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Everything posted by Thx1137

  1. G'day Frank, great user name :-) It seems a lot of us wonder why we didn't do this earlier! Steven.
  2. The flying training manual is the one your lessons will be based on so I recon you should study the section you will be learning before you arrive at the airfield. The BAK takes a secondary role until much later but personally, I studied them in parallel. Mainly because I am a very slow learner when it comes to learning from books so I didn't want to leave it all till the end! Steven
  3. Adrian may be thinking of using AirNav's GPS export function but unfortunately it doesn't work unless you buy the GPS (moving map) extension :-( So, we either have to upgrade the license or input the flight plan a second time into the GPS using other means. As far as I can see this particular GPS doesn't accept flight plans, it just showing your current position on top of a map and it's FlightBook can be used to log flight details, including the GPS route. The method JayKay outlines is basically what I currently do in FSX, and hopefully soon IRL :-) Steven.
  4. I don't know that it is better as I am not familiar with OziExplorer! Steven.
  5. I am pretty sure Sentient had (has?) a separate Pocket PC program that could provide moving maps but you require Windows to run AirNav. The cheaper and more flexible option is to run Pocket FMS. One license and you can run all three versions of Pocket FMS: 1. A Windows version 2. A Pocket PC version 3. A special version for installation on Pocket PC based navigation hardware It is pretty cool though I am still leaning towards keeping my AirNav subscription at this point. It gets a bit expensive when you get all the options and it is a bit clunky. Steven.
  6. Well done. :-) It should run better than mine and mine is ok. I am thinking of upgrading to the new Intel i7 processor. It would cost about $1,000 but not sure of the performance games in FSX. Are you running the scenery from ORBX? If not you really should. Australia actually looks something like Australia! Steven.
  7. Yeah, Pocket FMS can be installed on many Windows CE based GPS units but AirNav VFR requires a laptop.
  8. You couldn't hear anything at all, intercom or airfield broadcasts? I read that some ANR headsets don't work with some aircraft in that there is noise but not silence. You tried it with ANR turned off? Maybe turn the squelch off, any noise? I use a Pilot brand ANR headset in the sportstar without any issues. Well, except that when I use the newer model Sporstars I have to turn the volume down a lot. Steven.
  9. Ok, I will have a stab so here is some paraphrasing but the questions are actually for the GPS unit vendors of course! 1. Can the GPS hardware talk the same language as AirNav VFR? 2. Is there a cable that can be supplied that will allow the AirNav VFR laptop to be connected and talk with the GPS unit? 3. This one is a little tricky. I think it means "When the AirNav laptop is connected to the GPS unit will the GPS hardware allow the AirNav VFR laptop to override the buttons and switches supplied on the GPS unit?" So, the purpose of these three questions is: 1. Does the GPS talk the same language as AirNav VFR? 2. Is it possible to physically connect the GPS to the AirNav VFR laptop? 3. Will the GPS hardware allow AirNav VFR to control the GPS units software? Steven.
  10. I am using the trial also but didn't have any problems with printing. What happens when you try to print? does anything happen on the screen? Any messages? are you using Vista?
  11. hehe. It is funnier now that I can see an image! All I saw the last two times I looked at it was an empty message. :-) Hence, not funny :-) Steven.
  12. The only thing I can think of is to try a faster shutter speed if the phone handles it. If that doesn't work try a slower one! :-) Steven.
  13. G'day Ross. I passed through Casino when I was a kid. It was raining and we were covered in fuel as we were trying to find a fuel line problem in my mates car. We were driving from Sydney to however far North we could get before we got bored and turned around :-) I do remember it being nice over there though :-) Steven.
  14. Tomo, I didn't think it was that funny myself... :big_grin: Steven.
  15. Joel, I was doing circuits until recently, they are fun, especially the cross-wind ones:-) Flying around Oz, that sure is a great way to build hours! What are you flying?
  16. I very much doubt it. Generally they will be CPU speed limited. Steven.
  17. hehe. Markendee obviously has a dry sense of humour. :-) I have come darn close. I have found two causes for me, applying full throttle too fast and not being straight when applying full power. Steven.
  18. hehe, I had similar thoughts over a month or so period but then though that it was more likely we die in a car crash. From that angle it isn't really a to fly or not to fly question but a general living life question. I thought of life insurance myself though it is expensive and while my family wouldn't be as comfortable as they are now without me they would get on ok. The best you can do is have everything in order and use it to ensure you don't become slack in your flying. Like, when you think "should I go around? I think I might be ok" remember these thoughts then just go-around. :-) Steven.
  19. How rude. Of course it is. It's called a kite. Steven.
  20. It is a static instrument panel so you need imagination to 'fly' it :-). It does have a seat belt and headset though. the other day a kid was in it doing howling engine sounds (like it is in some big dive) and I said to his mother. I hope mine doesn't sound like that! :-) Steven.
  21. Gotta love it :-)
  22. I have the Aviation Theory Centers Navigation for the CASA PPL/CPL Day VFR Syllabus book and it is ok, I think it could be a little better. I haven't been able to compare it with anything else though. Steven.
  23. Heh. Sunday afternoon for me :-) I mainly flew with Steve until soloing. Now it tends to be a mixture of Wayne, Leo and Ryan. Talk you out of it? That does seem odd! Areyou looking at a career? heh, being a gadget freak I always spent all my money on electronic toys, the great unanswered question, "how many laptops is enough?" :-). My gadget consumption has gone way down since starting to fly :-) Steven.
  24. Jodie! I start soloing in that training area too as of next Sunday according to Wayne. Aldinga is a nice field and it is great for building up the constitution isn't it :-) I see a female there every now and again but certainly not often. I am sort of hoping one of my daughters gets the flying bug so I won't be by myself all the time but I am only 18 hours myself so it will be a little while before I can take them up. I 'sort of hope' because if they do catch it they will want me to pay for it! Steven.
  25. Ron. Your lucky, the only way to get my missus in the air is if she is comatose! I will have to head out to Murray Bridge one day. It seems popular! Steven.
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