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Everything posted by dunlopdangler

  1. CASA will have an info stand there and of course their FOs will be in attendance just as our nice police force will be out ensuring those unlucky enough to be driving there do the right thing as well.
  2. my thoughts Having read this thread, I agree that everyones' points are quite valid, and disagree with no-one. however, the use of transponders is something that should seriously be considered if you operate in an area frequented by TCAS equipped RPT, RFDS or jet training (ie Bussellton). remember the memonic...aviate-navigate-communicate and maintain a listening watch if radio equipped because I would hardly think that the 5nm call by the heavy going into Busso would have been his first! :)
  3. Hey chucky, how soft is the ground underfoot after the rain?
  4. Had a A36 once...would like another, no more expensive to run than the Arrow...anyway welcome to the site, I also fly mainly GA with a little RAA on the side and don't see any difference...at the end of the day we are all aviation tragics suffering from AIDS (aviation induced divorce syndrome)
  5. Are you going up to Emerald for Agrow?
  6. Excellent training video, now if only we had on board vision and sound!!
  7. It's a shame you're going to Emerald instead...sounds like you'd be like a kid in a lolly shop with all these things happening at Bundy. The rest of us will tell you all about it;)
  8. What only tandem? bit like having a shower with a raincoat on..if you are going to jump out of a perfectly good aeroplane...do the advanced freefall course...I did and loved every second of it....bit of a date clash though we will all be over at bundy!!:big_grin:
  9. Harthy, you got a nice plane..and you really don't have to justify owning it..the problem with all these aircraft is that they are all going away from the ultralighting basics and most of the latest LSAs are trying to copy their GA siblings (glass cockpits autopilots etc). the tecnam has a fatter instrument panel and more robust airframe/undercarriage more suited to the rigors of ab-initio training and was originally marketed as a C150/2 replacement when released. On the other hand as a private low cost simple to fly and cheap to maintain aircraft, you really can't get more bang for the buck that the Jab.
  10. Sorry...hadn't heard of 'em had this nightmarish visual image of P.H. on stage.. :hittinghead:
  11. Quote: Not to mention their so called tackles are a bunch of men in tight shorts jumping on each others backs like a teenage mosh pit at a hanson concert;) What's this Pauline doing concerts...mosh pits...bugger...must have missed something..please explain!!:confused:
  12. Yeah, we will be flying over next friday morning (weather permitting) and planning to come back Saturday afternoon...have a look at the trade show, stay overnight and blast off after it finishes on Saturday...:big_grin:
  13. somewhere to fly to...Dalby!! Well guys, in announcements I have stated we will be having a wings and wheels event next year (21st August,2010) This will be our third one and whilst the first two weren't without some teething problems and with measured success, next years should be a humdinger. This event is purely community driven without any vested interest by any commercial operator or organisation. Although set for one day, if organisations like the RAA/SAAA/RFAC/GFA etc would like to participate, we would cater to suit. The organising commitee will be sending out formal invitations to all groups shortly..now that we have set a date. As well as motels/ag college and limited billiting, there is a camping area on field and we install extra toilets and a temporary shower block for anyone wanting to camp under wing, no landing or camping fees. We will have a website up and running by the end of july to keep everyone informed. If anyone is interested to be part of organising/participating, you will be more than welcome:big_grin: PS If you draw a line from Cape York to Melbourne...we are sort of half way!!
  14. I don't know if it is still the go, but back in the early 90's we got beach permits (same as 4wds) for fraser is. and slipping sands area north of Noosa...strapped the rods to the struts, reels and tackle and large plastic bag for the fish we occassionly caught into the boot area behind the turtle deck of the trusty taildragging skyfox and had a ball..things to watch out for is tide..winds...washouts (land on the hard sand) and we never had a problem :ah_oh:
  15. date claimer Just a followup to the previous posting. The meeting went ahead and was concluded in time for those interested to get home to watch the state of origin...For those interested, next years Dalby Wings and Wheels Spectacular will be held Saturday 21st August, 2010.
  16. welcome gdutertre...so you bought yourself a Skyfox taildragger, by the way the guys at the skyfox factory nicknamed them Impalas when they started designing the gazelle. They are a lot of fun to fly (and land) Is yours rotax powered or an early one with the VW derived "airpower" engine...happy landings:wave:
  17. geez..page two!! comments since my earlier post have brought memories of my flying training back at Archerfield before the contra circuits. We all flew around in the same circuit and then called base nominating one of the three parrallel runways available, then continued the approach waiting for clearance to land. This sometimes did not happen until just prior to touching down with the air traffic controller saying "alpa bravo charlie, no need to acknowledge clear touch and go 28 centre" I wonder what we would have done if our instructors were as timid with radio calls and clearances given then taking into consideration the dozen or so other aircraft flying around in the same circuit..and we thought that was normal then...Poor Tomo was flying his drifter around with only one other aircraft at the time...yep the gyro!!
