I am in Somerset in the UK (South West). Up until Friday, I have a share in a TB20 near Farnborough. While I was working in London it worked out well (except it spent 6 months in for a bare metal respray, which was most frustrating), but as I live c. 200 miles from the airfield, it is not practical.. .So am looking for something.. With the COVID crisis, I am holding off purchasing; Love TB20s and TB21s, but there aren't too many on the market, and those that are are way overpriced and under-loved.
C182s are a great and versatile machine and a lot of people don't realise they have slightly better numbers that SR20s. So, once the clouds over the economy clear a bit, I will be looking at those, Dakotas (though not a fan of single doors anymore), PA32 Cherokee 6 300s/Lance, or similar. A mate over here, originally from Toowoomba, has a later mode C177RG.. they are cracking aircraft, too. I am thinking of crossing to LSA as within the UK, suitably equipped LSAs can be used for instrument flying.. but while they are good from some European countries we have reciprocal agreements with, they aren't good for all without bureaucratic faff. .. and you can't instrument fly them in any other European country.
Way back in 1996, which was my last year in Aus before first emigrating, I worked in Traralgon servicing Morwell and Hazelwood power stations. Occasionally flew from YMMB to YLTV to go to work (lived in Melb), although in winter had to go rent a unit as I was only VFR... Still have a whizzwheel I bought from La Trobe Valley Flying Club.. good, solid metal thing... still use it, too!