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Flying Officer Kite

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Everything posted by Flying Officer Kite

  1. Fascinating stuff Phil. Brings back memories of my old employer, British Eagle (RIP), which, as Eagle Airways, was one of the many airlines which took part in this massive operation. Just a little before my time though!
  2. Terrific job Jim! Will we be seeing it at YCAB soon?Mike
  3. There's also another good read by Wing Commander Ira "Taffy" Jones - the best-selling "Tiger Squadron - The Story of 74 Squadron RAF in Two World Wars". Long out of print now, but used paperback and hardcover copies occasionally pop up on eBay, Amazon, Abe Books and other sites. The book was actually ghost-written by my late father, John Oram (Jack) Thomas, and while they were working together Jones was a frequent visitor to our house. I was about 12 at the time and he became something of an adopted favourite uncle to me. Sadly, like "Aircraftman Shaw" (T. E Lawrence), having survived more scrapes with death than most of us would ever experience, some years later he was killed in a motorcycle accident.
  4. Sadly, onetrack, it's worse than that. Proof-reading in most printed and online "journalism" is no longer bothered with. Sub-editors were among the first casualties of cost-cutting by national and local newspapers and journalists are now required to sub their own copy, a task for which far too many are totally ill-equipped, having little, if any, detailed knowledge of spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax (not that such ancient arts seem to matter much to many in today's media). Anyone seen an ad for a Sub-editor lately? FULL DISCLOSURE: In an earlier life I was a print journalist and although "sub-bashing" when a sub-editor dared to "improve" or correct our carefully-crafted prose was a daily pastime, we grudgingly recognised that only the sub's vigilance and skill not infrequently had protected us from at least the odd irate complaint from someone whose name we had mis-spelled or, thank God, some expensive litigation.
  5. Your wish has been granted Kasper! See Gold Coast Bulletin link above....
  6. Later Gold Coast Bulletin report contains interview with pilot, Mark Waterford, and cites aircraft as Drifter 415. https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=11&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjrgMKdvp_YAhVJybwKHa98AKIQFghOMAo&url=http://www.goldcoastbulletin.com.au/news/gold-coast/an-ultralight-aircraft-has-made-and-emergency-landing-on-a-surfers-paradise-beach/news-story/b38fa2ce87247d1074eeed65e78de36a&usg=AOvVaw1NAr9p4Rc82YemPR7Vx_Tk
  7. Seems so, according to the ABC radio news report at midday
  8. Powered glider makes emergency landing on Gold Coast beach Thankfully, no injuries and no damage!
  9. Wow! Another former Eagle bod - like me! We've been in contact before in connection with the archives. Always look back on that period of my life with great affection - best job I ever had (publicity and PR). Those were good times, such a shame they ended the way they did. - Mike
  10. Maybe slightly off-topic, but does anyone else of "a certain age", and probably British descent, remember a 1933 aviation adventure serial, "The Mystery Squadron" shown on the fledgling BBC television service in the 1950's? US-made and obviously dated even by the time it made it to the British 9-inch black and white screens, I fondly remember sitting with my dad as we watched the full 12 weekly episodes together. Apart from the incredible actual and studio-recreated biplane aerial sequences, I'll never forget the thrill of hearing the villain's radio call - "Black Ace calling station A". Seems a few others have fond memories too, as a Google search brings up quite a few references. For those who enjoy a bit of flying nostalgia, some restored episodes are available on DVD and streamed, free, at The Mystery Squadron DVD. - Mike
  11. Thanks a lot BP, will take you up on that. - Mike
  12. Thanks for that info bp. I'd love to play with a good sim, but cost being an important factor for me (like most aspiring flyers I'm sure), I've decided that rather than blow $$$ on a more powerful pc I'll keep spending it in hands-on training - at least until I get the hang of getting the flare right so I can finally move on to solo! - Mike
  13. On ABC radio news a few minutes ago. Very sad.
  14. Impressive! Fully expected the canopy to open after landing and the pilot to step out!
  15. Out of interest - anyone know if this is for real or photoshopped?
  16. Thought this thread was supposed to be about Sport Pilot. Broad discussion of NBN failings, infrastucture, profit motive and even income tax seem to be rather off topic surely?
  17. A Civil War then?
  18. Should be compulsory viewing for today's pack of "Get it out first, to hell with the facts" so-called journos!
  19. Interesting and reassuring thread. Thought I was the only student finding it difficult not to drift left on landing, but from the comments above it seems it's something many do in the early stages of training. I've occasionally managed to follow the centerline, but then spoilt it by misjudging the flare. Very frustrating and I'm losing patience with myself quicker than my calm and patient instructor is. But today, coming up to my 16th hour, I'm determined to get it right! - Mike
  20. ... and wouldn't you think that even the most junior/uninformed hack reporter would have been able to identify one of the most recognizable historic aircraft in the world? On the other hand, at least he didn't call it a Cessna. And it's reassuring to know there was "no disruption to the roads". - Mike
  21. Facts. Internet. Two words that are not always mutually compatible!
  22. Channel 9 Brisbane showed the same video and never once mentioned where it took place! That's "Qld's No.1 News Service" for you!
  23. ... and that's only because I couldn't find a "Flying Pigs" smilie!
  24. That'll be great. Look forward to it! -Mike
  25. Thanks Scott, I'm afraid that as I've only just started RAAus certificate training, it's something I shall have to admire from afar! But if you ever plan to drop in to YCAB with her I'd love to know so I could maybe have a closer look. - Mike
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