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Everything posted by Savannah58

  1. Mike they have two left at $3.33 each. PLUS shipping of course.
  2. I have found my Tee fitting at, of all places...EBAY! Now I'm a happy camper. Thanks to all for your help!
  3. Thank you Downunder, I found them at those and other locations except they wont sell just one fitting, they sell the entire pack...anywhere from $24 to $40. I just need one $4 fitting and I'm amazed Aircraft Spruce did not carry that size.
  4. Thank you Kyle.
  5. Thank you Kyle!
  6. Hey MT I was lucky to have a expert nearby and we did some trimming. Still don't like the fit. They could have done better but it is what it is.
  7. A4 and A5 most common especially A4. Other bags might have flat heads for various applications. There will be a bag of large shiny A5 STEEL rivets used on forward lower cabin. If memory serves me correctly this is the only place those are used.
  8. Ladies and Gents. I have a question. We recently began fitting our upper and lower cowl halves. At 2cm between spinner back plate my cowl just barely fits under the skin on top. Also, the air scoop rubs my left carb at about the 1 o'clock position looking from the side. Any tips would be appreciated. I know of no other Savannah to have that issue. I'm worried to bring the cowl farther aft to clear the carb would cause a much larger gap between cowl and spinner. Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated. Jim
  9. Very nice shop Tom! Having lots of room is a bonus!
  10. So many good memories and 90 hours in that airplane. Love that Skyview!
  11. Did I read correct the D motor is only 88 HP?
  12. I could not find the club on Facebook either.
  13. He just branched out!
  14. She will hang on that prop all day! I set 3500 to 4000 on rpm for power on as with full power she is hard to break unless you truly stand her up. Can you imagine the performance envelope with the new ICP MO9 Engine rated at 115hp?
  15. I had 75 hours in 5000S. Loved that airplane with the Dynon Skyview. My nephew Matt you chat with is my big support man on our build. My hands aren't what they used to be and Matt has a good eye for detail. We both strive for perfection and my wife is a great assistant as well. She usually has an answer or sometimes better way of doing things when we don't. Lol.
  16. Jim in North Texas. Sport Pilot...building my Savannah S and excited about my engine and Avionics coming end of October. Any tips or advice anyone has I would welcome it. Have a great day! Jim
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