Sadly, onetrack, it's worse than that. Proof-reading in most printed and online "journalism" is no longer bothered with. Sub-editors were among the first casualties of cost-cutting by national and local newspapers and journalists are now required to sub their own copy, a task for which far too many are totally ill-equipped, having little, if any, detailed knowledge of spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax (not that such ancient arts seem to matter much to many in today's media).
Anyone seen an ad for a Sub-editor lately?
FULL DISCLOSURE: In an earlier life I was a print journalist and although "sub-bashing" when a sub-editor dared to "improve" or correct our carefully-crafted prose was a daily pastime, we grudgingly recognised that only the sub's vigilance and skill not infrequently had protected us from at least the odd irate complaint from someone whose name we had mis-spelled or, thank God, some expensive litigation.