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Everything posted by dunlopdangler

  1. It all depends on....... &
  2. A moonlit night, in a mooney with a delightful lass and engaging autopilot...
  3. Frustrating ain't it?....flew down to Caboolture the other day and picked up a car that I bought for my son, drove it home, his happy....and the damn plane is still there!!
  4. Yes, I found the CR2 are a choice of quite a few as I bought a couple only to have them pinched (I suspect from my instructors at the time)...went back to the Jepp E6B and worn out a couple of those over the years, but could always find it in the flightbag
  5. any flying display at a public gathering requires approval regardless of aerobatic content or not...I have personally organised quite a few displays now and it is reasonably straight forward to accomplish. Insurance is not the bogey that you might think it is and again straight forward to obtain. The hardest part of all of this is to raise the funding ie sponsorships etc. An event such as NATFLY, I would think should be more than an opportunity for not only the converted to attend workshops and seminars etc, but also the perfect opportunity to showcase a fabulous activity such as rec flying to those who have a fledging interest hence importingly an air display of different types (weightshift, gyros, homebuilts, factory etc). This would encourage organisations such as SAAA and HGFA etc to also support the event. Although RAA certified pilots can't aerobat, there is a pathway (GFPT + ) for those who want to go further and adds just a bit more to the spectacle.
  6. reading between the lines and also checking out the great photos posted so far, am I guessing correctly that the turnout was down on previous years at Narromine and if so.....my two cents worth, From the photos... hundred or so aircraft turned up, so on average about 200 people flew in and guessing about the same drove in...? I think to get it to be more popular and also a financial success, change the date and possibly the venue. Although I know I would enjoy going, I for one will never attend if it is over easter (nothing religious...just respect for my wife and family and taking advantage of getting time to spend together) and I know of quite a few other flyers with the same sentiment. Although Temora is a fantastic aerodrome, is it too far away for a lot of people to fly/drive...are there more suitable aerodromes closer and more central for people to attend and also with the facilities to handle the interests of the non flyer who gets dragged along (ie family attractions)...also commented on other posts. Also comments about trade exhibits are well founded as to attend (even free space) costs money and from my own personal experience at trade shows, it can suck out quite a few thousand dollars so whilst it is important to get out there and brand build, you also need to look at the overall benefits/return.. as an example would money be better spent not going to RAA NATFLY but attending say the Bundy/Avalon airshows where you get tens of thousands of people turn up. Food for thought:coffee:
  7. http://www.casa.gov.au/wcmswr/_assets/main/pilots/download/sydney/sydney.pdf There you go biggles, little bit of info for you...hope it helps:plane:
  8. Dave, The Archer Falls airstrip is not the Kilcoy airstrip although it is nearby at Mt Archer (about halfway between Kilcoy and Woodford) and probably a good spot for Ryan to check out as well :thumb_up:
  9. Mazda got her Instructor rating there as well...great club, great atmosphere and although I haven't done any training there, always enjoy the hospitality when I drop in. :thumb_up:
  10. the lat/long in ERSA is for the NDB
  11. Length 1,000mtrs 09/27, Elevation 400ft, very easy to spot at northern end of Lake Somerset south of township pic from google earth..:big_grin:
  12. I got one of those kettles and used it on long trips when we had the landcruiser..seemed to take forever for the water to boil. we have downsized the car and I got the impression that the electrics were being overloaded as well...haven't even considered plugging into the planes socket.
  13. I looked at those self heating coffees at woolworths and I reckon it would be cheaper and better tasting to buy a real coffee onsite.
  14. I had the privilige to meet Peter and his wife at Avalon and this is indeed a sad loss..
  15. I didn't mind those low turns after take off Dazza..lots to look at on the beach at Kirra if you were low enough :peepwall:
  16. What is that on your avatar SN...it looks broken
  17. I flew down to YBAF on Sunday with my son for football training and took another player with us who had never been in an aircraft before in his life, flew back Sunday night and the smile on his face was payment enough:ecstatic:
  18. about 40 hang gliders were launched today intoa sky that was really pumping for the sport, didn't have the right camera but....
  19. Then you could always do what Reg Ansett did and sell your passenger an orange for $XXX and take him/her for a fly for FREE:oh yeah:
  20. and the pilot wasn't seriously injured:cheezy grin:
  21. At Moorabbin, Darks, only one charge for each full stop landing, so if you do a session of T &G's and taxi off , instructor bales out and you continue on or shut down and have a break, when you resume there will be another charge after the next full stop landing.. this is fairly normal and if your flying school is trying to charge you a landing charge after each T & G, I would suspect something amiss.
  22. Dalbyites might make it as well..:thumb_up:
  23. whilst I may resemble that remark (so my missus says) no...there is a missing bolt (or screw) resolution is not the best
  24. You could try sending harthy a PM. He has a nice J160 he may be interested in hiring out. As Tomo has quite rightly pointed out.. not a J160 but a J120, hope it is still of interest.
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