I feel your pain Christian. Although I didn't suffer any personal loss at our event last year, we were lucky enough to break even...just!!
The biggest risk to these sort of events is of course the weather...Too Cold, Too Hot, Too Cloudy, Too Wet... people just won't come in numbers (although the tragics out there will come regardless, and it goes without saying that I for one appreciate their involvement, but unfortunately we need decent gate takings to make these events viable) Sponsorships are getting much harder to achieve under the present political climate and consequently businesses need to see a clearly definable advantage before they will support any event. Currently I am getting a bit of pressure to do another one here in Dalby 2012 and before I do commit, I will need to have the event fully funded... As you know there is a lot to pay out before you start.. such as Insurance, Infrastructure, Security, Marketing, Program content (appearance money) etc,, not to mention Local government, CASA and WH & S restraints and considerations and all this comes at a price and then of course you need to make it appealling enough to overcome the punters resistance to part with their hard earned money at the gate at an amount and in numbers sufficient to make it worthwhile. I would stay away from dates which clash with any sporting or religious events (so that rules out the October long weekend) and I wouldn't try to tie it in with other things happening around the place at the time because this also will diminish the gate takings. Feel free to PM/phone me... regards Peter