I have mentioned in other threads that it was going to be tough going to get my partner up. Well, today not only did Christine have her first flight with me but my youngest daughter, Laura also come up for a fly! We didn't stray far from the field because of weather. Mainly along the coast.
They were both very nervous before arriving at the field but I told them I would keep them informed of what I was doing and what to expect so flying under a bit of cloud I would say "this will be a little bumpy for a few seconds" or "I am just going to do a gentle turn in this direction", etc. It worked rather well, neither of them clutched hard at anything and the only time there was a real 'ah!' moment was on approach when we would get the obligitory turbulence (which I said would happen :-)) Christine clutches onto me tightly when in the 737s any time there is a change in noise or the aircraft turns.
I wasn't happy at all with the first approach and landing, safe and smooth enough and Christine said she thought it was a "great landing", it can't have been too bad, she was doing a lof of smiling :-) The approach and landing with Laura was a lot better. The conditions were interesting because one minute 32 was the into-wind runway and the next 26 was the way to go.
Oh well. It is great to get that done with such a great result, both loved it. :-)
Now all I want is some nice weather so I can actually GO somewhere!