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Everything posted by Mewp

  1. On 28 July 2021 Lismore council have an approved grant of $300,000 from round 2 of the Federal Regional Airports Program for the Construction of a dedicated run-up bay to improve safety. Lot of money for a run up bay. I think we as general tax payers have subsidized Lismore quite generously.
  2. A lot of regional council strips were once federal government strips. The Feds passed the airports to councils with a large cash incentive which was, I am led to believe, to be invested and the returns used to help fund future airport costs. Most councils forgot that and absorbed the funds into general income. As far as landing fees go for recreational users we could pay a donation as a lot of council provided camping sites do. This would remove the need for administration, issuing of receipts etc. Larger regular commercial operations would and possibly do negotiate directly with councils and airport operators. As far as road funding goes Councils fund local roads and get state grants or contracts to manage regional main roads. Highways are directly funded by federal government. Fuel excise goes to general revenue and is spent wherever funds are deemed to be needed. Well that's what happened when I was a local council administrator many yrs ago. I am for user pays and do donate when asked, but when Council funds are used for skate ramps, walking trails tennis courts, aquatic centres, bike tracks, boat ramps, wetlands etc I get a little annoyed we are seen as a burden.
  3. I think i read up to 30% use of avgas is ok. Over that and what RFGuy says comes into play.
  4. 0. Yep, went on a cruise once so now wear the captains hat.
  5. My thoughts go out to family and friends. Instructors do the industry a great service and it a great loss when accidents like this happen. Turbo, I guess we all have had odd moments with instructors. I was doing my NVFR training circuits at a country strip and very dark night when the instructor firstly noticed we were on fire (exhaust flame under aircraft) and after an emergency landing and a few more circuits he spotted an aircraft on a conflicting course (reflection of dome light in window not moving across screen). Both events required me to assess the situation and take action. The first was get on the ground ASAP as only he could see the flames from the exhaust and the second was to realise it was a reflection and continue to fly. It was good training.
  6. Dont fall into their trap. To consider any change before a complete justification statement can be proven true and correct gives them leverage. By suggesting other than the status quo at this time says you believe there is a problem requiring immediate unsubstantiated action. Just what they want. The RAA approach demanding an overarching policy, real analysis and user review before any consideration is given is the only way forward.
  7. If the car and people weren't there he could have made a better approach
  8. I use avplan and print out the track maps and ersa entries. I have lost an ipad to overheating for about 15min and reverted to maps and onboard garmin gps. Technology not designed for the purpose (ipad) will always present a risk.
  9. I flew a Cessna 172F for 10+ years and loved it. Very forgiving and heavy enough to handle most thermals in summer. What got me to sell it and go LSA was the ever increasing maintenance and flying costs. Minor parts were very expensive and major replacement of parts like control cables cost around $6000 fitted. (Cessna AD) Over the time I owned it an annual went from several hundred dollars to many thousand, mostly for AD's issued by Cessna and finally the Cessna SIDS program estimated between $15k - $25K (plus repairs if needed) broke the love affair. My LSA flies well but thermals are an issue in summer. It depends on the type of flying you will do, mountains and river beds or cruising, but in my opinion LSA's are either tough and slow or fast and fragile.
  10. Been there, done that. C172 O300C. Indicated by very rough running. First mag failed and second very weak. Luckily at 5000ft after long climb and still close to home base. Was planned to fly over divide to Benalla! Mags (slick) were supposedly overhauled about 10hrs previous and after inspection found to have damaged parts installed. Now fly rotax
  11. Skippy I stand corrected. No offence taken.
  12. Type 24 aircraft cannot be modified in any way without a manufacturers Letter Of Approval and manufacturers seem very reluctant to provide them.
  13. Got Foxtel (Auster) around 1996 and was shocked by the strong American accent that came across with all the American content. Now 20 odd years later I do not even notice the difference. With all the US content our language is slowly migrating from the good old aussie accent to the now international (American) version of english without even noticing it youall. I even believe some schools teach "Z" as ZEE. What next!
  14. what went wrong
  15. If you watch the video at around 0.34 you hear a backfire and again at 0.36 just as he enters the dive the engine misfires again and a puff of smoke trails the aircraft. I suggest he had a power decrease mid roll and lost thrust causing the roll to enter the dive. Maybe?
  16. Flightrite, it couldn't be clearer than that! Latest update for regional Victorians only. https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/travel-regional-victoria-covid-19#can-i-fly-a-plane-for-recreation-or-take-a-flying-lesson
  17. Just brought my new CO2 detector from our very own pilot shop. $7:95 Helps support this forum
  18. I believe the aircraft will still need to be maintained as per the manufacturers schedule and a LOA will still be required for all non standard installation of equipment just as any factory built (24) LSA is required to do.
  19. Don’t forget the included insurances that come with your raa certificate.
  20. The problem I see is the government is selling bonds to the reserve to raise money and at some stage it has to be paid back when those bonds mature.. How close we come to a full economic depression is anybody's guess but funds are needed and it has to be done. It also worries me that so far the economic packages being offered places people out of employment and onto the Jobseeker Payment. it would be better paid into the payrolls of the companies effected, this would keep staff employed (possibly on holiday pay) and on their books ready to return to work when their industry gets the all clear. By funding the Jobseeker Payment I can see a wages war with people vying for any job that becomes available.
  21. Having read the federal and Victorian publications I cannot see any legal reason prohibiting private flying if you comply with the 4sqm directive and boarder restrictions. My opinion is the government would like everyone to remain isolated as much as possible but the regulations in place do not prohibit movement so travelling by yourself to a private hangar to operate a private aircraft appears to me to be quite legal. I say this as an aerial spray chopper just flew overhead to work on a nearby property.
  22. How we're helping you - exemptions being put in place Above link to latest from CASA on providing relief due to COVID-19
  23. BFR due so no flying until a solution is found or an extension is granted.
  24. Sportscruiser was designed by Jiří Konečný, Bristeli worked at CZAW. The SC is heavier than the Bristell by 155 lb and has a completely different wing design with greater surface area than the Bristell which is also shorter in length and wider in the cabin. What is common are ancillary parts, like the canopy and fuse. Because they look similar does not mean they perform the same. CZAW have documented stall spin recovery and demonstrated this in a youtube video. I have no hesitation to practice stall recovery in all configurations and rudder response is quick and effective. at 4.36 minute mark.
  25. Site seems fine to me. Don't see what the fuss is about. A donation of $50 / year for those who want the site and can afford it seems reasonable.
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