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Everything posted by Thx1137

  1. Very good :-)
  2. During my training I experienced human factors issues a few times. For some really strange reason I didn't think "gosh, I am overloaded right now, I better doo X", I was too overloaded to think about being overloaded! that to me is the greatest flaw. I know it can happen, what causes it, etc. But when it happens somehow I don't have the spare capacity to fall back on HF training! The idea that we actually practice the more common problems makes FAR moer sense to me. Experience is a far better teacher than theory. As for the actual topic. Dunno but it would be interesting to get some feedback from a SAR organisation on the idea!
  3. Whatever I get I want a high level of dependability. I am not going to get one because the regs say so, I am getting one because I might actually need it one day and if I do I want it to work! So, I don't care the make/model but reliability is important.
  4. hehehe :-) I am the same way. Why waste a seat!
  5. I have mentioned in other threads that it was going to be tough going to get my partner up. Well, today not only did Christine have her first flight with me but my youngest daughter, Laura also come up for a fly! We didn't stray far from the field because of weather. Mainly along the coast. They were both very nervous before arriving at the field but I told them I would keep them informed of what I was doing and what to expect so flying under a bit of cloud I would say "this will be a little bumpy for a few seconds" or "I am just going to do a gentle turn in this direction", etc. It worked rather well, neither of them clutched hard at anything and the only time there was a real 'ah!' moment was on approach when we would get the obligitory turbulence (which I said would happen :-)) Christine clutches onto me tightly when in the 737s any time there is a change in noise or the aircraft turns. I wasn't happy at all with the first approach and landing, safe and smooth enough and Christine said she thought it was a "great landing", it can't have been too bad, she was doing a lof of smiling :-) The approach and landing with Laura was a lot better. The conditions were interesting because one minute 32 was the into-wind runway and the next 26 was the way to go. Oh well. It is great to get that done with such a great result, both loved it. :-) Now all I want is some nice weather so I can actually GO somewhere! Steven.
  6. G'day, sorry this is off topic but what is recommended for doing this? On our buses they have a little hammer but I have heard about a mechanical punch that is supposed to work ok. I like the idea of the hammer because it has no moving parts but I have no idea how either of them work on bubble canopies. Opinions? Steven.
  7. Thanks Jodie, yeah. I booked for Sunday :-) Last Sunday I was in 4501. I haven't flown an old sporty for nearly a year so it was pretty odd. It was also good to get my first flight in with the new licence :-) I couldn't convince anyone to come up with me last week although my youngest daughter says she will have her first flight in a small plane this Sunday. :-) Hopefully the weather will start behaving soon!
  8. One for me too.
  9. 'soon' for me would be good but not necessary, I just don't like borrowing one from the airfield!
  10. 2 - Steven White. :-)
  11. Hang on, did you bring it to Ians attention first!? Ya gotta give him a fair go and give him a day or two to get the weather fixed! Er. I better get my order in. I would like fine weather on Sunday or at least with clouds no lower than 4,000 please. :-)
  12. The weekend is nearly here although I am finding it impossible to get someone to come with me. No one wants to be first! Short straws maybe?!
  13. Thanks, but if I do that then I can't afford to fly!! Oh cruel world! Lotto is on this Saturday :-) I actually got my new licence in the mail today. 3 working days is pretty darn stunning I reckon, it is so good to have dealings with an organisation that actually performs instead of just market. It was strange looking at it, a bit of a 'wow' moment. :-)
  14. Thanks. Yep, it is done. And you @#!$!$! !!!!
  15. This is killing me. Sitting at work absolutely itching to jump in a plane. Here is a (obvious really!) hint for people who pass their flight tests. Don't wait a week before using your new found privileges! Even worse, While I was a student I had a few people who were happy to come along as a PAX but now that I can actually take em for a flight they are not exactly volunteering! Arrgg! Steven.
  16. I need practical experience. I needed to study my flight training material literally 4 or 5 times for it to sink in. Unfortunately I have always been like that and is one of the reasons I left school at 15. A practical lesson and I usually don't need a second exposure to remember (I may not be able to "do" but I know what I am supposed to do!) Steven.
  17. G'day and welcome, It is hard to think of a reason not to do it!
  18. Thanks Guys. G'day Ryan. Thanks to you and the guys for getting me over the line :-)
  19. Did part two today and passed. I now have the certificate, pax and cross country endorsements. We had some decent crosswinds today and amazingly enough didn't have any problems. Completely different to last week. I did feel a lot more relaxed though, it makes such a big difference!
  20. hahahaha :-)
  21. Excellent. It looks like he had a bit of crosswind :-)
  22. http://aussiex.org/ I think it includes most of Ants stuff but also has lots of others. I think there is about 375 or so minor strips.
  23. I did my BAK, Nav and HF exams on the one day. It was good to get them out of the way! Doing the two endorsements with the certificate is ok. There isn't a lot to do as far as PAX goes and the nav part should be just like we practice. Just be prepared to explain the 'why's a lot :-) It is a lot to get through so it does make it a long day.
  24. I didn't get to finish it. ran out of time and fuel was getting a little low. I wasn't in my best form but then I _really_ tense up during tests, my thighs got sore! I wrote about the test in a bit of detail in the student/training forum on this site. :-) I am not happy with my cross winds so I just booked a normal lesson just to focus on those for this Saturday at 3pm. See ya there!
  25. I heard a call about the whales when on my nav during my flight test. Arrgg! I would love to have popped over!
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