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  1. In 2016 my old man and I bought their Foxbat 24-8118, as they upgraded to a Vixxen. Great aircraft. Records and ADs were all in order, and we had no issues bar the usual things that pop up over time (e.g. Rotax carb floats). Then in a bit of symmetry, last year we upgraded to a new Vixxen, and have been loving that too. Last shipment before the invasion, but they restarted production quickly. Great to see them producing again at a solid rate (8 a month worldwide I think I saw?)
  2. Many such websites and news outlets have been shut down by Putin. Political opponents are poisoned or assassinated. What balance does that provide? Hankering? The US barely did anything to oppose Putin's march on Ukraine these last 8 years and that emboldened him. He might now be wishing he listened to more than his inner circle. I'm not holding my breath as autocrats tend to double down. China is strong and growing yes. As for Russia outgrowing western economies, even before the sanctions the economy was a bit of a basket case. It will get worse as the world moves away from oil and gas. GDP is barely more than Australia with about 6 times the population. And who will want to buy Russian military hardware now after this display of prowess? Anyway, Ukraine makes some neat recreational flying hardware. It is great to see them continuing to do so despite everything.
  3. All sorts of problems with this situation, but if recreational pilots didn't get sucked into the security state's black hole for daring to land at a regional airport that has RPT, they wouldn't now have their personal details out there ready to use for identity theft. I doubt very much that privacy was given any serious thought by the pollies and bureaucrats when they burdened us with this. What do you do? Get an ASIC through CASA, who don't want to know you because you are RAAus, wait however many months, and still probably be just as exposed to privacy breaches? Or go with a private company that has a 1999 time warp website, which might go some way to explaining this breach?
  4. Thanks Phil, will do.
  5. Hi all I've been enjoying reading this forum for a while, so time to say hi and get a bit more involved. A little while back my old man got back into flying after a long break. I was having a beer with a pilot friend, and mentioned that I would like to learn to fly. When he said that he instructs with a club, I booked a TIF in a heartbeat. So, I've been learning to fly at The Oaks with the Sydney Recreational Flying club in a Foxbat. What a great experience! It is every bit as exciting as my childhood dreams, and now it's becoming a reality. About a month ago I flew first solo which was one of the more rewarding things I've done, and not something I will ever forget. See you about in the forums. Cheers Andrew
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