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Everything posted by dunlopdangler

  1. Proudly brought to you by NABISCO:big_grin::big_grin:
  2. Yeah I noticed that, but the question I would like to ask is...why? 126.7 is hardly cluttered out there..
  3. Geezuzz Motz, you and ILP certainly hit hard...How are your backs??? When we did the drop tests on the skyfoxes for JAR-VLA we loaded the airframe up and static dropped from about the same height and that was equivalent to (from memory) about 12G's..and the undercarriage stayed intact...glad you guys are OK and thanks for sharing...try not to do it again!!
  4. He has, but not one of the factory seven..Mike did a really good job converting a S21 to the jet version though..:thumb_up:
  5. harthy was supposed to be going up as well tomo, who are you taking??
  6. Well that would have been one of the three...wonder what happened to the other two and "Ace"
  7. everyone in your club that was there complain to CASA as well as complain to you local members (federal as well as state).thumb_down
  8. Ah...takes me back to the caproni 21SJ that "ace" brought out to Australia in the 1990's and later Mike Burns converting a 21 into the jet model. From memory there was only seven "original" 21SJs built in the factory before Bell-Agusta purchased Caproni and ceased production. Out of the seven, "Ace" owned three of them. Wonder whatever happened to them. i_dunno
  9. That's the best news i've heard all day..
  10. Bit of a worry Yenn and this would not be an isolated occurence as I have also witnessed first hand deficiencies in some pilots knowledge and in some circumstances downright arrogant with no respect to rules or commonsense and to be fair it does happen in both arenas,.. GA as well as RAA. Reading through this thread there does seem a bias against GA and as I resemble that faction more than RAA (although I enjoy flying ultralights a lot) I find this trend frustrating because I believe there is a real need for a united co-existence. Those GA guys who knock the ultralight fraternity you will usually find as those who are trying to beat up their own position as "qualified pilot" and you will usually find they fly at an aeroclub every now and again (and you will also find them crapping on in the PPrune threads) and they are usually the load mouths at parties telling everyone that will listen that they are pilots..don't let them get to you, I once had one come up and knock how the Skyfox I was flying wasn't a real plane...ignoring his comments I actually got him in the plane and once I got him to 3,000ft I asked him to step out..bewildered he looked and I then explained if it wasn't a real plane, his next step wouldn't hurt a bit..he got the message and spent the next hour totally enjoying the flight and later on actually joined the AUF as it was known then:helmet:
  11. welcome loro, you'll enjoy this site, there are some characters here and if you get to monto flyin you will meet a few:popcorn:
  12. gidday Yoda, welcome to the site..I've got a leave-pass to go to Monto so planning to head up with the tent..see you there..
  13. all jokes aside, what's happening to badgerys creek, I thought that there is an airstrip there and since the federal government is decades away from building a second airport for the big planes cant see any reason why badgerys creek couldnt be developed further as a recreational aviation site:idea:
  14. any idea of australian warbird production dazz?
  15. I forgot to mention wigg that we do have the sports balloons flying several days prior to the event, last year we had about 12 flying from memory...great spectical. As for temora, being an aviation tragic myself, I'd be only too happy to assist the organisers in any way if they want to go down that path.
  16. Seems you guys are discussing the very theme of our "Dalby Wings & Wheels" we are putting together in August. As well as promoting it as a flyin, we have an airshow being put together, car show and shine, ute muster, dyno events, bike events, kids rides, hot air balloon rides, warbird rides and demos, fireworks, bands and of course a licienced bar....community event with proceeds going to a kindergarten and local service groups so they can support those in need in the community. This is our third event and only now is local business getting the idea of what we are trying to achieve..lot of hard work, all volunteers (including me) and very rewarding. :big_grin:
  17. As Metalman correctly states, Maroochy/Sunshine Coast has always been Class D. To remain legal, you need to be flying with current ERSA and charts including VTC, VNC, ERCs etc all have a use by date which is printed on the front anyway, June issue would have been in the normal cycle so the implementation of the new changes have no real impact on extra costings. Its good to see that some of us who are flying around with March 2007 ersa's are now being forced to update to current publications
  18. Ok..I checked out the site and you really need to have a *sick* mind to even think about collecting these things let alone developing a website.....curiously, I clicked on the starter kit button expecting to see a buy me now order for a pizza and six pack of VB...:pig:
  19. website big wheels turn slow but the website is now up and running and still under construction as there still is a lot of work to do, check it out www.dalbywingsandwheels.com.au
  20. Downunder, try Ross Beatty at West Coast Sheds...you can get his details through the busselton aeroclub, if his company doesn't do hangars...he will know someone who can. as far as security of tenure is concerned, unless people can get together and buy airstrip land freehold, then there will always be the risk that councils (who aren't aviation savvy will always value leaseholds as per industrial....shame really because they don't see the advantage of the benefits of a healthy aviation community and what that brings to the town..
  21. Gidday Christian, Congrats on the funding, we also got funding for our "Dalby Wings & Wheels Spectacular 2010" to be held on the 21st August, 2010. This is our third event the first two were held in 2007 and 2008 and are a lot of hard work and you do learn to do it better and as they are a lot of work, decided to do them every two years..our next one promises to be a beauty though. It is really good to see these type of events backed by our state government and equally good to see them at either end of the state on alternating years. If you would like to come down and set up an information tent for yours, you are more than welcome. regards Peter
  22. getting ready for Childers Harthy?
  23. Gidday skip the co-ordinates are: 21:12:14S 149:04:19E :big_grin: Good to see you enjoying yourself WIN
  24. Exactly Dazza...Goes for me as well. I don't think Nancarrow has written a worse article and in such a small amount of effort not only put the RAA fraternaty off side but also the rest of us as well...The old adage of "never let the truth get in the way of a good story" doesn't even cut it....He has lost the plot and has tried to sensationalise on very extreme cases....the guys a uninformed bigot!!:censored:thumb_down
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