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Everything posted by Jerry_Atrick

  1. (stolen from another forum)
  2. @Phil Perry - I hear ya! Most GA VFR radiotelephone is simple.. but in m,y check ride to let me get the keys to the new part-owned steed, the decorated ex-RAF PILOT/instructor used very sloppy radio comms - though not as bad as you described... over ‘ere, it is becoming endemic
  3. I have to admit, and I am prepareed for the castigation, if it is a high-wing Cessna and it doesn't have struts, I don't get into it (unless aiframe hours are really low). But my petty prejudice is immaterial.. More people have sadly lost their lives and it has no doubt destroyed the lives of those left behind - my heartfelt condolences to them. But, there seems to be a pattern of higher houred strutless high wing Cessnas coming to grief through structural failure - is it time for the regulators to act?
  4. @derekliston - I have had a few hours in the TB10 as well - an absolutely fantastic marque. The extra 55 hp in the TB20 are a dream come try.. it is the first GA type I have flown that pushes you into the back of the seat.. I know it is not the only one... I almost bought a TB10 outright, but SWMBO decided the money could have been spent on better things - her! Oh, yeah... The seats are blue leather.. with armrests! With my warped sense of humour, I think I may have preferred purple velvet with a fluffy-dice air freshener.
  5. Actually, you'd think belly landing the TB20 would be impossible as well.. But that is what happened to the one I bought into - google N20TB and read the AAIB (UK version of ATSB) report. It is the reason why a vacancy in the syndicate came up. Not much damage to the plane, but of course, dug the prop in and the engine had to be rebuilt (zero-timed) thanks to shock loading. Although the AAIB report goes into the main reason why - a failure to double check - the real problem I am told by a reliable source is that because the gear up warning horn sounnds so similar to the stall warner horn, the pilot thought the stall warner was going off and therefore was applying power at the time... Bit of a shame and I feel for the poor buggah. But it is all rebuilt - but not painted. The synidcate has decided to use the insurance money for painting the underside of the plane as part payment of a full bare metal respray - we will have to kick in a few hundred pounds each to make up the shortfall - but as I understand, it includes some anti-corrosion treatment as well. Next flight is scheduled on the 18th; my medical expires today and, although I had an appointment a few weeks ago, I had to bin it because of work and the next available appointment is the 17th. I could have found another AME, but these blokes still do CASA medicals despite the administrative changes. Wx permitting, after an hour of circuits, I will be taking it down to Somerset (where I apparently live) for the night and the 19th I will be taking a colleague who has been bugging me for a joyflight and after that, back down to Somerset. I will be UK bound for a while, waiting for my US piggy back licence to come through, so I am planning a flight up to Liverpool and then another to Unst (believed to be the most northern airfield in the UK... And of course, to the Scilly Isles - to the very south west... Pictures below. Mr Perry (and anyone else in the UK or coming to the UK) - once I am totally at home flying it, you are most welcome to come along for a flight.
  6. Or in my case The interior looks much the same as the other photos
  7. No, it wasn't the arrival of Donald to Ol' Blighty's shores! It is much... much... much worse.. Despite an ex-RAF fast jet pilot, test pilot and fast jet instructor evaluating me, I have been cleared to fly the new syndicate aircraft I have just bought into.. A superb TB20GT. I know that amongst a lot of you who may even be bothered readinf these pages, this is a floppy jalopy (galopy); a go-go-mobile with wings.. and you look at me at disdain with sticking to ICAO CoA types rather than the pure flying of RAA/LAA types. And I know a Vans can go a bit faster (hmmm.. maybe I should rethink this again).. But.... What an aircraft she (or for those of gender fluidity, it) is! 7 Hour endurance will beat my bladder endurance; by as much as 6 hours and 30 minutes! 