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Everything posted by dunlopdangler

  1. Dalby Fly in Brekky still on Despite the weather, we will still proceed with brekky in the morning, we have had 5 aircraft flyin this afternoon already. anyone who is thinking of coming over can phone me for actual weather here before they leave Ph 0416198973
  2. so true, but "easterfest" brings a boost to the economy of Toowoomba every Easter and although I have had nothing to do with MAF myself, I have had acquantances over the years do flying with them and they have treasued the experience, they do good work , check it out if you like, Home - Mission Aviation Fellowship I am only too happy to ask on Tomo's behalf.
  3. It must be him then (same guy)
  4. Tomo, talk to the guys a TWBA aero club, I'll be over there tomorrow sometime and can ask if you like.
  5. Took a skyfox (tail dragger) over to rotto in the early 90s when I lived in Perth and yes it was all crosswind.. great day out and walked around the island, had a swim, lunch and then flew home..:thumb_up:
  6. I read that piece a few years ago and still cracks me up:big_grin::big_grin: Scarey thing is...I think I met that guy once!!
  7. I listened to her voice tremour as she realised the pending doom....that is one scenario that will haunt the participants for a little while I would imagine:yuk:
  8. Iam 6'2" in the old money and flew skyfoxes all over australia with no problem at all:smoking:
  9. seems to beat the air into submission quite nicely
  10. I agree...The way the regs are written you are not allowed to do anything unless!!.....now go find it somewhere where it says you can :hittinghead:
  11. Next Sunday at Dalby Aerodrome, a fly-in Brekky (see events section)..Hopefully the weather will be kind to us...should be a good day with a good turnout. Thanks to all who have contacted me to let me know they are coming. To those who have not and are thinking of it, we will look forward to seeing you all here. Feel free to phone me 0416198973 for any info you may require DD:big_grin::big_grin:
  12. I know of only one prohibited area in Aust airspace at the moment and restricted airspace is usually military airspace and I have never had a problem getting clearance through those areas providing that the aircraft had a transponder (certified engined skyfox). quite right Slarti but, refer CAO 95.55 subs 7 there is an instrument casa use for approvals for non compliance to the regs, as is the allowance of operation, example at Avalon's restricted airspace for RAA certified pilots for the airshow. Say if Heon wants to transit amberley airspace and he holds a PPL or higher, he just needs to submit a flight plan with aircraft details and pilot information and the RAAF controllers are usually very helpful
  13. Well done...
  14. Heon, I generally read the CAOs to be properly informed, not magazines that can interperet things incorrectly hence here is the current CASA website extract. If you want to read the CAO in its entirety http://www.casa.gov.au/wcmswr/_assets/main/download/orders/cao95/9555.pdf 5.2 An aeroplane may be flown inside Class A, B, C and D airspace only if all of the following conditions are complied with: (a) the aeroplane is certificated to the design standards specified in section 101.55 or meets the criteria specified in paragraph 21.024 (1) (a) or 21.026 (1) (a), or regulation 21.186, of CASR 1998; (b) the aeroplane is fitted with an engine of a kind to which paragraph 6.1 of section 101.55 of the Civil Aviation Orders applies, or that CASA has approved as being suitable for use in an aircraft to which this section applies, and is not subject to any conditions that would prevent the flight; © the aeroplane is fitted with a radio capable of two-way communication with Air Traffic Control; (d) the aeroplane is flown by the holder of a valid pilot licence (not being a student pilot licence): (i) issued under Part 5 of the Regulations; and (ii) that allows the holder to fly inside the controlled airspace; (e) the pilot has satisfactorily completed an aeroplane flight review in accordance with regulation 5.81, 5.108 or 5.169 of the Regulations; (f) if the controlled airspace in which the aeroplane is operating requires a transponder to be fitted — the aeroplane is fitted with a transponder suitable for use in the airspace. Note Operations in Class A airspace in V.F.R are only possible in accordance with a permission issued by CASA under CAR 99AA. regards Peter (DD)
  15. Wouldn't you just like to get hold of the low life scum:vis:
  16. Good little airstrip at Denmark, "in-laws" live at Bow Bridge so we have been known to use it on the occassional nullabor trip we have done:big_grin:
  17. Made our own using blue high density foam from clark rubber. took a template and they cut the shape, then put bolts through centre and attached rope and red "remove before flight" tape. I'll take a photo and upload to show you...worked out cheap as chips :thumb_up:
  18. and the sound of someone screaming as well :clown:
  19. looks like it needs a canard out front:big_grin::big_grin:
  20. You've done well Darky, being a low time pilot will have challenges and rewards and there will always be the need to plan ahead and have a plan B sorted. Remember all flights regardless.. have a "where are you now...where are you going and how do you get there scenario. even in the circuit...once you take off you are going to do four more legs to get it back on the ground, in a circuit you should plan "B" for different circumstances, for instance on crosswind another aircraft may join on downwind for a full stop and you are to follow in and need to adjust your airspeed/leg to accommodate..plan your actions early for a go around for cases such as you experienced (or even for a windshift that might catch you out) and the last bit of advice is to try not to get too irritated with others...stay calm and use the go-around as just another bit of practice. I even had to do a go-around at evans head at the fly-in where I was following traffic and called base and a fellow flying behind me in a jab cut in on a closer base and landed in front of me causing me to go-around and enjoy another couple of minutes in the air...it all sorted out...did not upset me and only show up poor airmanship on his part to those who were taking any notice at the time as a few people who met me on the ground commented. :ah_oh:
  21. I always look out and about and yell out "clear prop"... With aircraft without a left door or canopy, I yell out through the storm window, and yes people in close proximity do hear something and look around, then I start the engine with my headset off my ears...reason for this is to check any "funny" sounds coming out of the engine on start up which can't be heard with the headset over the ears:headset:
  22. Put it off a few more days and turn up for our brekkie flyin on the 7th, then we could all try it on:laugh:
  23. Quite right there Nev, the plans were in the book, dad had the first english edition which I had until lost in a house move years ago. The old man put a "bonny" engine in his and seemed to fly around ok, dad's problem was the landing I think and after its demise used the same engine in the airboat.
  24. (example only) Thanks Ross, those old pathe newsreels sort of took me back to the days when I was a just a kid in the early sixties and my dad built one of these (Flying Flea) and to think that he built it from a book written by Henri Mignet who designed it. It only did two flights that I could remember (may have been more) both those flights ended up in the fence at the end of the paddock with the old man swearing a lot (maybe thats what I remember most) The second time he wrote it off, funny how the prop survived and ended up on a airboat he built. PS. There is one of these in the aerotec hangar in Toowoomba
  25. I've been looking at some of these amphips for a while now, so it will be interesting to see if the icon gets past the conceptial stage (even with orders), Both the Mermaid and the glass goose got to production, but it's taking a while to go that next step and get the delivery schedule sorted.i_dunno
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