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Everything posted by dunlopdangler

  1. Guys, chris Heinz had nothing to do with the design of the sportcruiser/piper sport just as lance neibauer (lancair) had anything to do with the design of the lightning. I've compared a lot of LSA aircraft and piper has indeed bought into a winner here and it will be interesting to see how they intend to market. :big_grin:
  2. Yep, Iam just waiting for a new set of prescription sunnies from our local spec guy who is also a pilot, gone for the amber (non polarising lenses). I've had transitional lenses and they just don't work inside cars or planes:cool:
  3. [ATTACH]9719.vB[/ATTACH] This one has six engines ;) 225_320x161_300x150.bmp 225_320x161_300x150.bmp 225_320x161_300x150.bmp
  4. Good on you Neil, well done:clap:
  5. Some good video links there Tom, how do you put them into your post as you have done with youtube? :pc strikes back: I was going to ask you that this arvo out at the airport, but was tied up on the phone having a "deep & meaningful" while I was waiting for Robbie to finish working on the 182.
  6. Congrats Mike, now your next mission will have to be the Nullabor....still worthwhile stopping at forrest (even overnight there is fun) Coober Pedy, Lake Eyre, Birdsville wherever takes your fancy and visit us over here...
  7. Out of curiousity Tomo, How long is the farm strip?
  8. I am with Nev. If you want to make a small fortune in aviation...start with a large one!!:thumb_up:
  9. " Easier to get out of a crashed Cessna if you are still in one piece I guess." I don't know about that one Skydog, I have seen cessnas that have gone down and the occupants have not been able to get out because the two doors have been jammed because the airframe has been distorted, i_dunno
  10. Andy, You are also more than welcome to fly into Dalby as well, Bear in mind the organised Brekky on the 7th Feb if you are interested:big_grin: DD
  11. That's great...should end up being a good day:big_grin:
  12. I used to get the loose leaf version of ersa and found the binder for it too bulky and impractical in the cockpit environment so I used a couple of plastic shower curtain rings and that works very well:big_grin: (what Mazda says. now I just get the normal ersa..
  13. I'd love to do natfly at some stage but...easter like christmas is a time-out for family so I probably will never get there:Flush:.
  14. The old holden verses ford thingy of the air. It really comes down to driver preference (high wing or low wing) Performance and load are about the same. Interesting how the piper will handle rough strips about the same as the cessna. Shade is a little easier to enjoy with the high wings, but my choice is the piper...they just fly better...:thumb_up:
  15. Well done Darky!! I still remember my first solo as if it was yesterday and that was over thirty years ago now...and some days flying along I still find myself singing as well Good on you:clap:
  16. Excellent little unit Tomo, You can pick these up fairly cheaply over the internet and sometimes on Ebay...You can download all the australian data with a data link cable off your PC from Garmin site. I have had one of these little gems for over a decade and find it a great back regardless of what I am flying. :) visit the garmin site for one off costings or I get Range avionics at Toowoomba to do the download occassionly for about $90.00
  17. Sorry Darky, but the major carriers prohibit flight deck visits. As others have said, you may have a chance with an aircraft on the ground with one of the regionals depending on turnaround and crews descretion, so I would ask anyway. It is interesting to note that the "Flight Experience" simulators around the country are owned by airline pilots as a sideline business..;)
  18. No doubt some of us will be doing "Brunch" Tomo. and we won't be packing up the BBQs until the cool of the afternoon. I've organised catering (see events section). :star:
  19. I wouldn't sell them off short just yet Spin, in some installations the two stroke still has some advantages in power and weight and simply the 912 will be too heavy. BRP has spent a s#*#load of money in developing clean engines for their snowmobiles and outboards. You would probably be already aware that their Evinrude models blitz the emission standards and the 2010 models will be meeting the 4 star criteria. In fact ETEC is now being introduced onto engines as small as 25hp, so I would punt that before too long loop charged direct injection could be offered with an engine of their 503-582 model range. It will certainly be interesting so see how they go...I would bet if there is enough market demand, BRP will deliver.:big_grin:
  20. Personally, I prefer lightweight headsets with gel muffs with the cotton covers (which are washed regulary, so no sweaty ears) less irritating than "in ear" and when the mobile rings I just slip it in between muff and ear and works perfectly well. :big_grin:
  21. Don't fret Spin...Back on topic as I usually fly either to Caboolture or Redcliffe if it is a last minute thing to go fishing. My brother has a suitable tow vehicle so getting the boat to the ramp is never an issue, then armed with esky with the iced "catch of the day" fly back to Dalby to enjoy with a coldie :big_grin::big_grin:
  22. Plus postage and handling:amazon:
  23. In the meantime, you can all fly out to Dalby on the 7th Feb for brekky... I will give David Russell a call and ask if they are planning to reopen the cafe (even it is only at weekends) They have mothballed their wine production for about 4.5years and will be working on the vines to improve drought resistance (hence the closure of the cellar door). Their main activity is one of a pastoral company and concentating on beef production.
  24. Good on her, but watch the media cretins and politians who knocked both her and her irresponsible parents for allowing her to undertake such an adventure be the same people waiting on the dock to be part of her success on her return.....
  25. Mazda, the elevation is only 1140 feet above mean sea level and the hottest time of day here occurs around 3 pm, then you have the curvature of the earth as the closest hills (bunyas) are miles away so anything you decide to fly here won't be tested too harshly... so what would you be flying out if you decide to hopefully pay us a visit? :kumbaya:
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