Heon, I generally read the CAOs to be properly informed, not magazines that can interperet things incorrectly hence here is the current CASA website extract. If you want to read the CAO in its entirety http://www.casa.gov.au/wcmswr/_assets/main/download/orders/cao95/9555.pdf
5.2 An aeroplane may be flown inside Class A, B, C and D airspace only if all of
the following conditions are complied with:
(a) the aeroplane is certificated to the design standards specified in section
101.55 or meets the criteria specified in paragraph 21.024 (1) (a) or
21.026 (1) (a), or regulation 21.186, of CASR 1998;
(b) the aeroplane is fitted with an engine of a kind to which paragraph 6.1 of
section 101.55 of the Civil Aviation Orders applies, or that CASA has
approved as being suitable for use in an aircraft to which this section
applies, and is not subject to any conditions that would prevent the flight;
© the aeroplane is fitted with a radio capable of two-way communication
with Air Traffic Control;
(d) the aeroplane is flown by the holder of a valid pilot licence (not being a
student pilot licence):
(i) issued under Part 5 of the Regulations; and
(ii) that allows the holder to fly inside the controlled airspace;
(e) the pilot has satisfactorily completed an aeroplane flight review in
accordance with regulation 5.81, 5.108 or 5.169 of the Regulations;
(f) if the controlled airspace in which the aeroplane is operating requires a
transponder to be fitted — the aeroplane is fitted with a transponder
suitable for use in the airspace.
Note Operations in Class A airspace in V.F.R are only possible in accordance with a
permission issued by CASA under CAR 99AA.
Peter (DD)