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bluey the fly

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Everything posted by bluey the fly

  1. Regarding slide slipping & S turns and no flap takeoffs,i was shown to use no flap takeoff as normal in the tecnam golf but in the sierra use 15% flap this i think because of the differance in airfoil.and on touch & go wheels down, flaps up, throttle up and up we go..... ? If i am lined up on final with a strong xwind on my right ..right wing down, left rudder to keep it straight wouldn't this x controll be a form of sideslip? And during my training manovering at low speeds (ie) s turns..I think this is all good training as you really get a handle on what the plane is able to do.....:thumb_up:
  2. Gee thanks fellers this has been very imformative i really had no idear what to expect. obviously i need to bo some homework,this is what is so good about this site.just ask a question and presto.....by the way tomo i know some one who has a two stroke and to insure it they quoted 10 grand ,so yeh thay dont want to cover them....:thumb_up:
  3. PETE ...So if i uses your costs and double it i would be looking at 4 grand...But then again i only have around 50 hours up so it could cost considerably more..
  4. HI ALL can any one give me an idear of cost to insure a jab 230 new at say around the hundred thousand mark ?.....And what sort of cost do you pay for your flying machine?......I believe that a two stroke powered plane is very expensive ........regard steven i_dunno
  6. GDAY MAJ Dingo Road house sounds like a great stop over with a couple of flying mates. This sort of thing realy appeals to me, I cant wait till finish my xcountry & pax . A few years ago my wife and i were in WA we stopped for lunch at a old dutch windmill just north of the Stirling Rangers,They have a air strip right up to your accommondation with spectacular views of the rangers. I said to my wife at the time wouldn;t be great to be able to fly hear one day.THIS was all before i found out about RAA .now trying to keep the dream alive :thumb_up:
  7. :wave:No i don,t fly bare foot, but when i first got my car licence many moons ago i could only drive with out shoes,it gave me better feeling of the clutch
  8. Unfortunately in New South Wales we do not have that luxury. Just to fly out of the Sydney basin can be a little daunting.
  9. Yeah Ian, a lot of eucalyptus at least 50ft high. even if you stalled into the top of the trees and didn't get hung up in there you would have a 50ft drop straight to mother earth. I doubt my chance of surviving the 50ft fall, i'd rather float down under a chute, and chances are the chute would be hung up in the trees and cushion the fall.
  10. yes sleemanj, i totally agree the chute would have to attach at the centre of gravity, and with an overhead wing it would probably rip the wing off. A stronger internal frame may be required. I would still like the option of the chute over tiger country. NO one likes to be gliding into trees at 100kph.
  11. I was wondering if anyone has fitted a ballistic parachute on a Jabiru J230, or whether it is possible to do this? The feedback from Jabiru is no, but i was wondering if any engineers had looked at this? It would be nice to know that you had this backup when flying.
  12. Has any one heard whether or not the show will be exhibiting an F22 as their advert shows an F35? I was hoping for an F22.
  13. Hi everyone, just learnt about RAA 12 months ago. Was very impressed with the amount of aircraft available and affordability. Currently a student pilot at Hoxton Park flying a Tecnam Golf. About to embark on cross country training. Started off as a kid with model planes and its only taken me about 30 years to take the controls on the real thing.
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