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bluey the fly

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Everything posted by bluey the fly

  1. Yep I could not resist have ordered one to...
  2. Gday Rachael great to see you are enjoying your training and doing so well rob is a fine instructor .You have really set the key board tapping ,enjoy..:thumb_up:
  3. Fantastic photos Tomo, I've been waiting to see them after seeing you snapping away all weekend. Great to meet you and your mum, hope we catch up again some time.:thumb_up:
  4. A few more pics of Natfly for you. [ATTACH]10261.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10262.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10263.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10264.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10265.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10266.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10267.vB[/ATTACH]
  5. CAPTAIN what do you mean by bluey like? I think "Natfly"is fine easy for non flyers to identify as "national fly in [ "Aus-Kosh" no connection]
  6. Back to the original post, I notiece planes going on multiple runways and thought glad I'm not up there. I would defenitely pass this information on to the powers that be.
  7. Hi Bubbleboy, I can't say for certain but it may have been the plane that lost its emergency window, they were requesting a ride back to Bankstown by any means.
  8. Neil, Wasn't that you talking to Tomo, showing him your new landing light?:thumb_up:
  9. Yeah blackrod, they are the ants pants, Great plane very fast and sleek. I wish I could have one too. Did you enjoy Natfly?:thumb_up:
  10. trying to send natfly pics [ATTACH]10197.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10198.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10199.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10200.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10201.vB[/ATTACH]
  11. No rob but gee that tecnam flys well, price is up there when you add the gst.
  12. My wife karen and i had a great time.We camped out for 2nights right behind tomo and ballpoints planes,great to meet them as well as ultalights, Ian,and Slati.I will try and post some photos. I reckon the ones that did not bother to go will wish they did. :thumb_up:
  13. SORRYabout that SLARTY I did not go back far enougth when checking. hope to see you there:wave:
  14. I was wondering who is going to Natfly 2010? I myself will not be flying in, bummer:sad:. Driving is my only option. This will be my first Natfly, sounds as if it's gunna be big.:thumb_up:
  15. Maj...Some sizable KAHOOLIES ,really thats a new one, well they certainly were not KALAMATA olives.:thumb_up:
  16. Hey Rob, I think June is a much smarter option than Christmas time. We were told by Northern Territory Tourist Guide that you should only travel the top end between June & August. Either too hot or too wet the rest of the time. However make sure you have lightweight warm gear for night time.
  17. Spot on Ozzie they had plenty of work to do as a result of very rough landings and other thingsthumb_down
  18. FLYING DOG if you go to goolemaps and search for "168 Beaconsfield street Milperra NSW" and zoom in you will see a light plane flying down the road. I must admit it is in the circuit for Bankstown.:big_grin:
  19. HEY DARKY put me down for two of each thanks............. ;PILOTS STAY UP LONGER; ;FLYING GETS YOU HIGH;
  20. INTERESTING THREAD ..What if you were approaching runway 5 with a 15k xwind @80degs,plane would crab,now apply more right rudder 10degs with wing down approach still steep.Or use 10degs of left rudder to present right side.Which would be best ?...Concider speed over ground to runway5
  23. Well done rob those little cameras really work .That could have been a F22 except for the tecnam undercarrage...:thumb_up:
  24. My two cents worth, for what its worth; not trying to start anything but this is my personal view. A parachute is a parachute, which is controlled by lines. A parachute with a motor is refered to as a powered chute. A hang glider is controlled by weight shift, the microlight being discussed is a glider with a motor on it being controlled by weight shift, therefore a motorised hang glider. A 3 axis ultralight could only be refered to as an aeroplane. All of these all have their place in the sky and our individual passions, irrespective of what we call them. :thumb_up:
  25. I would recko the motor with only 30 hrs on it with gauges is probably worth the money,Others might suggest different.Grab it before someone else does.
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