Have had 4 prius hybrids over last 10 yrs. Never had a problem with any of them and the current one has 240K on clock. Perfect combination of battery and ICE for Aus. I drive Melb to Gold Coast 4 times a year, 110 k/h most of the way @ 4.8 L / 100k. Cant tow with the prius but the new AWD Rav 4 can and gets 4.8 L / 100k. Nice vehicle too. My sister has a Tesler and just gets from Melb to Albury before needing a charge. The super charger only charges to 80% (to save battery) so another charge at Euroa to get back home. Australia is perfect for hybrids because of the distances travelled if you want more than a 50K commute vehicle. Same with electric aircraft, good for circuit training or specific duties, not as long distance commuters.