235HP feels like 235 horses pulling it thorugh the air at a great rate of knots, yet able to carry 5 (well, room enough for four adults and either a model or young child), lots of fuel and some baggage (oi! The partner doesn't fly with me.. she's too smart!) Quite simply, this is a go places aircraft that is built to take the punsishment I can meter out to it. Now, I can hear Jim Davis (Davies?), previously of Aussie Flyer writing fame but now retired in Africa somewhere reaching to dial +61 000, because I don't know much about hydraulics or pumping the backup gear extension system when the thing goes mammaries up (or more accurately, stays wheels up) - and he is sure I am going to drive it into what will become a smoking hole (he may be right). But the beauty is... there is a simple lever one pulls to dump the hydraulic pressure as it is hydraulic pressure that holds ithe wheels up - all the time. Dump the hydraulic pressure and the wheels fall down and lock - simples - no more winding, pumping or pulling (sounds like a swingers party) and losing control of the aircraft as one can't aviate while attempting to get enough pressure on the hyrdraulic line to flop the wheels down. And for the gadget afficiondo (sp?), there is a lot to admire. It has almost everything a moden, quasi-airline piliot wannabe wants.. I am not going to use half of it - for a long time - but that is not why I bought into the group; this is a sleek, stylish and reasonably high performance aircraft that does throw you into the back of your seat a little when you pump the fuel through the injectors. Oddly, I have always had to initially start with left rudder before applying right - not sure if that is gryoscopic forces of the three-bladed Hartzel (I assume) prop kicking in before the helix. And, for going to the French part of the Contintent, it is perfect; I will definitely get priority ATC handling over other British (now vermin as far as the EU is concerned) pilots in lesser (read non-French) marques... And, since my partner doesn't fly with me, it will be "ooh la la" with the local grannies on the incontinent. But, being French, it is designed beautifully, but in some ways impractical. The step onto the wing is narrow due to the wide flap - but lifting those gull wing doors means someone of even my short stature has to step back and I did feel the top skin of the flap press down with my left foot (will never make that mistake again). Retractable undercarriages on a low-wing - yuk! I don't want to have to test the emergrency gear release, so I have to literally lie down on oil-stained concrete to give the gear a good inspection.. The seats are uber luxurious and have a million different settings; and when you're in a syndicate of more than one, adjusting after the last punter can be a chore. The seatbelts across the lap don't adjust easily.. And the starting sequence of that lycosaurus is resplendent of a joining ritual of the freemasons or some such fraternity - lots of arms flaling and hand/finger wriggling. The official POH checklists are plain wrong and have gaps wide enough to drive a truck through (the instructor said they were designed as a guide and for or one to engage one's brain!!). And, while the gull wing doors are elegant and give the air of that 60's or 70's Merc, if one happens to flip on a forced landing or ditching, they will be an absolute pain to open - ours has had the magic mod, which means kicking out the back window is not an easy option as those who have yet to have the magic mod (whatever it is.. something about widening the doors). Yet, these are minor nitpicking things - well except for the one about not being able to get out of an upturned aircraft - and the checklist is devoid of opening the hatches during a foced landing. It has the range in economy cruise to get from the wrong side of London to Paphos (Pafos) in Cyrprus - in still air and economy cruise - minus statutory fuels reserves. It has a very wide cabin - no more rubbing shoulders with your pax; it is extememly well behaved in all practiced stall configurations; As a tourer, it is not as responsive as, say, a Chippie, but one of the syndicate pilots showed me how it can be turned on its wingtip at almost 90 degrees and still hold its height - very impressive (if a somewhat excessive manouvre (sp?)). It also has a nice demonstrated x-wnd component of 20kts and the checkflight was using about 18 - gusting a little higher - of them. My plan... I have it booked out for another hour of circuits to get myself used to it without the right hand seat advising me what to do. Then, I am going to enjoy it VFR and ignore the advanced gadgetry for a while - 23"/2300RPM at about 135kts should keep me happy for a while until I am really happy with myself and have made the move from C172/PA28s to it. Then, as it is N reg and we have a few FAA training schools here, so the FAA/IR (getting the piggy back licence as I write). Then... bank account drained and time for a second job ;-)... Excited! You bet!
  8. - I dom't know what it is called; When I ext go there, - will let you know. (I now work at Canary Wart - not the City). If you've got time in June, let me know and if the peices of the jigsaw fall into place, will take you up from the 'Bushe...
