FFS! The shop was ready to turn it over to the mechanics to put togeher and they noticed the "forgot" to paint the undercarriage wells and fairings... The whole effin reason it went into the shop..
On my way home yesterday (Friday), I thought I would pop in.. abot 3pm... They were shut and had gone booine, I guess...
5 months + now and counting. I haven't flown in that time.. Decided last weekend I would rent a club PA28.. Of course, Storm Ciara decided to pitch up.. So thougth I would do it this weekend.. Storm Dennis!
I tell ya, I was never religious or really believed in the big fella upstairs... But I am changing my mind. My father.. who passed away about 8 years ago, hated me flying... hated anything that may have resulted in his children being injured or worse.. from a sensationalistic point of view..
Well, since his passing, and given his resolute stubborness, there have been countless challenges thrown up - mainly wx realted that has restricted my ability to get out and take to the blue yonder. My guess is somehow, he got through the pearly gates and looks down, has a sqizz at my booking sheet and then cajoules the bog fella into throwing wx events to stop me flying... Either that, or the guy that looks after the lower regions of spiritual life has more control than we think.
(p.s. I am not religious.. .I am frustrated)