Col, From Shellharbour Council......
Good Afternoon All
As you are all aware with RPT flights starting on 30 October 2017 IRA will become a designated Security Controlled Airport again – it is expected that we will be gazetted for this two weeks prior to 30 October.
When IRA becomes a Security Controlled port again it will be from the gazetted date and will require any persons going airside to have a current approved ASIC , or in certain circumstances hold a VIC ( Visitor Identification Card) issued by SCC – the person holding the VIC will still be required to be escorted by a ASIC holder.
The rules for the issuing of ASIC’s changed on the 1 August 2017 requiring face to face meetings between the ASIC applicant and the Authorising body / agent , this could mean considerable travel for the applicant.
SCC is to become an agent for Aviation ID Australia to lessen this impact on the applicant. (Ed highlight)
We will advise you of more detail in the coming weeks.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
John Barnden
0417 625 595