Following from flying dog's great utilities I have decided to announce a utility for the Blackberry phones (iPods have enough pilot utilities!) that has conversions for many units we use, a density alt calculator, crosswind calculator and a weight balance calculator (it also plots).
If you are interested in giving it a go PM me. I do not want to make it public until one or two more people give it some tests. The numbers I have been getting so far are good but a developer should never test their own software! :-)
It isn't particularly pretty but it is very easy and quick to use (well, it suits my purpose!) adding llittle touches like, one handed operation, if you have a conversion EG: feet to meter then change the "feet" entry to "meter" it automatically changes the "meter" entry to "feet" (reversing the conversion) and it shows you a list of conversions you have made (newest first). I am lazy and have a terrible memeory :-)
I have only tested it on a Blackberry Storm though others_should_ work as long as the OS is 4.6 or later.