reading between the lines and also checking out the great photos posted so far, am I guessing correctly that the turnout was down on previous years at Narromine and if two cents worth,
From the photos... hundred or so aircraft turned up, so on average about 200 people flew in and guessing about the same drove in...?
I think to get it to be more popular and also a financial success, change the date and possibly the venue.
Although I know I would enjoy going, I for one will never attend if it is over easter (nothing religious...just respect for my wife and family and taking advantage of getting time to spend together) and I know of quite a few other flyers with the same sentiment.
Although Temora is a fantastic aerodrome, is it too far away for a lot of people to fly/drive...are there more suitable aerodromes closer and more central for people to attend and also with the facilities to handle the interests of the non flyer who gets dragged along (ie family attractions)...also commented on other posts.
Also comments about trade exhibits are well founded as to attend (even free space) costs money and from my own personal experience at trade shows, it can suck out quite a few thousand dollars so whilst it is important to get out there and brand build, you also need to look at the overall benefits/return.. as an example would money be better spent not going to RAA NATFLY but attending say the Bundy/Avalon airshows where you get tens of thousands of people turn up.
Food for thought:coffee: