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Everything posted by dunlopdangler

  1. Lake Clifton WA..about 20nm south of Mandurah, has a 900 metre airstrip which is a very easy less than a hundred metres from the Tavern, then you have an easy stagger to the caravan park which is next door to the tavern which is quite handy..I know this because I jumped out of perfectly good aeroplanes there.(yep you guessed it, wearing dunlop runners) pity it is so far away from here had some good times there:celebrate:
  2. OK..first one that comes to mind is of course...Birdsville pub, races are on first weekend of September, no accomodation at the pub that weekend of course, but you can camp "underwing" if you like crowds.. great weekend, (Iam thinking of going ) if not any other time the accomodation is 3.5 star (so very comfy) food is excellent and staff friendy. mogas is available opposite the pub at the servo and of course aviation fuels are aplenty (although costs a bit more) anybody flying out race weekend, make sure you have everything current (including your fuel log) as you can bet certain parts of the anatomy that the casa rampers will be out and about.
  3. you should remember cfi..(and nong) that there are quite a few well meaning professionals as well in an amatuer and well run and well meaning organisation such as AF doing great work helping vulnerable people in some of their darkest periods in their lives. Everything that AF does, it does with a paramount emphasis on safety. This accident will only reinforce the resolve of everyone concerned to keep the high standard that is expected. Instead of knocking...put your hand up (and also into your hip pocket and help as well) Even the professionals can get it wrong sometimes as there has also been tragic accidents within RFDS and other air ambulance operators. Even one accident in over 11,000 missions is one too many!!
  4. Transfield (Transavia) also built a Sopwith Camel replica about the same time...wonder what happened to that?
  5. geez, what an absolute tragedy!! As an AF pilot myself, it does hit home when you see something like this, especially since one of the major considerations of each and every mission flown is that of safety.
  6. Now I am jealous...here is a guy that flies to work and plays with beavers all day!!
  7. Try Slingair-Heliwork Laine Jones Drv, Kununurra Airport, Kununurra WA 6743, Australia (08) 9169 1300 They have a fleet of about 50 aircraft and if they don't hire...may know someone that does..
  8. won't be going to Bundy..been there done that and its crap!! will be at Caboolture though :thumb_up:
  9. more than likely "F" minor...
  10. lowlife scum!! might pay to check the chandlery shops around the place as well Neil, the 296 can also support marine /road maps..and they might have had someone asking about maps or downloads for it..hope the job front improves as well..
  11. Well Done...now NONE of our planes will be safe!!
  12. horrible...just horrible..caught up with him at Clifton and will no doubt be missed by quite a few around here:crying:
  13. who once appeared on "so ru fink u can rance"
  14. That's a few years old now... It was and still is my favorite crank call...
  16. I just hope our media gets behind this guy's efforts and gives him the credit he richly deserves.
  17. Tomo, can you send me that photo resize gadget thingy so I can post some pics I took over there today...
  18. weather permitting...be there lunch time, no yaks...probably fly something that came out of Vero Beach or Wichita..
  19. don't know yet tomo..he could be taking the 55 and if he gets the prop on the 52 as well......?? otherwise I'll probably take something else..
  20. looking promising that I might get there as well... :big_grin:
  21. plan to....been busy lately tho:smash pc:
  22. didnt make it to either twba or inglewood.... plane didnt get here until sunday afternoon..
  23. Yep, we are also planning on going and have booked in for the spit roast on the saturday night...see you there
  24. Thanks for the offer Tomo...but I have a mate organised to fly the plane out in the morning hopefully:beg:
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