in flying due to work, and by the time i climbed back in the plane, i couldnt nav(or fly) very well at all.My Suggestion in training, is fly in blocks if you have to, but if you can get the cash together, do your training and the test i.e the whole license as close together as possible. Ive also now switched into the Piper Archer to do a GFPT, and its taken about 9 hours (2 on instruments only of course) to get that done.As im Going on to an instructor rating, i think retraining and going over much of the stuff i did in my pilot cert has been invaluable.I also feel comfortable and confident in the Archer which will be good when i feel the urge to take away a few friends at a time. So all up about 10 grand to gfpt, and i will do the PPL soon.I was pushed pretty hard on the Naving during my RA stuff, as i am going on to work in the industry, and they have been good on getting my standards high, and helping me take pride in my overall airmanship, and from the CFI's mouth I really only need to do a few CTA flights to knock that off, so perhaps another 10 hours to PPL, So all up about 12 grand plus fees and licenses for a lot of freedom. Sometimes i can look at the costs, and think it hurts, and at times it does, but if i were to go to uni, i would be doing the same thing, at similar costs but it would initially be covered by hecs, but i would still have to pay it back one day..The point im at now is Short term pain for long term gain. The most important thing of all is that i bloody love it..:thumb_up:
  16. I Reckon Go for it.. You gotta have a bit of fun on Ya holly. Yesterday i jumped into an Archer for the first time, and i think the fact that id done a bit of homework on the ground before i climbed in helped a lot(checklists,Cockpit photos for familiarization etc...),Im sure youll find plenty of info online about the Jab's.. Cheers Simon
  17. Hi. Thanks for that..You Wouldnt happen to have a contact would you(If so please PM me with it)?Ive had a bit of a search online, but havent had too much luck finding him.I think i may have spotted the strip on google earth, but couldnt be sure. Cheers Simon
  18. Hi Yall. Ive got a plan to visit some family in fish creek over the weekend, and was wondering if there are any airfields/Strips nearby(apart from leongatha)? Cheers Simon
  19. Id get on the blower to a few airfields/airports as well, as ive heard of people becoming willing to sell once they know someone is buying, and some others just work off word of mouth.. Just my two bobs.. Very Exciting for you no doubt.. Good luck..:thumb_up:
  20. 1.Its Gotta be my first Solo. 2.Sitting under, seeing and hearing the B1B bomber go by at the Airshow this year.My Ribcage is still rattling 3.Taking up my first passenger and doing steep turns to try and scare her...She just wanted them steeper! 4.Taking my grandpa who is 81 to the flight experience in Melbourne and sitting behind him as he landed a 737 in New Zealand.He used to fly moth's around Melbourne over 60 years ago.It was also this experience that reignited my love of flying and ultimately led to me following the dream.:thumb_up:
  21. I might be able to find out for you, as a mate of mine made a few (he's a seamster/canvas products guy) for the army a few years ago.. Il only post if i can get the details.It was a long time ago that he did the job, and he may have lost the measurements.
  22. That is an Absolute Classic!
  23. Love the water.. Whether it be swimming/surfing/bodysurfing/windsurfing or anything else for that matter just get me in it.In fact as soon as i can il go for a waterborne endorsement. I was bored one saturday afternoon when i was about 10, and i must have been giving mum the S%#ts, so she suggested i go down to the Royal Melbourne yacht Squadron. I ended up sailing 12 foot Cadet Dingy's(we qualified first in victoria, and finished 3rd in the Stonehaven cup Aus Champs)/Sabre's and Elwood Junior's, then i moved onto Keel boats Working as the whippet forward hand on many a bay race. I then ended up working(probably for little or no money) for a company that took business people out on J24's, and i basically sailed the things myself most of the time as many of the people just wanted to sit back and enjoy the view.. I loved it..I must say ive been getting the itch to get back into it of late.I havent sailed for at least ten years..probably more like fifteen. Might have to have a look into it.
  24. Excellent work!.. It only gets better and more fun from here. Enjoy. :thumb_up:
  25. Hi Adrian.. Im having a look now as we speak..will see what the deal is.Any Apps in particular that set it apart from the usual iphone?Like what uses in particular actually make it worthwile hacking it? As far as the flying thing goes, im sure youve thought of it before, but to cost share with someone else, and share the flying time could be a go-er...Or even buy a plane and share the costs/time with someone else..Good ol fly-share or something like that and even get it put on line at one of the schools, and let them look after the majority of upkeep costs??? Just ideas..
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