Spot on Skydog..
I couldn't agree more.I Jumped into an archer recently for the first time, and found that the inertia in it just helped me on to the ground and through any lumps and bumps in the air, whereas the tecnam just wants to fly, and due to its lighter weight can get a bit bumpy on the hot days....
From what i can gather from some instructors i have spoken to, us as Ra Pilots find it relatively easy to go from Ultra lights to Ga Planes,but some Ga Pilots just crack it coming the other way, because there are so many more inputs to put into the aircraft(particularly in the circuit).
Below is my training to date, and the Approx costs
Time to: Totals
First solo ..................................................13 hours
Pilot Cert(with Pax)Including the test
a further 6 dual and 11 solo.........................30 hours
XC Cert.
17 dual and 2.3 solo....................................49.3
Around the 7.5 to 8 grand mark all up to that point.The Navs cost me a bit more than id hoped, but i had a two months break in flying due to work, and by the time i climbed back in the plane, i couldnt nav(or fly) very well at all.My Suggestion in training, is fly in blocks if you have to, but if you can get the cash together, do your training and the test i.e the whole license as close together as possible.
Ive also now switched into the Piper Archer to do a GFPT, and its taken about 9 hours (2 on instruments only of course) to get that done.As im Going on to an instructor rating, i think retraining and going over much of the stuff i did in my pilot cert has been invaluable.I also feel comfortable and confident in the Archer which will be good when i feel the urge to take away a few friends at a time.
So all up about 10 grand to gfpt, and i will do the PPL soon.I was pushed pretty hard on the Naving during my RA stuff, as i am going on to work in the industry, and they have been good on getting my standards high, and helping me take pride in my overall airmanship, and from the CFI's mouth I really only need to do a few CTA flights to knock that off, so perhaps another 10 hours to PPL,
So all up about 12 grand plus fees and licenses for a lot of freedom.
Sometimes i can look at the costs, and think it hurts, and at times it does, but if i were to go to uni, i would be doing the same thing, at similar costs but it would initially be covered by hecs, but i would still have to pay it back one day..The point im at now is Short term pain for long term gain.
The most important thing of all is that i bloody love it..:thumb_up: