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Everything posted by Jerry_Atrick

  1. Blimey - welcone back to the land of the living - glad to have you back! Take it easy squire - want a few more years out of you, yet. Not enough pommies on here, as it is!
  2. I took at look at Red750's video in post #6 and noticed a lot of what looked like Bristells had their flaps down. Is it normal to park them with their flaps down?
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm7Ljy1nFcQ:2
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  4. @Butch - really sorry mate.. but couldn't help myself (and a bit of pot calling kettle black looking at some of my typos over the years... but your post did evoke some great visions...) Nope - don't think they had any Beaufighters or any other of these: Bristol Built — Aerospace Bristol.. . I have to stop inviting Wolfie around.... Also, YBDG - great airfield... when I moved back to Aus in 2003 with the (then young) family, we lived in Bendigo for the first 6 months... The bloke I worked for was Bob Downing - had a vineyard in Heathote... Great bloke.
  5. This place is a walking encyclopedia of aircraft...
  6. Congratualtions, squire... Will you change your handle? ;-) Looks really nice... You'll have to keep us updated on your adventures!
  7. G'day, Squire!
  8. @OME - I respect your throughts on this as you worked as a true public servant and probably understand the inner working of the machinery of government than most on these fora (I don't know anyone else who worked in the PS on here, except me.. but not enough to have real experience of the place). But, where we have what is claimed to be a hostile regulator that regulates a very small segment of the population, it may be a case of be careful what you ask for. While the public servant arm of CASA may simply seek retribution, can you imagine what could happen when the pollies get involved? They will smell an opportunity - to win votes.. Sounds good, except that they are playing to an aviation (especially GA and recreational aviation) illiterate population. They will feed the main media (mainstream, social, etc) to push a barrow they may have.. .can you imagine it? Foeign pilots a danger to society - close city and large conrubation airports and send them to some dust bowl where they only people the can hurt are themselves... Too far fetched? Look at ASIC. Despite the howls of protestation from the aviation media and the representation made by various representative bodies, these only preach to the converted. Mr & Mrs Smith don't read them nor care.. they take wahtever media distribution to sppon feed them so they don't have to think. Both the incumbent minister and opposition will be looking for votes... do they really care about a tiny part of the population when they can sensationalise things and get the gullible population to fall for it.. .make it look like they have saved their lives yet again from some foreign and internal threat, etc etc. They wil lremind the population at election time to get the votes.
  9. Bloomin nora.. getting envy here.. Anymore C182 owners here? Glassairs very sleek and sexy... If you google N20TB, and ignore the AAIB report on the belly landing as it wasn't me, that is my shareoplane until Friday. The cockpit photo you can see is outdated - the LHS (whcih you can hardly see) is still analogue; the RHS is digital and we have replaced most of the avionics.
  10. I am in Somerset in the UK (South West). Up until Friday, I have a share in a TB20 near Farnborough. While I was working in London it worked out well (except it spent 6 months in for a bare metal respray, which was most frustrating), but as I live c. 200 miles from the airfield, it is not practical.. .So am looking for something.. With the COVID crisis, I am holding off purchasing; Love TB20s and TB21s, but there aren't too many on the market, and those that are are way overpriced and under-loved. C182s are a great and versatile machine and a lot of people don't realise they have slightly better numbers that SR20s. So, once the clouds over the economy clear a bit, I will be looking at those, Dakotas (though not a fan of single doors anymore), PA32 Cherokee 6 300s/Lance, or similar. A mate over here, originally from Toowoomba, has a later mode C177RG.. they are cracking aircraft, too. I am thinking of crossing to LSA as within the UK, suitably equipped LSAs can be used for instrument flying.. but while they are good from some European countries we have reciprocal agreements with, they aren't good for all without bureaucratic faff. .. and you can't instrument fly them in any other European country. Way back in 1996, which was my last year in Aus before first emigrating, I worked in Traralgon servicing Morwell and Hazelwood power stations. Occasionally flew from YMMB to YLTV to go to work (lived in Melb), although in winter had to go rent a unit as I was only VFR... Still have a whizzwheel I bought from La Trobe Valley Flying Club.. good, solid metal thing... still use it, too!
  11. Pardon my ignorance (which all of you are already aware ;-)), but what is SIS? Googled it and nothing relevant came up...
