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Everything posted by Simonflyer

  1. Hi Yall.. I had my XC exam yesterday, and now have a pilot cert with HF,HP,NW,PAX and XC.Total flying time is 52.2 hours around 15 of which are solo. I cant tell you the feeling of accomplishment i feel today considering that on september 17th last year, i had never touched the controls of any aircraft...Ever!I kinda feel like giving an oscars style speech thanking my mum and stuff,maybe turning on the tears, but il do my best not to! I have about a week off, then i move into a piper to do my GFPT(i have already sat and passed the theory exam).I have scheduled three days of intensive flying to get that locked away(where i train they pretty much do the GA flying syllabus in the tecnam, so it is mostly just getting used to the piper that will be the issue), then i sit the prac test the following week after Easter. As soon as thats done, im onto the PPL(theory and prac) in a Cessna 172, and do a few trips in and out of controlled airspace and the like, and then after that, into my RA instructor rating. Of course i need to fit all this around other work committment and some semblance of a personal life, but as i am on the way to CPL i feel like i need to keep moving with it all so i dont get bogged down(at least until i run out of cash or stuff to sell to pay for air time!).The eight subjects of theory will most probably be the biggest slog, but well see how we go.. The most exciting thing to me however is that i can go grab a plane and a mate, and head off pretty much anywhere in Aus, and even if i go no further in my studies, thats a pretty massive and rare achievement, that im sure many of you out there would understand having done it yourselves. Wooo hooo :thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:
  2. Is it probable that by doing this "hack" that you can void warranties and the like?, And have you had any problems by doing this?.Im kinda interested, but think i might wait for 3.0. Cheers.
  3. Thanks for the support guys.. Passed the test this arvo, so feeling good.Dont know that the license will turn up in the mail by the weekend, but might just drive up for a look anyway.. Cheers:thumb_up:
  4. Congrats:hug: I couldnt stop nervously giggling my first time around the circuit..not until i realised i better land the thing.. Great work..it only keeps getting better.I sit my XC test tomorrow, so if a pass that it opens up a whole new world.. Enjoy the ride:thumb_up:
  5. Thanks Dave... And yep there already have been a few curve balls and the trip hasnt started!
  6. Ive got to sit my XC prac test tomorrow..Maybe if i pass, that can be my first day out on my own..I might pick up dad at Lilydale, head to tooradin to get a coffee and some fresh seafood, then head back to coldstream for a look, then back home..:thumb_up: I just gotta pass the bloody thing!
  7. Hi fellow Mac user's.. I just thought id sniff out the interest in having a Mac user's forum on this site, (including anything Iphone.) I have noticed in recent post's there are a few of us popping up here and there, and perhaps this is a good opportunity for us to come out and say it loud, that were mac and were proud, and also just a little bit cooler than our PC counterpart's.I mean the ad's on TV say it dont they? But seriously, it may be good for us to share any information on anything aviation for either our computer's or Iphone's, and we can keep each other updated on any new App's, programs, sites etc, and just generally waffle on to our hearts content without boring the PC users.. If it gets a bit of interest, Im happy to contact Admin to see what the chances of us getting out own little bit of Cyberspace. Cheers Simon:thumb_up:
  8. Just read in the News that They will release a version of Skype for iphone today, which means internet phone calls can be made from the phone instead of through your service provider..This has already been possible, but not through Skype which in my experience works well..It will be one of those things where a close eye will have to be kept on data usage though..i have still never even got close to my 700MB, but i think a few internet phone calls could get through that pretty easily.. Cheers
  9. **Bushpilot** Im a bit of a research nut, so whenever i buy anything, i look into it like a madman, and from all my research Telstra are by far and away the biggest thieves out there!They do have great coverage though..But as far as value for money plans for the iphone, im not suprised you went with something else.. There are good plans out there(i decided to go with Vodafone, and so far very happy with cost and coverage even way out in the sticks) Also as far as how many MB you need on a plan, it depends what your gonna do with it..I always make sure i download any Apps from home unless the're small, and use the fone to download and send email, and do other smaller load things..A lot of sites are setting themselves up to have access just for iphone or other internet phones, and as such load just the bare essentials instead of the bling version.. My favourite usefull and not so usefull applications are! Oz weather Xplane-All and any of them Flight control-A bit of a giggle Flightplan Sully's flight Pilot library Wordbook Wunder radio :thumb_up:
  10. Thanks guys.. Yep I rang them today, and they gave me all the relevant info on the Strip. I think my instructor did just want me to make the call and get the info and be ready for the test...Im almost certain if i hadn't rung, that would've been a big slap on the wrist, or even a fail, so im glad i sorted it..Looks like a picturesque flight up there too..what with the mountains and eildon lake etc.. Im a bit nervous about this test, as it feels like if i pass then Im officially off the leash, and can do some real barnstorming (when ive the spare cash and time).. Once again though..Im sure they wouldnt be testing me if they didn't think i was ready....Well thats what im going with anyway.. Cheers:thumb_up:
  11. Hi.. I was wondering if anyone has any info on flying into Mansfield that they could share.. I have to fly there for my XC prac exam next week.. From my ERSA i can see that there is no Runway Marked-I had a look on google, and it looks like a north south or close enough, but there doesn't seem to be much more info than that. Anyhoo. If anyones got anything that they can share about the joint, id be very glad to hear it.I just feel like im missing something obvious..... Cheers
  12. Yep.. Got one, and reckon its the go.. Plenty of Applications for flying from logbooks to flight computers(checkout flight plan) to simulator's (xplane being the pick and ive had a giggle with sully's flight which gives you the chance to ditch in the hudson just like sully did, complete with birds on your windshield!) ##Tomo## is right re the mms thing, but in the next month or so a new version of the software will be released (version 3 i think) and that solves many of the problems including the picture messaging, and a copy/paste function and quite a few other bits and pieces.. Cheers
  13. Have a look at this Skylines Aviation Supply - Moorabbin Not a bad watch for the price, although i was lucky enough to have the whole family tip in and buy me Citizen Promaster, which on last check Gee Bees at essendon airport had on quite a good special. Cheers Simon
