Gidday Jack,
SAAA Chapter 15 (archerfield) used to have monthly meetings at Archerfield airport but I think that has gone by the wayside and now have their monthly meetings at a members home/hangar/venue, I noticed that you fly the AA5s and if you are not already aware, The Brisbane flying group also is based at Archerfield and I think they still have three Grumman Tigers. The Soutport Flying Club is also home to a SAAA chapter, and is a little hard to get into, you could contact them and wrangle an invitation to visit one of their meetings. other than that you can either hire a car or get hold of an aeroplane and visit many of the country aerodromes that have a strong recreational following such as the ones that Mazda has suggested, and you would not be disappointed visiting Watts Bridge, Toowoomba, Warwick, Kingaroy or Gympie aerodromes.