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Everything posted by JEM

  1. Hi all From RA Aus PS Note the live webcast on the RA Aus website if you cant make the weeting itself. Date: 2 May 2015 Time: 10am to 12pm Venue: Hunter Recreational Flying Club - Western Side of Cessnock A/Port, Grady Road, Pokolbin NSW 2320 Members are invited to our forthcoming general meeting. The President and CEO will provide a six month update to members about the activities of RA-Aus. We will also discuss the six month financial report and projected financial picture for the forthcoming year. The meeting will also be live webcast for all members to view on our website. The link will not be live until Saturday 2 May 2015. If the website doesn't work please try this link. It is also important for members to note that the Executive will be on hand to answer questions at a forum following the meeting. In order to better utilise the funds from member contributions the board has elected to not incur the costs associated with transporting the entire board to the general meeting. We do, however, recognise that members enjoy discussing issues with the board so to maximise the value we offer to members and achieve this the Executive will be on hand to answer questions on behalf of the board We look forward to seeing you at Cessnock. The board of RA-Aus will also be meeting in Canberra at the RA-Aus head office on 3 May from 800am for a routine board meeting. Members welcome to attend.
  2. Just a thought I heard of a Rotax 912 with low power/rpm and it turned out to be a blocked muffler.
  3. Great pics Russ. Thanks for sharing.
  4. The ultralight crash at Petaluma USA was an experimental Quicksilver MXL. Is this the crash Red750 posted about? " In the news feeds on the Home page, an item about a small plane crashing short of a private field in Arizona. Lists it as a Jabiru 3300."
  5. Hi all As per page 3 this thread 24-7852 had Melbourne Aviation? written across the fin.
  6. Focke Wulf 190 replica crash landing Omaka air show 3/4/15 and Cessna inverted at Tomahawk Beach Dunedin same day. All occupants survived OK.
  7. Re: Asmov "This is the first page of the NTSB search for Jabiru and Jabiru powered aircraft". That is 17 reports in 7 years 2006-2014 presumably from all reasons. Doesn't seem many. How many of the 17 were due to engine?
  8. 24-7852 had Melbourne Aviation? written across the fin.
  9. So sad to hear of this.
  10. Good question TP. I don't have the answer.
  11. Re the CASA SD reports held under http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_90818 Of the total of 5 Jabiru engine "failures" I can find reported on the CASA list of 114 prop engine failures in 2014, three failures are claimed as engine, one failure claimed as ring gear and one as fuel pump. Only one Jab failure is listed on the CASA SD list for 2015 so far.
  12. Hi Powerin. CASA's own service difficulties and reports on piston engines for the past 5 or more years appears to be password protected.
  13. And a good old Jabiru LSA55 as well Well done
  14. Emailled to me by CASA yesterday Dear Members of the Australian Aviation Community, On 1 September 2014, CASA implemented interim cost recovery arrangements for the pilot licensing suite of regulations covering Part 61, Part 64, Part 141 and Part 142. In order to make these cost recovery changes permanent, CASA has developed a Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (2014-15 CRIS) to facilitate the public consultation and legislative processes for the update of the Civil Aviation (Fees) Regulations 1995 with the new fees. As per the Australian Government Cost Recovery Guidelines, July 2014, CASA is required to seek your comments on the draft 2014-15 CRIS. Following public consultation, CASA will need to seek approval from the Government to cost recover the new pilot licencing suite of regulations covering Part 61, Part 64, Part 141 and Part 142 in order to update the Civil Aviation (Fees) Regulations 1995 with the new fees by the 31 March 2015. The 2014-15 CRIS documents CASA’s cost recovery arrangements for its aviation safety regulatory services and the cost recovered activity. It will be in place during 2014-15 and the next three years to demonstrate their consistency with the Guidelines. Certain fees and charges included in the 2014-15 CRIS include the changes as a result of the introduction of the pilot licencing suite legislation: Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment Regulation 2013 (No. 1) dated 12 December 2013 Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing and Other Matters) Regulation 2013 dated 12 December 2013 Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Crew Licensing) Regulation 2014 dated 21 August 2014 (the amended regulations), effective from 01 September 2014 All other fees and charges will remain unchanged. The draft CRIS is now available for industry review at: http://www.casa.gov.au/costrecovery. Industry members are invited to comment on the 2014-15 CRIS to the CASA Cost Recovery Team, by sending an email to [email protected] Responses should be received by COB 23 April 2015. Yours sincerely, Lloyd Petty A/g Chief Financial Officer Civil Aviation Safety Authority
  15. Hi Camel I was one of the people who received a letter from Warren Truss about this matter His final paragraph says "On the basis of suggestions received from a number of key stakeholders during the consultation process, CASA has also advised that it will review these limitations early in 2015. I have asked CASA to undertake this action expeditiously." As we are nearly into March 2015 with no expeditious result yet. I hope that something happens soon.