  14. Great work Brett.. I'm sure youve been told,but it only gets better from here.. Enjoy.. Cheers
  15. Its real nice in there too.Plush seats,free drinks and nibbly's......
  16. Hi.. Im just writing this to any Mac users out there to report on my early experiences with X-plane for mac.. I decided to get a hold of a simulator so that i could prefly some of my upcoming navs(well as close to anyway), and so far its pretty impressive. I am a little hamstrung by my computers graphics card, but it works fine with the res down to a lower setting.I am soon upgrading to a Desktop, but it is running fine on my Laptop.. The cool thing is that you can set it to real time, and real weather, and now i can experience(safely) what its like to land with a 46knt xwind - i wont be doing that in the real world! - or night fly,and generally just get a feel for the cockpit of a few planes that i havent yet flown, but will soon(c172 for example).It also has the checklists for each plane.. Last night i flew a couple of nav,s and sat there with my ERSA and flew into Essendon,Melb int,Point cook and Moorabbin.You can fly it as realistically as you want(requesting clearance via radio in text but you can also hook it up with a program so that you can actually speak the calls and it understands!) I cant believe the small Aerodromes that are on there.The place i fly out of is there, although i feel they may have the runway facing slightly the wrong direction. All in all, early impressions are good, and although it will never beat the real thing, it is actually a powerful tool for learning, and familiarization of planes and Tracks to be flown.Im sure it is a lot more than that, but that's where im up to after day one.. Cheers
  17. Lets Get real about all of this and applaud Casa on a good decision.. Anyone who thinks they can go out for a night on the Turps, even a mild one, and turn up and be totally switched on, is kidding themselves. I am not against partying, or having a few knock-off's after work, but i don't want to be in the air around hungover booze or drug addled Pilots, and i dont want the aircraft im flying to be fixed by someone in the same headspace.. Alcohol is a depressant, and if anyone's ever tied one on, then they will know that depending on the size of the night,how many beers, what they ate, what time they got to sleep, and how many hours they got, that a relatively "Small" night out, can still leave us feeling a bit foggy or spaced out at best, and wanting to crawl under a rock at worst.Long term and with regular/heavy usage people are basically affected by alcohol 24/7.They are either XXXXed or hungover, and again this will show up on blood tests, and good on CASA for having the balls and common sense to protect us. Good work
  18. Update!! Hi. Just a note to say that i passed the XC theory exam today, and next week, i do the prac, so pretty stoked! Cheers
  19. Good one Bec..A great feeling it is, and it really is only the beginning..It just keeps getting better..:thumb_up:
  20. Anyone know of any descent flight Sim's for Mac users?..Ive heard of xplane, but has anyone actually used it, and is it any chop?
  21. Im Pretty new to these forums (and to flying in general), but surely the point of them is to gather as much information as possible, and then by working with our instructors, and perhaps discussing what we may have read here and elsewhere(books/training manuals/Mags etc), then we can by the combined experience of us all, become better pilots?.. I read a fantastic article (in the latest Australian Flying Magazine i think), about low speed flight, and how a lot of people are afraid to fly planes close to the stall speed, but they discussed that by spending time at those speeds with a qualified instructor, then you get a real feel for the plane at those speeds, and what signals and warnings you get coming up to and around the stall.Not just passing through that section of the training so we can get on with the "real" flying.They also discussed doing it at low level, as most fatal stalls of course happen close to the ground.Im not so sure i want to try that just yet, but it does make some sense.. Im waffling, so il stop here:loopy:
  22. Hi Yall.. Today feels like a big day..I Completed my first Solo Nav(ylcs-ybdg-ydlq-ylcs), and made it home to tell the tale.. When i think that i started flying on the 25th August last year, and then the progression that has followed, i really cant believe that i can now climb into a plane on my own, and fly to NSW and back..It still hasnt sunk in, and i reckon it's right up there with my first solo.... There were incredible dust devils and willy willy's up towards Deniliquin, and that created a pretty bumpy ride but also amazing views, but overall i managed the flight reasonably well, and was comfortable with the workload, and even managed to nail a tricky little xwind landing up there..:thumb_up: Tommorrow i will attempt to pass the RA XC theory exam, then next week do a pre test flight and then the Prac test next Sunday..After that onto some PPL stuff, and some Loooooooooong trips in the Teccy.. Cheers:thumb_up:
  23. Thanks guys.. And congrats Relfy on the tests.. Im pretty amped about getting it all knocked over...I had to have a two month break from flying because of work commitments, and its nice to be back up there again.Hopefully all going well, i will have my PPL by mid-late May. Cheers Simon
  24. Hi yall Just wondering if anyone has any pointers on passing the RA AUS XC exam well, and how hard or easy it is compared to the PPL(Which im doing in a month and a half). I had a good comeback today after my hopeless Nav last week, and i will be sent solo on saturday weather permitting:thumb_up: Cheers
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