  9. I was at Brick Lane today, and my has it changed - very fancy-dancy.. But there is one curry take-away still going strong - the queue outside for lunch was longer and there were more people buying from them than the fancy-dancy bistros around it combined... I am going to hurt tomorrow ;-)
  10. Thanks, Nomad... It is good to get out with the requisite marks.. Hi is a good examiner for sure - not my usual one who also likes to put me through my paces.. And no - he wasn't trying to fail me - we wanted to make sure I was safe... at the time, anyway
  11. Last year, I didn't manage to get much flying in, which culminated in my single engine piston rating lapsing. We had one of the finest flying summers since I have been here (22 years), but various commitments and a protracted house move prevented me from taking to the skies.. typical. Anyway, towrds the end of Summer, the rating lapsed and this means one has to do a renewal by proficiency test (sort of a BFR in the old days - no longer needed in the safety-conscious EASA land that believes as long as there's a paper trail, everything is safe). My normal examiner had gone on a month or so holiday so I thought I would wait until he was back - no hurry. Then, he was off ill for a bit and then on another holiday so I thought sod it (by now it is December) and time to find someone else. So, I booked a revision flight with the examiner in the morning and then the test in the afternoon of 8th December.. The revision flight went well better than expected right up to the PFL, where for some reason, my field selection was a "little" awry. Bummer. Basically, on turning final, I realised I was going to overshoot, which was odd given the picture out of the cockpit, but I had selected an approach dutilfully assisted by a decent tailwind. And, the field itself stood out as one of very few that probably wouldn't graciously accept an aircraft, forced landing or not. Basically, my restart checks, mayday, passenger brief and shutdown checks were fine.. I just forgot to apply the checks to the field selected... We did another PFL which was better and then returned to te airfeld for the obligatory circuits (short field, glide, flapless and a simulated EFATO)... landings were OK.. during the debrief, we decided to bin the tet in the afternoon and I would go home and reflect on the PFL... Yesterday, the weather finally almost played ball conincident to my booking and we went up. It was very claggy with a base at 2000' (the airfield has an elevation of 840' but one over a line of hills, elevation is a couple of hundred feet). I decided during the test I would do what I always used to do have a field in gliding distance alongside a distinctive landmark fille out, with the image of the approach and hieghts alreay layed out... When the exampiner pulled the carb heat and power (which he tried to do when one seemed otherwise occupied), it made the whole thing much easier. Got a few extra feet while going for best glide, identified the land mark and already had the approach worked out; by the time I had all checks, mayday, briefings and shutdowns completed, I had what seemed like an eternity to get the aircraft down - in fact I started to think I may have missed something.. He called go around; and of course, to make it interesting, waited until we climbed maybe 300' and pulled it again... Managed to look like I would make the second one as well... Back to the airfield for the obligatory circuits - this time he called EFATO as we were turning crosswind... Only place to put it down "safely" was a field with a wooded area at the end and chances are, it would have collidided with the wooded area. His lesson - sometimes you don't have great choices and you have to take the one that gives the best chances of survival... I am now legal again!
  12. OK, I admit it.. I like - even love permit (RAA) aircraft types. However, I have remained a CoA/Cat A pilot - I like the robust build and how they are in the main forgiving of some pretty solid landings that I sometimes fall prey to. Although having flown a decent variety of these types, I have liked the Piper low wing models as the airframe has the feel of a solidly built, rugged machine (Grumman has a more solid feel; Beech about the same). Although I have flung C150 and 152 aerobats over the skies in the YMMB and YCEM training areas, for some reason, Pipers just felt more solid. And, on the 5th of next month, I have a Single Engine Piston renewal (BFR or whatever it is called now) booked in a PA28 Warrior III, resplendent with its 8.33mhz spaced transceiver, various push buttons over the old rockers and a chunky yoke to boot. But, I am now questioning the wisdom of my decision: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/12/21/2018-27577/airworthiness-directives-piper-aircraft-inc-airplanes. An AD looks like coming alive to check on spars of the venerable PA28s (and PA32s) with what in effect will be over 5,000 hours (I think - I will re-read), lest one of the wing folds up at some stage. So much for the impression of robustness (said somewhat tongue in cheek - as these a/c get a lot of abuse).
  13. I had my first flight with a 8.33 about 2 months ago... Still not sure why we needed the change. The US has far more airports than Europe and intelligently designed frequency allocations means they have little contention or overlap. I guess the child of an EASA official started a new job as a salesperson for Trig, Garmin or something similar. Wouldn't surprise me. BTW Phil, you may have some competition on your hands (not.. most of the aircraft rigs have gone - to the US I hear)... EASA = Europeans Against Safe Aviation
  14. I was listening to someone who makes anti-drone defences for airports in the US (from here in the UK). He says he can't reply them here because it is illegal for anyone but the military to use signal jamming devices of any kind. Apparently that is why the military were called in. On the "it is possible there was no drone", apparently a comment by the Sussex police commander was taken out of context - he was asked about the pair that were arrested (not charged - so their personal details should never have been leaked out) - where he said they are no longer suspects and everything is back on the table. Apparently a journalist asked him if there was the possibility there was no sighting - to which the response was making the point that everything is on the table... And for the commander to say this is reasonable in that they are employed to determine the facts. It is not an unfair leap of faith to say the commander may be questioning the sightings - but to say there wasn't any sightings is taking it a bit far.
  15. I lost weight by breaking an ankle in a motorcycle accident and then getting an infection after surgery... My wife has just asked me to get another motorcycle! Seriously, well done, fellas! It is bloomin hard - have been trying for a while... Problem is Aussie wine...
  16. How about this for a reg:
  17. Terrible news - condolences to family, friends and those affected.
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