  16. Re Any updates. .?? Has everyone read this months Jabachat?
  17. From the RA AUS website. RA-Aus pilots operating in the Wollongong area February 10, 2015 | members Recently Qantas decided to “gift” one of the remaining 747 aircraft to the Historic Aircraft Restoration Society (HARS) based in Wollongong NSW. The aircraft is anticipated to be flown from Sydney to Wollongong between the 7th and 13th March, with the most likely date being Saturday 7th March, weather permitting. In order for this to occur a Temporary Restricted Area (TRA) will be put in place around Wollongong aerodrome, expected to include an area of 15 nautical mile radius of Wollongong and up to 5000 feet. A copy of the Sydney VNC depicting the proposed TRA is included. As this area potentially includes operations of RA-Aus FTFs and pilots this preliminary advice has been provided so CFIs may advise RA-Aus members affected by the area of the TRA. We will confirm the date of the proposed restricted area as we are advised, but we have been informed that these dates are the most likely date(s) of the operation. Pilots are reminded to check NOTAMs for confirmation of the TRA prior to flight in this area on these proposed dates. It is expected that this landing will become public knowledge and draw significant attention as did the landing of the 747 at Longreach several years ago.
  18. I've always found the best way to call your motel and ask the owner to collect you from the field.
  19. The latest from RA Aus website "In 2015 instead of hosting our own fly-in, NatFly, Recreational Aviation Australia will be attending a number of fly-ins across the country to engage with members and like-minded aviation enthusiasts to talk all things aviation. 2015 is a busy year with regard to fly-ins. When you think about the Avalon air show in March, Holbrook and Narromine with fly-ins over Easter, Wings over Illawarra in May, AusFly and Wings over Warwick in September and the Jamestown Airshow in October (to name a few) you can see that it is a hectic year for fly-ins. So, Recreational Aviation Australia has decided to not run NatFly at all in 2015. We will have a presence at a number of fly-ins throughout the year and both board members and staff will get out as much as we can to meet and engage with our members. By attending a number of events we believe we will be able to engage with and listen to more of our members to find out your thoughts about everything to do with Recreational Aviation Australia. We are also keen to talk to you about our plans for the year as well as what is planned in 2016 and beyond. If you’d like representatives from Recreational Aviation Australia to attend your club, or your show or meeting, just drop us a line. We will do our best to attend. And finally, when we have news about the next time we run NatFly, we will be sure to let everyone know.
  20. Hope they turn up safe. Below is from AMSA via Medianet and gives some detail Media Release: Overdue ultralight aircraft, North Queensland Australian Maritime Safety Authority 11/02/2015 6:29:30 AM Good morning, Please find below and attached a media release seeking any sighting or hearing reports of two ultralight aircraft flying low yesterday in the Donnington Air Park area near Townsville. This media release has been issued to Townsville area media to broadcast as soon as possible, and to Brisbane media for background only. Further information on search activities is available from AMSA Media on 1300 624 633. Overdue ultralight aircraft, North Queensland The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) is conducting an air search for two ultralight aircraft missing near Donnington Air Park, south of Townsville. Each aircraft has one person on board and were due to return to Donnington Air Park. Members of the public are requested to call 1800 815 257 and report any sighting or hearing of two ultralight aircraft flying low in the vicinity of Donnington Air Park, or the Reid River, Haughton River and Majors Creek areas between 11am and 3pm AEST yesterday. ENDS
  21. Search resumed this morning. Hope they find the pilot OK.
  22. ABC TV news at 0800 today says departed Wedderburn.
  23. Is everybody aware of the following ?? : Scope of Aviation Security Identification Cards (ASICs) ISSUED: DECEMBER 2014 Submissions to [email protected] Making a submission Submissions should be emailed to [email protected] An acknowledgement email will be sent to the sender’s email address to confirm receipt of the submission. The closing date for submissions is 2 February 2015. Phone: 02 6274 7820 Email: [email protected] Website: www.infrastructure.gov.au Mail: GPO Box 594 CANBERRA ACT 2600
  24. This reply received from the Minister. Dear Sir/Madam l thank you for your correspondence regarding operational limitations for aircraft fitted with Jabiru engines announced by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). l fully appreciate that these operational limitations will have an impact on Jabiru and the many owners and operators of aircraft fitted with Jabiru engines. However CASA regards these limitations as necessary following a significant number of Jabiru engine failures as a precautionary safety step to reduce potential risk exposure to passengers. student pilots and persons on the ground. I am advised by CASA that the limitations which have becn put in place were developed after consultation with the aviation community including comments from kcy stakeholders such as Jabiru, Recreational Aviation Australia and the Sport Aircraft Association of Australia. A copy of the limitations can bc found on CASA`s wcbsitc at: www.casa.gov.au and came into effect on 23 December 2014. On thc basis of suggcstions rcccivcd from a number of key stakeholders during the consultation process, CASA has also advised that it will review these limitations early in 2015. I have asked CASA to undertake this review expeditiously. Yours sincerely WARREN TRUSS
  25. Patented in Germany and the UK pre WW2 by Gus Lachmann. Known in the UK as the Handley Page slat. For early uses Check out the Bavarian Flugzeug Werke BF 108 then the BfF109. They work by air pressure alone without intervention by the pilot. Cheers JM
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