  12. WHat do you fly.. Are you down gippy way?
  13. That is a worry! Nothing to learn from, then...
  14. How are ya, cobbah? Welcome to the club!
  15. Wow.. that is educative. From my short stint in a state OH&S regulator in Aus, I know that they do take an us and them approach - it seems to be in the Aussie regulator psyche.. The CAA have their issues, but on the whole, they seem to be very fair about how they deal with those they regulate.. they do understand people aren't perfect and accidents happen. Naturally, complete stuff ups are unlikely to be tolerated, but submitting a report will not attract undue attention, unless it is falsified, I guess. If we are deined class D transits, we are encouraged to report it and people do. Not sure anything happens, but there is no fear of reprisal. Very sad as the system cannot improve if they are actively discouraging feedback - which sounds like what they are doing. And this cannot be in the short or long term interests of safety... Maybe their acronym stands fro Completely Against Safe Aviation?
  16. Convert it to remote control and just add fuel....
  17. I think I have seen the insurance company advertised in Flyer magazine or on their forums... Good idea... and from memory they cap the annual premium to what it would have been if you had havetaken out continual insurance for the year so you don't end up paying more.
  18. When I did a gig for one of the state's compo authorities, the most statistically dangerous profession was working as a butcher or abottoir worker.. Life is not only about taking risks.. it is a risk. Just walking down your stairs at home (if you have them) is a risk. I assess the risk and don't grab the hand-rail; when I am in later years in life, I may will probably grab the hand rail. If we are comparing risks of one activity v another, then, regardless of how much control we individually have, we have to look at the stats. We can do everything in our power to minimise the risk, but that does not alter the overal stats. We use the stats to work out where we should expend our efforts more to minimise the risk. For me personnally, when flying, EFATO is my biggest concern and I pour over google maps satellite images of airfields I don't know and design a plan for an EFATO at different stages of flight. However, as I recall (and I may be wrong), statisically you are more likely to come a cropper from engine failure in the cruise. It doesn't mean I should drop my EFATO planning, because IMHO, it is the least able to be effectively practiced in training and one has a lot less time to react if it does happen. But the stats cyrstallised my thinking, too in terms of risk assessment and I now pay more attention to potential inflight issues enroute.
  19. Well done, @lee-wave. I was at Blackushe last Tuesday to show the buyer of my share the TB20 the aircraft (he didn't even attempt to haggle) and it was not as busy as normal, but there were more flying than I thought.. the cafe was open and I think it is fair to say social distancing was being very loosely observed. I am popping into Dunkeswell today to see if they are doing checkouts because it is now 8 months since I have flown (long story about long time the TB20 was in the shop getting a respray). What airfield do you fly from?
  20. Over here, we don't end blind calls with the airfield. We will first make a call to the station if there is one, and if not, we will repeat the call to the location traffic. The call when you are expecting someone to answer is: "Dunkeswell traffic, Golf Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta 10 miles to the south 5 tousand on one-zero-one-niner, request join". If you get no response or you are doing an initial call to a non-manned aerodrome, it will be: "Dunkeswell traffic, Golf Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta 10 miles to the south 5 tousand on one-zero-one-niner, joining left downwind runway zero-niner" (I don't think that is a runway at Dunks, but you get the idea. If you don't know what runway you would omit the runway and maybe say for an overhead join or other proecedure used at the airfield. BTW, when flying in France (accidentally posted this in an entirely unrelated thread), then vous devriez essayer de voler en France. Ils parleront français aux pilotes français et anglais à tout le monde. Bien sûr, l'EASA n'y fait rien Which for some reason does not translate back well... It should say, you should try flying in France. They speak French to the French pilots and English to everyone else.. and of course, EASA does nothing about it.
  21. Buggah! Must have either had too much to drinkl, or had multiple tabs open. Given I had nothing to drink last night (a rarity for me, but, the medical is coming up so taking a breather), I guess I started posting in the wrong tab. The above was supposed to go into the Voice is not good enough thread. I will copy it there.. Sorry! Hmmm.. Maybe the problem was I didn't have anything to drink.. dehydrated! ;-)
  22. Vous devriez essayer de voler en France. Ils parleront français aux pilotes français et anglais à tout le monde. Bien sûr, l'EASA n'y fait rien Which for some reason does not translate back well... It should say, you should try flying in France. They speak French to the French pilots and English to everyone else.. and of course, EASA does nothing about it.
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