  18. Hi Tomo, You keep on doing what your doing...the gyro is pretty hard to see at the best of times and general rule of thumb is "Aviate-Navigate-Communicate" (in that order) On downwind it would be hard for you to fathom whether he is touching down or conducting a missed approach a couple of feet off the ground...It is GOOD airmanship to make your call at the appropiate time to assist other aircraft in the circuit or inbound to your aerodrome to know where you are in the circuit rather than worry about when a preceding aircraft is touching down...I've never heard of such a stupid reason to have a go at you....obviously hadn't taken his happy pill!!
  19. Gidday all, For those interested an organising committee will be formed at a meeting 7.00pm 24th June at Beck Street Kindy in Dalby. We have conducted this event over the last two years and with the effort involved, it was decided to miss this year and do it again in 2010. As this event is for the community and benefits the Kindy (a non for profit community based kindergarten) as well as Rotary, Lions, Apex and Scouts..it is run by a small group of volunteers, so we are looking for people interested in helping out. if you are interested either be at the meeting or if you live too far away feel free to pm me with your suggestions or level of involvment. :big_grin:
  20. Love mooneys (over 600hours PIC in 'em) and actually did my original constant speed/retract in one as well. From memory, there used to be a mite based at murwillumbah ..wonder where it went
  21. Dalby aerodrome has a designated camping area (some powered sites are available), toilets but no showers...we are trying to get the council to do something and word is that a new terminal will be going in with shower facilities. A little distance away we have Jimbour house with own sealed strip and cellar door but remember "The Limit For You is (less than) 0.02". :big_grin:
  22. marine - Started off in a seagull powered skiff when I was 6, learnt power boats and sail with my Dad and Uncle, Shipwrecked with my uncle and aunt on holidays on their 60ft cruiser when a cyclone hit (not the warnings we have today of course) I was a terrified 8yo. My Uncle taught me how to sail starting off in dingy and cat sailing then when I was older I got into trailer sailers which I enjoyed for years... crewed on my "brother in laws" half tonne, these days currently have a 5.5metre half cabin power boat which I enjoy at least once a month. Aviation - Started off in Gliders, got frustrated waiting around and quickly moved onto power..been licenced now for thirty years, flown drifters to twins...piston and jet... and still as keen as the first day I looked up!! My wife tells me that my favourate boat is the one I got now...although my wish list heads up with a 11metre cat (sail of course):pig:...my favourate plane is the A36:big_grin:
  23. czaw sportscruiser The Australasian dealer is based in Gympie, for those interested website www.airnoosa.com Also factory trained maintenance there as well. Hope this helps..:big_grin:
  24. Gidday Wigg, Sorry to see your Gazelle looking a little worse for wear and appreciate how you would be feeling right now.. If your aileron hangers are broken chances are some of the ribs may be damaged as well as the hangers are an extension of those ribs and you won't know until you inspect each one accordingly. I am not sure where you are based and who would be able to repair your wings locally for you but I do know that if you contact Gympie Aircraft Maintenance and speak to Tao, He should be able to point you in the right direction..(Tao used to work at the Skyfox factory in Caloundra and has rebuilt many since) It may be the case of chucking your gazelle on a trailer and driving up to the Sunshine Coast for some R & R (remove and repair).
  25. Well, I got an 11th hour window of opportunity to attend Avalon this year and boarded a flight to Melbourne on Friday to get there in time for the afternoon airshow and "weather abridged" night show. With the chill in the air bought an airshow merchandise jacket only to be dismayed in the dissappointment of finding out on Saturday in the carpark it wasn't waterproof...after getting drenched decided to dry off and sightsee and go back Sunday (with a waterproof jacket) really felt for the guys that lost or had their pride and joys damaged saturday night and I hope the organisers can also lend a helping hand (I doubt it though) Stayed as long as possible on sunday considering the lack of content in and out of the tents and lack of performers...guess that had something to do with Pip and Tom flying at higher "climes" I realised then what an important influence they had on the airshow circuit in OZ. Purely from a spectator standpoint (and thank God for the RAAF and small contiguent of performers) I felt the airshow was poorly organised, traffic control absolute crap and airshow itself overpriced by about twice its true value...blame the weather perhaps but the organisers have been doing this since 1992 and experience wet weather before this one...so you would think they could have done it better... What I was impressed with though was the Zlin "Savage Cub" which was displayed by the Victorian agent and impressed enough to look into it more closely...so it wasn't a complete waste of time (and money)
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