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  1. Condolences to all. IIRC this cessna was the one time Wollongong Aerial Patrol aircraft
  2. I dont think this is a HARS aircraft. Last I saw it was operating from Warnervale NSW. Colour scheme is for a recall aircraft.
  3. Just after midday today 9/3/24 Stearman overturned on runway. No injuries reported
  4. Looking at the photo of the scene, I cant see any aerial cable markers attached to the cable crossing the river. I know that Ergon Energy for one have a marker program in progress but were there markers here?
  5. ABC says glider and ultralight
  6. I flew in VH-ASM circa 1958 but I wasnt the pilot. The pilot that day was Sid Marshall.
  7. I flew Jabs of all models except 250 for 11 years (owned one for 7) and never had a nosewheel or wheelbarrowing event nor heard of one either.
  8. I wonder which lane they were flying. There is Victor One, and there is also the western Sydney light aircraft lane which crosses south- north to behind Camden then cuts north east over housing suburbs to come out somewhere near Brisbane Water
  9. iIRC a continual power loss issue ina rotax powered Alpha suspected to be a fuel flow issue turned out to be a blocked muffler
  10. I wonder if he was transitting Victor One just off the coast and struck trouble . Max transit height there is 500 feet which doesnt leave many options to find a landing place.
  11. Yes. Hope the crew is ok At Cromer on Sydney northern beaches
  12. Sad to hear. Condolences to all
  13. I recall an Alpha years ago with persistant power loss after takeoff AFAIK Turned out to be a blocked muffler.
  14. More info in the second book "Blast the Bush" also by Len Beadell
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