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About snakenjac

  • Birthday 11/04/1953


  • Aircraft
    Piper Arrow
  • Location
    Grafton District N.S.W. Australia
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  1. Why does almost every story become and argument for one reason or another? Pathetic!
  2. Daly Waters
  3. Sounds like a great plan, a bit long in my view but that's ok - just plan to be in the Top End in the dry season, when it's a bit cooler with far less humidity and comfortable for flying.
  4. Do you trust Google, Twitter, Instagram etc etc - they all have greater access than the virus app!
  5. Off the Internet (if you can trust it) "Ignition can occur at surface temperatures as low as 300 °C, if the vegetation is in contact with the surface for 10 minutes or longer. At surface temperatures of 400 °C, ignition can occur in 3 minutes, and at surface temperatures of 500 °C, ignition can occur in a few seconds." Damn good lights!
  6. facthunter - can you please elaborate on your comment regarding Tony Abbott!
  7. Thanks mate, much appreciated.
  8. Keep up the discussion fellas, there's plenty here to digest and it is exactly what I needed to assess things.
  9. Thanks for that advice, no surplus cash here but any rough idea what amount of cash I would need to have? The 80hp is what I had in mind originally.
  10. Thanks for that, I was originally thinking 4 stroke reliability but the 2 strokes now days seem to be faultless.
  11. Does anyone know how big a job it is to convert a Drifter from a 2 stroke to a Rotax 912?
  12. It would be nice to only use Mogas as recommended, however when doing long distance touring it becomes impossible as Avgas in most cases is all that will be available. If planning ahead, it may be possible to have Mogas arranged for arrival at fuel stops, however if an alternate is forced on us, see if the Mogas provider will do it a second time ........ unlikely. From what I read, it is simply a matter of pumping Avgas when it is all that is available, and doing early oil changes.
  13. Yes Scott - Bob is a good bloke and will help out where and when he can. We had our arrow in one of his hangers for years.
  14. Gudday Puk Evans Head has WWII heritage - I have flown over it enroute Yamba from the north many times but only visited the airfield up close by vehicle some 12 years ago. It is very spacious to the extent that you will not find it difficult to park more than 100 metres from a carpark / taxi pickup spot. Unable to help with hangarage but there used to be tie down points off large anchored cable from memory. Snake
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