OK, I'll bite
Where does 'politically correct' come in? Ok, girls generally seem less interested in flying than boys, but plenty have just not been brought up to expect to enjoy it, often by mummies and daddies who've been brought up with that expectation. After all, only a small proportion of boys end up as aircrew. ☔ Go on, give the girls a chance to say 'no thanks'. ☔
Back to the OP, I don't see a short term problem; the graphs show a drop off, true, but only back to the levels at the beginning of the year with a COVID-time swell through the southern autumn. Longer term, it's the same with forum format discussions this side of the world with a lot of contributers preferring the immediacy of Facebook and the like. Personally, I find those FB-style discussions about as engrossing as a chat in the flying club bar ~ fine at the time but rarely memorable.