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Flying Officer Kite

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Everything posted by Flying Officer Kite

  1. Thanks, Nev, those are all good points, and I note your comment on the relative instability of u/l's in comparison with the bigger birds in gusty conditions. I suppose learning to handle a light plane in those conditions is probably one of the most valuable skills to develop - like learning to drive on wet icy roads as I did 60-odd years ago in the UK. But I think I'll pass on building my own - assembling Airfix models is my limit! Mike
  2. Local weather for tomorrow is forecast to be good - as it has been for most days this past few months! Won't be able to meet with you tomorrow, but please let me know next time you're dropping in and I'll join you for a coffee and a progress report - my intro flight will be on Thursday and I'll start proper training next week in a Foxbat. Mike
  3. It's good to be here!
  4. I hear the really big ones fly themselves! I'm planning to get as far as I can with qualifications before money and time run out, but I don't think either will last long enough for an ATPL!
  5. Stand easy Farri! 86 eh? Not sure if that's an inspiration or a challenge! Whatever - I'm up for it . Mike
  6. Thanks Sue - I was wondering whether the only thing older than me at Caboolture would be the DC3! Looking forward to making lots of new "old" friends! Mike
  7. Absolutely right Nev! I was lucky enough to have worked for Dan Air and British Eagle in the late 1960s and both were exciting companies with a great feeling of camaraderie. Even though I wasn't on the operational side of either airline, I spent a lot of time flying with them and made many friends among pilots and cabin crew, all of whom really loved the life. Sadly, today's airline industry doesn't seem to foster the same sort of "belonging" and loyalty among its staff that we experienced in the Good Old Days. At least that's how I see it as an outsider. Mike
  8. Thanks, Nev. My big regret now is that I left it too late to live the big dream of becoming a commercial pilot. Ah, well, flying for fun will have to do instead! Mike
  9. At 75, I'm about to take up where I left off over 50 years ago as an Air Training Corps Civilian Instructor and later Pilot Officer with the RAFVR(T) in Hove, UK. Domestic circumstances at that time forced me to abandon an opportunity to take up a gliding course, and I had to be satisfied with pursuing a career in publicity for two UK independent airlines, then into aviation industry journalism before migrating to Australia in 1973 and taking another, non-aviation, career path. Since retiring and moving to Beachmere, Queensland, a couple of years ago, I've watched daily as light aircraft from nearby Caboolture airfield and commercial jets on approach to Brisbane fly right overhead, thinking to myself, "Why the hell aren't I up there now?" So, at last, I've signed up for an RPC course at Caboolture and will be starting lessons next week. Looking forward to finally getting the wings I wanted half a century ago!
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