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Everything posted by Thx1137

  1. Ah, thats right, I jumped the gun, I hadn't checked the details of this one. It was one of the other things you guys are doing. I have family going to Canberra on that day so I might be able to do it if I can get back to the airfield in time. Thanks Bas, Steven.
  2. Lol!!!
  3. I migh have gone but I keep putting off getting an ASIC. Grrr! Steven.
  4. Nope, not rocket science but how you do it depends on what you want to get out of it and the owner(s) and aircrafts situation. I should probably stated my situation but I was interested as a general topic and not just my own situation. I probably should have known there would be an issue calling the topic "Maintenance Releases" when they are legal document but is was the closest title that matched the kind of thing I was interested in... The reason I asked is because I heard that someone had created a form, not for legal purposes but just to keep the people who use the aircraft informed about the current state of the aircraft and any pending maintenance so I was interested to see if that was more common than I thought. I guess not. Steven.
  5. Nope, I will think about it. Just because GA keeps track of aircraft issues and their resolution doesn't mean I don't want to! I can't see CASA saying "this RA guy want to track faults, hey, lets make em all do it!"! You allude that we have some methods. What I am trying to find out is what the methods are that people are using.
  6. I can never finish reading this one. It has to be one of the best ever :-)
  7. G'day, I am wondering how people here document any issues with an aircraft so that others who may fly the aircraft can know of any issues and repairs tracked. Are people using a GA type maintenance release document or something different for thier RA aircraft? Steven.
  8. G'day Bruce, welcome to the site. Being lazy I like me aircraft to come prebuilt but there are plenty here who get into the kits :-) Regards, Steven.
  9. I have used film on my netbook and PND advertised on an Austrlian Mac web site for use with Macbooks. It did a good job of reducing reflections but the image quality on the netbook suffered too much. The PND image quality seemed ok but it wasn't any easier to read in bright sunlight, which was what I was hoping for.
  10. G'day Kevin, 1.3.1 didn't really didn't make any difference to me as I didn't have much of a problem with 1.3.0. I am on my way to check out 1.3.2 thought, thanks for the heads up! Steven.
  11. Of course, it also depends on where and how high you are. For class G: if <=3000 feet AMSL or 1000 feet AGL (whichever is higher) then seperation is clear of cloud and in sight of ground or water.
  12. G'day Tony, Good move I reckon. I like to play it safe myself and to try to expand my horizons fairly slowly with something as changeable as the weather. :-) Steven.
  13. I would love to see evidence of that! If it is human nature then I take it that that means most of us that are OCTA and have a radio do not keep watch!? Even if that were true I would bet that if you took the radios out they still wouldn't keep watch. TCAS, maybe. Radio, I don't agree.
  14. Well, considering his mandate I wouldn't think that there is anything there that would be a surprise. My hope is that they just don't make our lives unnecessarily harder. There is quite a range of different opinions on what "unnecessarily harder" means of course! One thing I want is their reasoning behind their decisions. I think it helps us all to understand the issues better. The only decision I have seen so far that they made said almost nothing of "why". Steven.
  15. I don't think so. I think point 2 was probably telling you he was going to keep his value judgement... It is not usually good when someone is told "don't let the other guy out of your sight".
  16. Reminds me of what a real fight pilot said about Falcon 4. A lot of people were saying the flight model was not realistic because it had to be harder to land in real life than it was in the sim. He said something like "the sim model is good but it feels a hell of a lot different when it is you ass heading towards the ground at approach speed". I agree in that if you can put yourself in-the-sim it can feel quite realistic. If you treat it as a game then it there is zero realism. For me, I made the same errors in real life that I did in the sim (or is it the other way around!). The solution to those errors was also the same. So, for me it was realistic!
  17. Your system will run it, BUT. Whether you are happy with how it runs no one else can say. I have an I7 clocked at 3.5Ghz, 6GB of RAM and a 756MB NVidia 275 graphics card. Not a bad llittle system and I can finally say I am happy with how it runs FSX. It is very person dependant and I like it to look _really_ good and be very smooth! I think the graphics card on you system might let it down a bit however FS is CPU limited, not video card limited so a fast processor is way more important than a fast video card. As for what you can get out of it. With decent add-on aircraft you can have very good flight physics under normal operations. Some have OK stall and spin behaviour and recovery but they feel nothing like the real thing. It is fantastic for practicing the procedural aspects although I must say, the freeware Eurostar for FSX was a great plane for practising my circuits and navs, it really felt a lot like the Sportstar I was flying at the time. I am a slow learner and the sim did help. A MUST have to get the full benefit is Track IR head tracking, this is so the view on the screen moves as your head moves. Rudder peddles are also very high on the list too of course! If you do get FSX then I would suggest you get the scenery from Orbx (demo available) and the airfields from OzX (free). Also, turn off AI aircraft and fly on cloudless days. AI traffic and clouds really hurt low and mid power systems. Steven.
  18. Fair enough to a point. It is not exactly unknown for people to moan without good reason and aussies are pretty renowned for it! I think sometmies the facts get distorted and we feed on each others opinions a too much, it is very easy to do, especially when facts are not easy to obtain. I can't say I have seen much in the way of insults, certainly people are trying to work out where he stands on various issues and what his agenda is. If his views and agenda aren't clear then people will guess based on hints and his past. What else can we, people with an interest in the situation do? Complaining about it won't help them though. If they want to improve the situation they not only have to do "the right thing" but be seen to be doing it. An unpopular decsion may actual be reasonable but unless we can see how the reasoning was performed it wont be "seen" as the "right thing". Steven.
  19. It doesn't exactly stand out does it. Also, it is almost exclusively based on RA branded merchandise. I hate company logos on stuff I wear! Even if it is one I support. Steven.
  20. The plugs might be new but how about the sockets? The issues isn't so much corrosion but wear and tear (the sockets and/or plugs) and/or the oils from the fingers that get deposited on the plugs if touched. My electric piano sometimes gets scratchy and cleaning the plug with a clean cloth fixes it. It probably isn't this but it is easy to check for :-) Steven.
  21. I have a Pilot PA 18-50 and there are no such noises in mine. It is hard to tell from the description but I wonder whether there is poor contact between the headphone plugs and sockets? While wearing the headset and power supplied to the intercom, twist the plugs around back and forth and listen to see if the noise gets worse. Steven.
  22. I dunno if we are missing some context. Hopefully...
  23. Certainly was.
  24. Well, if you count "brain dead"...hehehe :-) I used to watch TV all the time. I cannot stand it at all anymore. The original Master Chef, House and NCIS I liked but not enough for me to move move to go watch them!
  25. Well, we don't need lots of us asking the same questions at a dinner, one is sufficient. What may be useful is if any questions can be gathered via these forums and someone who is going up there can ask them. Also, a lot of it is not so much a question but behaviour. I would be rather surprised given the coverage in aviation publications if they didn't know what a lot of the aviation community think. In the end what we think accounts for little because they do not answer to us. Neither do their political masters, there are just too few of us and it is difficult to get the public on our side because they think we are all rich and have nothing to do with 'thier' quality of life. Anyway, we can tell them what we think via the CASA web site. Sure saying something to them in person possibly increases the uncomfortability factor but it will not help get something done, possibly quite the opposite if it gets narky. About the only hope I see is if we can increase our profile and make more people _want_ Rec and GA to be around.
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