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  1. JEM

    Jabiru flap stress

    Jabiru spares in Bundaberg sell a part referred to as item number 3106094 "bush flap (UL) hinge inner" which is for fitting into underwing flap hangers whose flap bolt locating holes have worn. They also supply the longer AN3-10A bolts needed.
  2. Hi Pete, Ring me on 0422278502 and I will organise to email you the Email I recieved which has photos of the aircraft and some contact details. Regards John
  3. Greetings all I have heard this morning that Resurgam 3 ultralight/microlight 10-1009 is derelict in the back of a hangar at Kingaroy dismantled without a tailplane and is in danger of being burnt. If anyone is interested in saving this aircraft post here and I will PM you some contact details. Cheers JEM
  4. Next ime you're looking for a Natfly place why not check out Cootamundra. 15 minutes from Temora, big airfield real close to town Good motels, and right on the Sydney to Melbourne train XPT service.
  5. According to the SA Police website it was a Lightwing LW 1
  6. Yep got mine OK but 1 day after it appeared in my local newsagency. By the way, the RA Aus website appears to be down this morning.
  7. The Newcastle Herald reported that an ultralight crashed into the Hunter River at Hinton at 5.30pm on the Thursday evening. Pilot uninjured and made it to shore. Aircraft was to be recovered from where it came to rest on the river bank. See Newcastle Herald.
  8. Greetings all The following is from the RA AUS website. Members are requested to be aware of a missing aircraft that has alleged to have been stolen. The aircraft was flown away from the Northam WA airfield between Sunday 9th and Tuesday 11th June. The aircraft is a Jabiru SP6 with 3.3litre 6 cylinder engine and holds registration number 19-3253. The engine serial number is #068 and the aircraft currently has a Jabiru two blade wooden propeller. Members are requested to contact Operations if they are aware of the aircraft location on 0428 282870 or 0400 280087 or email [email protected] and are not to approach the aircraft or any persons associated with the aircraft.
  9. Hi all, My vote is to have the accidents/incidents area and the Aust Governing Bodies area as separate individual post areas as they were previously. Both of these areas are/were very important to improve Australian recreational aviation safety and governance. They are IMHO far too important to be mixed in with other issues. Cheers John
  10. Greetings all Dave and his group have all arrived safely at Wollongong and spent some time tonight with the Illawarra Flyers
  11. Big Not For Profit airshow with jets warbirds classics and aerobatics next Sunday 5th May at Illawarra Regional Airport. See the website woi.org.au for all details.
  12. Thanks mate
  13. I once had a similar sounding problem with a Jab with a progressive voltage drop during a short flight following a stay at a dusty breezy airport. After landing I found that the starter button had jammed in on start up. The starter motor had apparently been operating without load and drawing down the battery reserve. The post flight shut down was normal. I popped out the button, cleaned the button slide and could not replicate the fault. System checked by electrician then restarted with jumper leads. Battery charged normally. Starter motor checked OK by L2 . The starter system has since always worked normally and the fault has not reappeared. Now I include the starter button in my pre takeoff instrument scans.
  14. Hi Pylon. Sorry I have only owned the aircraft since after it was fitted with the 2200. The earlier engine info came from its log book. Performance is very good with the 2200 and for me it has been 100% safe. Incidentally the 55-730 log book has some even earlier notes in it recording the KFM 112 engine installations in 66-653 (aircraft #?) and VH-LOY (aircraft #5) .
  15. Hi there I fly Jabiru 55-730 (airframe No 32) which was one of the Hedlow aircraft. It left the factory on 16 July 1993 fitted with a Jabiru 1600 engine which lasted until1/6/1995 when a cylinder parted from the crankcase. On 1/6/1996 the aircraft was modified as per STC 208-1 (7/12/1995) by Hedlow Air to take a 960hr Rotax 912. This Rotax was removed 17/8/1996 and replaced with another Rotax 912. In 2002 the Rotax was replaced with the solid lifter Jabiru 2200. Looking at the engine log book it seems both engine types have served this airframe well.
  16. Greetings all Found on RA Aus website just now: "COMMUNICATION November 14, 2012 | opsassist Dear RA-Aus members, I have been sent numerous articles and posts from various websites that have caused concern to some members. I spoke to Mr Ungermann this morning and asked him some direct questions in relation to some of the rumours that I have seen recently. The first one I asked him about was the rumour that CASA intend to release a media report about RA-Aus and the problems they currently face by the end of the week. What Mr Ungermann told me was that CASA have been approached by a media representative, claiming to be a reporter, asking questions in regards to the problems currently being experienced by RA-Aus. He stated that the reporter was told that the problems have come about as a result of a CASA audit of RA-Aus and they do not concern any matters of safety. He further added that as far as he knew there is no intention of releasing a media statement about RA-Aus. The second question I asked him was concerning the grounding of all RA-Aus aircraft. He stated that this has never been discussed with him and that CASA are as keen as the board, staff, and all members of RA-Aus to keep the aircraft in the air. I have said many times before that you have board members and your first port of call should be to them. We will do our utmost to keep you informed of what is going on via the website, which is the only website being used to release official information. If you continue to listen to what is being written on other sites and even contribute to it then you run the risk of being misinformed. Work continues to resolve the problems being encountered and it is hoped that a positive outcome can be achieved in the very near future. Regards, Steve Runciman President RA-Aus"
  17. Greetings all, Is there something wrong with the RA Aus website? Is it down? I have been trying to connect to it for a while now but can't get to the home page. Maybe its only my PC. Can someone advise me here. Cheers JEM
  18. Hi Ian, Its Recreational Flying for me.
  19. Hi all, Aircraft was delivered new to Hedlow Air 16/7/1993 rego AUF 55-730. Signed for by Sue Grills. Regards JEM
  20. Hi Hendonguy, I am also flying an LSA 55 which was at one time fitted with a Rotax at Rockhampton. My logbook says 912 Rotax fitted 1/6/1996 as per AG & S Grills STC 208-1 dated 07/12/1995. Aircraft was then being operated by Hedlow Air at Rocky.
  21. JEM

    Jabiru lsa 55 fuel tank

    Greetings all -still looking! I am interested in obtaining a 65 litre Jabiru LSA 55 fuel tank. Has anyone got one salted away anywhere? I still have the original 50 litre tank fitted and am interested in replacing it. Cheers
  22. JEM

    Jabiru lsa 55 fuel tank

    Thanks Nong for your post. Has anyone got a fuel tank 4 sale?
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