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Everything posted by dunlopdangler

  1. Geez... pity the "all blacks" were only as good as these guys .... We would then have a chance at beating the buggers
  2. Ride the ripples guys, you can bet the RAA management are making sure their house is in order and anything lacking will be in their sights (and CASAs). Don't feel special CASA have been giving GA a touch up as well...Pilots, Maintainers etc. Basically CASA is spreading the cheer, rumour has it that they themselves failed on 19 counts in a recent audit that was done on them..
  3. sorry.. For the life of me, I just can't see any commercial sense in this at all...but a great geek project.
  4. Cherrabah Homestead Resort, 28:26:00S 152:05:30E, 2100ft AMSL Rwy 10/28 length 855 metres (gravel) phone 1800023788 best to get permission before you head out and when you get there, buzz the strip so they can come down and pick you up (but they will tell you that when you phone)
  5. Dalby (any of the pubs or Coffee Club) fare is excellent.
  6. I feel your pain Christian. Although I didn't suffer any personal loss at our event last year, we were lucky enough to break even...just!! The biggest risk to these sort of events is of course the weather...Too Cold, Too Hot, Too Cloudy, Too Wet... people just won't come in numbers (although the tragics out there will come regardless, and it goes without saying that I for one appreciate their involvement, but unfortunately we need decent gate takings to make these events viable) Sponsorships are getting much harder to achieve under the present political climate and consequently businesses need to see a clearly definable advantage before they will support any event. Currently I am getting a bit of pressure to do another one here in Dalby 2012 and before I do commit, I will need to have the event fully funded... As you know there is a lot to pay out before you start.. such as Insurance, Infrastructure, Security, Marketing, Program content (appearance money) etc,, not to mention Local government, CASA and WH & S restraints and considerations and all this comes at a price and then of course you need to make it appealling enough to overcome the punters resistance to part with their hard earned money at the gate at an amount and in numbers sufficient to make it worthwhile. I would stay away from dates which clash with any sporting or religious events (so that rules out the October long weekend) and I wouldn't try to tie it in with other things happening around the place at the time because this also will diminish the gate takings. Feel free to PM/phone me... regards Peter
  7. with the shortage of hangarage at Dalby...at least we know Tomo has got a shed to fit a drifter into..
  8. We thought he could do with the experience Ross...
  9. learning with smokey, bacon? welcome
  10. so Tomo, seeing you enjoyed this flight, we put you up to a little fly up to Richmond. How did you go?
  11. I got me a Nissan...WOW..I'll know what to do next time we have undercarriage issues
  12. Great... A kitchen appliance that slices dices and flies
  13. Jim, the airfield is about a kilometre NNW of the aeroplane symbol on the "ourairports" google map. The strips are faint to see but are there
  14. Googled and got this Carl : Annual Jacaranda Muster, South Grafton — 29-30 October 2011 The Grafton Aero Club extends an invitation to all aviation enthusiasts to join in for a friendly weekend. It’s a great time of the year when the jacarandas are in bloom. Accommodation can be arranged. There will be a courtesy bus running throughout the day. Tours of the city can be arranged for no extra cost. Catering is available on the field during the day and Dining out at The Crown Hotel overlooking the Clarence River Saturday night Skydiving tandem flights available Helicopter Joyflights available Sunday breakfast will be available at the club Fuel available at RPT Grafton Airfield All other information contact: Stewart Campbell 0408 522 280 Airfield: S29 42.5 E 152 55.7 Elevation: 20 Runway: 08-26
  15. I am surprised Tomo hasn't posted this one....very obscure advertising so may not have been aware of it... For those who would like some info http://www.sbmotorsinmotion.com/
  16. ....CHOGM = Cops Holidaying On Government Money, I was based at Maroochy Airport when it was held at Coolum and there was some very interesting goings on with some being caught doing naughty things in the resorts hot tubs. can't remember anything being achieved by the political participants neither other than a lot of inconvenience to the rest of us :chat:
  17. With the risk of this thread resembling one from the old plum..... I spoke to a senior flight instructor (and close friend) today who is currently trying to train these overseas students and yes they are Indian... they pay the school up front with the fees and then have the ordasity to demand an outcome without putting in the effort... a couple of them demanded to know why they have not been put up for their tests and his reply...."Well when you are good enough........." Most of them are very hard to train and although they have passed the english exam still have a poor understanding of just about everything.. I shudder to think what is going to happen when these clowns are in the pointy end of a qantas plane when the sh+t hit the fan:insane:
  18. probably get their flight training done at one of the sausage factories here as well
  19. There you go...my grey matter isn't that grey afterall....Vern got the link for you
  20. Then you could also see if some kind soul would pick you up from the airstrip at Balaklava...from memory was also used as a gliding field..don't think they had fuel but you never know...
  21. The PIC might also have the distintion of being the first to hit a ferris wheel. (I googled and found nothing) Despite the obvious drift off centreline and lack of situational awareness, it is great that no one was injured and extremely fortunate that there was no one in the two gondolas that wore the brunt of the impact and left dangling. This is a reminder to all of us to not let complacency or carelessness be part of our airmanship.
  22. Tomo, next time you go to Toowoomba, there is a disposal store in Ruthven Street, just down from the James Street intersection that sells leather helmets,as well as flying apparel.
  23. Yep...that's it:big_grin:
  24. Also a guy doing a wingwalk lost his footing and was also killed same weekend in the US..all a terrible loss .
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