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Everything posted by Darkwalker

  1. Hi Guys, Having now passed the RPC and done a few freedom flights within the 25nm limit what else can i do to mix it up and make it fun. I have also done some extra training with an instructor eg stuck throttle in curciut etc to improve my skills. Yes i know there are the endorsment nav, pax etc. I have looked at trying out a Sport Cub CC11-100 taildragger. Looking to chanllege myself but have it as a learning experiance at the same time. Cookie
  2. After along time, today marked the end of my journey as a fledgling and become a novice pilot. The road to my RPC was not easy or always enjoyable, but one of challenge / heart break and set backs. Time to perfect those base skills and then look to improve them further. Blue Skies Cookie
  3. Well pre RPC passed 4 days till the real deal with the CFI
  4. Back in March I sat my pre RPC in a tecnam P92 and that was it. The ability to fly in that aircraft at the flight school had become scarce due to all manner of bad luck just 4 hours in 7 months far from ideal. I switched flight schools which ment changing planes and ways they liked doing things. Only just now some 10 hours later am i about to re sit the rpc Pre Test again in a sportstar. Having to learn the sportstar after coming from a p92 was like learning to fly all over again major setback high wing vs low wing etc etc. Going from 1 CFI/Instructor to 5 instructors major issue as they all want to see where your at if you havnt flown with them for a while. Changing airfields from one with no deadside due to meat bombs to one with 5 runways major confusion. Used to flying with maybe 2 aircraft in the curcit if lucky air to one with 5+ at anyone time. This new challenges keep coming and i love it. But in the end it was the best choice i have made even though added a lot more cost to training. The chalengesl i have face in switching has made me a better pilot. I now see that i would have struggled and possilby caused havock at an airfiled like aldinga on a rpc with have only ever experianced a very quite airfiled like goolwa where i started and only ever experienced. The different instructors are a good thing to at the end of a day as they all have somthing that is gold in the way of helping you learn to fly better. I used to have a bad downwind setup that worked but made for a inconsistant base and final. Now after a few changes thanks to advice on how better my transitions at the end of downwind to base are gold/smooth and set me up for a sweet glide on to finals with out wondering why my hight and speed is always all over the place this is somthing i would never have got with out different instructors. I also now have hours in p92 and sportstar giving me more choice in hiring to fly in the future. Wish me luck for the rpc. Cookie
  5. With this endorsement can i say get a job on a cattle farm herding livestock in the tecnam p92? :)
  6. Well despite being hot and a little bumpy the Pre Test For the RPC is now done and dusted hope i can reproduce the same skill on the big day.
  7. Thanks I suspected as much but some days it's hard to sort the wheat from the hay when your new to it.
  8. Hi, I struggling to understand the difference between the requirements for an asic. As i plan to fly in/out of airports with passenger movements say Mt Gambier you must have an Red ASIC as the council demands it. Now as a RA Aus pilot i dont need no fancy medical cert and Mt Gambier as far as i know is a class g and not class d due to the tower closing back in in the late 80s im not sure but they have a ra aus school there. But if i go through CASA they word the application process as such i must have a class 2 medical before getting ASIC but if i go through Dept of Transport etc All i need is the correct identification. Why such different standards? Is it because CASA dont see ra aus as real pilots and trying to scare us away from such airports? Cookie
  9. Yeah my bad.
  10. Excited!!! Passed my BAK exam 82% 46 out of 50. Afterwards went for a fly with the instructor who has asked I brush up everything as my next flight will be the Pre test.
  11. I know there good for flight simming. Ms flight sim 95 :)
  12. Don't be to hard on yourself your still learning. The good thing is your ability to identify the issue quickly and have a plan to overcome it before it becomes a muscle memory action. I to in my lower hours did the same thing not looking far enough down the runway for the flare. That last 50ft of flying is the hardest in my book. As I see it dosnt matter if im just doing circuits over and over again it means im flying and i love it.
  13. Hi Michael, I use a audio jack that plugs into the go pro directly and the aircraft comms. I then use audacity to filter out feed back and other noises. Mathew
  14. Hi Ross, Those pesky crosswinds will still be a bane of your flying experience for many more hours to come. I have just hit the 25 hours mark in my rpc quest and just when i think i have a stable approach the wind goes no you don't. Trick is to enjoy it and not let them intimidate you and the smooth days will feel like heaven. Here is gopro of my last weekend flight with 9-10kt crosswinds not huge but still enough to make a low hour pilot like me get all worked up. Mathew
  15. Thats the thinking of my instructor too "calm conditions in the early morning are best for initial training". At Goolwer in the warmer months, every man and his dog comes out including the meat bombers. The training area gets congested with sightseers of the Murray mouth and the lakes. Flying first thing in the morning avoids the lunchtime and afternoon rush.
  16. Be careful with the flight sim. I find the more time on the sim the worse my flying becomes. SOmthing maybe to do with control inputs on pc versus real life.
  17. I wish. No some other lucky guys wife said yes and im allowed to fly it as long as i keep paying him for the privilege :).
  18. I saw my accountant and my financial counsellor .... outcome she said, no...meanie wife.
  19. Welcome... Flown past many time on my Hayabusa but never realized that's where it is.
  20. Ahh yes the fuel caps. My instructor refueled the plane from jerry cans while i pre flighted it on the weekend. When finished i asked him if he had the caps back on properly and he replied maybe. So i pulled the ladder out and doubled checked which made him very happy. As it was a test to never trust someone's else's word especially if im the pilot.
  21. As the tittle suggests passed the human factors test after putting it off. If I don't ever have to do that awesome test ever again i'll be so happy.
  22. Good fun training had on Sunday. Wasn't impress he pulled power on me during the takeoff climb kept thinking surely he's not going to make me land in the paddock ahead :) No wind make those approaches go on forever. Learned so much with all these factors that go into judging if you're going to make it or not back to the airfield or the paddock you had picked out.
  23. Smile was on face for the rest of the day. I flew better with out the instructor but that might be because i didnt feel pressured with him there.
  24. I really like feeling the plane hence why i like gliders, turboprops etc jets dont excite me.
  25. After a quick check ride. As the title says I was allowed to stretch my legs out to the training area instead of just practicing circuits with out an instructor it was very a very nice surprise and it was heavenly. Pity the gusting 10-13kts crosswinds on the touch and go's made a mockery of my landing / directional control. Day ended with instructor taking me through grass landings on a short strip which is really no different to any other landing except teaching me how to nail that touchdown point every time.
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