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Everything posted by dunlopdangler

  1. about fifty hang gliders will be competing in the 2011 "big air" championships being held in Dalby starting this weekend 9th April. there will be 5 or 6 tugs launching the gliders up so in the coming week there will be a fair bit of activity so if your planning to fly into or through the vicinity be aware. Hang gliders are normally carrying UHF CB handhelds (mainly to talk to one another) so a good lookout is paramount. If you feel the urge, spectators are made very welcome.:big_grin:
  2. lets see if you can find where its missing from http://www.stclairphoto-imaging.com/360/P51-Mustang/P51_swf.html
  3. May looks like having a full month of weekend activities starting with a choice of the 2011 Grand Airshow at Shute Harbour, David Hack Classic Meet at Toowoomba or the Barossa Airshow on the 1st May, plus a fly in lunch BBQ at Scone on the 7th, All-In - Fly-in at Watts Bridge on the 21st as well as the ones already mentioned. I just hope I have enough avgas in my wallet
  4. If you get to Woolongong...the HARS museum should do something for you as well www.hars.org.au enjoy the ride:star:
  5. What a refreshing thing to see, a reversal of recent trends where aerodromes have been taken over and closed for other developments. It is good to see a community getting behind this with the realisation of the benefits aviation brings to any community. I wish the people behind this well...good on you!!:clap2:
  6. Thanks for posting this link O.K. as I reckon it is quite a timely thing to remind us all of this danger. As recreational flyers get the nod to fly up to 10,000ft, and we are approaching that cold time of the year, we should be all reminded of the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning from poorly maintained/faulty heating systems and also hypoxaemia. For those that pursue the habit of smoking, hypoxia can start having an affect on the body as low as 6,000ft depending on the individual. There was a case (again in America) where a well known (heavy smoking) actor who was flying his twin ended up making an emergency landing on a highway. This topic probably deserves a thread of its own..
  7. reminded me a bit like Avalon 2009..
  8. I thought I'd pass this interesting bit on about a Fighter jet in cornfield...1970, while assigned to the 21st FIS at MalmstromAFB, Montana, its pilot ejected during an in-flight emergency. The pilot somehow got himself into a flat spin -- considered generallyunrecoverable in an F-106 and he did what the flight handbook said to do --get out of it, i.e., eject. After the pilot did just that, 58-0787 recovered itself from this "unrecoverable" situation. In a vain attempt to break the spin, the pilothad lowered half flaps, rolled in takeoff trim, and throttled the engineback to an approach power setting. After the ejection, the aircraft recovered from the spin on its own, andestablished a wings level low rate descent under reduced power to theground. Ground effect broke its rate of descent, and it settled into anear-perfect gentle belly landing in a farmer's snow-covered cornfield. When the local sheriff came upon the scene, the engine was still running.The aircraft was situated on a slight incline, and was creeping forwardslowly under the thrust of its still-running engine, as the snow compressedto ice under it. Concerned about where it might be headed, the sheriffdidn't think he could wait for the recovery team to get there from Malstromwhich was about 50 miles away; so he got himself connected to the aircraft'ssquadron for engine shut down instructions before he entered the cockpit tosecure the engine. The attached photos show pretty much what the sheriff beheld on that fatefulday. A depot team from McClellan AFB recovered the aircraft and it waseventually returned to service. When the 71st FIS was disbanded in 1971,58-0787, now famously known as the "Cornfield Bomber?, was transferred tothe 49th FIS, where it finished out its operational service life. Pilots of the 49th FIS would occasionally run into ex-71st FIS guys at William Tell and rag them unmercifully about the "emergency" so dire that the plane landed itself. 58-0787 is now on permanent display in its 49th FIS markings at the USAF Museum at Wright Patterson AFB , where its story is told in the exhibit. While the 49th FIS Eagle jocks are reportedly glad to see their squadron immortalized in this way for millions to see, they would prefer to see it made more clear that it was the 71st, and not one of theirs, who jumped outof this perfectly good aircraft. This Is Further indication that the Air Force has a perfect record.... They Have Never Left One Up There.:big_grin:
  9. Just plain horrible.. what a terrible and sad loss:crying:
  10. That was an unbelievable scenario to get through...glad I watched it.
  11. yes, St Barts has claimed a few just like that over the years....
  12. I just google earthed the kooralbyn airstrip and your right Ballpoint, you can see the grass growing through the black stuff!!
  13. I've never had any damage caused by using grass strips, although some can feel a little bumpy compared to the tar at Redcliffe, the only damage that I have had is stone damage caused by loose stones on cold mix bitumen at Archerfield and Dalby
  14. kooralbyn near Beaudesert is another sealed strip
  15. Inglewood and Goondiwindi.. and these and all the above have better "tar" than the crap we put up with at Dalby:coffee: also Jimbour house (near dalby) has a nice sealed strip and looks like cellar doors/cafe maybe reopening soon at weekends
  16. Marked it in the calendar, so will be there if the weather gods behave themselves
  17. Thanks Scotty..:thumb_up:
  18. Nicely built...credit to the owner, must have been a hoot to fly in Tomo
  19. Well...just got back, was a good turn out with a good mix of raa and ga types. (Cirrus was me) realised on landing that I didn't take my camera so be good to see a few pics posted.
  20. Aircraft were taken out of the flying tigers hanger, taken up to the otherside of the aerodrome for the media shoot so the QPS/AFP could do a bit of chest-beating, then put back in same hanger. This is an on-going dispute between Mr Hart (who is out of jail) and the commonwealth (tax office) where you are guilty until proven innocent (if you have enough money to defend the charges).
  21. looks like we might get there after all....depending on how much rain falls today..will know in the morning I guess...might see you there!!
  22. so the yanks have worn out the space shuttle and so they have come up with this idea... http://www.digitaltrends.com/photogalleries/real-life-flying-up-house-goes-airborne/#2
  23. Tom, you should try briggsee about getting a Dingo....you never know....
  24. Wasn't there a similar project happening at Wollongong?
  25. Welcome Chris..Enjoy the journey.. Is Murray Field still owned by the west Australian Aero Club?
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