Thanks, Planey.
Ah, the Britannias - beautiful, dependable and noisy! Most, if not all, were ex-BOAC and were for years the mainstay of the Eagle medium - longhaul fleet, along with the Viscounts on domestic and short-haul routes, prior to the acquisition of BAC 1-11s and Boeing 707s. Pretty sure there'd be some members of this forum who would have migrated to Oz on a Brit during the years EG held the immigrant contract. Those configured with rear-facing seats were occasionally used for holiday flights, but were actually configured that way under a contract for flying scientists and military personnel out to Woomera. One of my last assignments when I worked for EG was preparing a glossy sales brochure to assist in disposal of the by then outdated fleet. Unfortunately, they didn't sell and not long afterwards Eagle collapsed, and the whole airline industry began to change forever.
- Mike