Hang in there
Hi Scott
Have just read your thread. Like you I have had an interest in flying for many years. Started on my GA back in 2000 stopped just short of solo for a bit of a holiday and came back to a redundancy package and no job so flying was put on hold. Desire was rekindled late last year and am now working on my RA Certificate in a trike and have just taken delivery of a new Airborne 912 Tundra. Still putting it together with my instructor, then it has to be test flown and then the moment I am waiting for, my first flight in my own plane.
Great that you have the support of her indoors. Cant help you with those ortho costs. Been there and done that 2 kids plus the bride - I am sure I paid for his new roller. . Good luck and hope you get in the air in the not too distant future.