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Everything posted by JEM

  1. Anyone know how the Jabiru 2210 engine is coming along?
  2. Is there an existing garage tilt a door system design that you can miniaturise and install "on its side" to make the lid swing where you want it? Regards John
  3. The current members liability insurance is with Willis (AIG) as per attached. Expiry 4pm 31/10/2016. I hope this is separate to the matters referred to on page 1 and unaffected. See Scottys post No 20. https://www.raa.asn.au/storage/20151028-raa-cop-liability.pdf
  4. Good news
  5. News photo No Cookies | The Advertiser
  6. Aren't those CASA general rules found in www/airservicesaustralia.com/aip/current/aip/general/pdf only directed at international flights departures by airliners? Although they might also be found in a Monty Python script.
  7. Have you tried the Jabiru Tech Forums run by Jabiru themselves? Topics in Jabiru Aircraft (1/1) - Jabiru Aircraft - Jabiru Aircraft & Engines Australia
  8. Glad there were no injuries Phil, Sad about the plane. Good photo tho.
  9. Here are newly advertised positions. I cant see any reference to experience in aviation required. Aerodrome Inspectors Job in Sydney - SEEK
  10. Looks like a good dose of fire retardant
  11. I have heard that the Ozkosh website should be updated in the next couple of days
  12. No Col, I am not suggesting that. I am merely pointing out that quite a few of the applicants already have, as they describe, high end jobs which I think will already take up a lot of their time. Regards
  13. One thing that occurs to me is: Will the highly qualified legal and engineering oriented professional applicants applying for these 5 positions have sufficient time available to put aside their "day jobs" and travel interstate to attend RA meetings and to absorb the aviation related issues they will be expected to deliberate on?
  14. More from RA Aus Our Constitution - RAA
  15. Today I received the August RA Aus Sport Pilot magazine in the mail. Interesting because I am a member who has no subscription for it. I presume it was sent (to all members?) because the 10 board election candidates have their candidate statements in it. PS the issue contains a special reduced cost offer for members to pick up a years subscription.
  16. The six phases of a project 1. Enthusiasm 2. Disappointment. 3. Disaster 4 The search for the guilty 5. The punishment of the innocent 6. Awards and congratulations for the non participants.
  17. Hi I sent an email to the SAAA re OZKOSH yesterday. No reply as yet but I just found this contact list on the RA AUS site. Might be worth a phone call on Monday. (The following list appears on a page last updated 27 May 2016) Cheers all Who to contact If you would like any further information on the event, please call either Neil Unger (0468 623 933 or 02 6865 3293) or David Young (0423 003306 or 07 3188,9369).
  18. I don't think this mob in Canberra will ever come to their census
  19. News article So sad. AVweb - Bugatti Builder Killed In Crash
  20. Europa. Not an ultralight? Hope the injuries are minor. Link to photo ‘Lucky’ crash landing
  21. ElectraNet confirmed the three men injured in the crash were conducting a power line survey.
  22. Three injured See link Three injured in helicopter crash in South Australia
  23. Sorry if this has already been posted. From RA Aus 1/7/2016 (And I thought it would be as simple as ABC or 123) Correction to Jabiru Instrument Amendment ENews Members are advised that the descriptive information provided in yesterday's ENews is not accurate in relation to the type of engine required to comply with the instrument. Revised information is required due to confusion resulting from inconsistent terminology by CASA between the internal CASA Jabiru Engine Reliability - Analysis Report and the newly published Jabiru Instrument CASA 65-16, which was enacted 1 July 2016. CASA provided RAAus with last minute general information relating to changes which were made to the new Instrument 65-16, and in summary, the information we provided in the previous ENews has the potential for confusion with that contained within the instrument relating to the engines which are no longer required to comply with the instrument. The engines described in the table below relate to the type of valve train system used, being either solid lifter, hydraulic lifter, or roller cam hydraulic lifter. This terminology has not been followed in a consistent manner in the information used in Jabiru Instrument 65/16. Members are advised to carefully read the Instrument to determine for themselves if their engine is required to comply with the Instrument requirements based on valve train and through bolt configuration. The new instrument 65-16 is effective from 1 July 2016. We will continue to work with CASA to encourage further review as will Jabiru and SAAA as key stakeholders. You can read RAAus' response to CASA here. RAAus would like to apologise for any confusion caused by this information. The new Jabiru Instrument 65/16 can be accessed via the link below - CASA 65/16 - Conditions and direction concerning certain aircraft fitted with engines manufactured by Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd. CEO [email protected] General Enquiries [email protected] Pilot and Student Enquiries [email protected] Aircraft Enquiries [email protected] ASIC Enquiries [email protected] This email was sent by Recreational Aviation Australia Inc., Recreational Aviation Australia, 3/1 Pirie Street, Fyshwick, ACT 2904, Australia.
  24. Hi Am I reading the CASA instrument and the CASA report both right, or are the documents at odds with each other? The CASA Jabiru engine reliability report says 2) Where operational Limitations DO NOT apply: Generation 1 and generation 3 engine configurations. Justification: Through bolt failures have not been experienced on generation 1 or generation 3 engines. The vibratory characteristics of the Generation 1 engines has been shown to exhibit a distinct difference in the natural frequency to the hydraulic lifter crankcase which had unfortunate characteristics relative to the engine excitation frequency, causing the crankcase to vibrate and fret. D. Appendix – Summary of recommendations 1) Definitions of configuration: Manufactured s/n range (4cyl) Manufactured s/n range (6cyl) Description Generation 1 22A0001 through 22A2067 33A0001 through 33A0960 Manufactured with solid valve lifters Generation 2 22A2068 through 22A3595 33A0961 through 33A2539 Manufactured with flat faced hydraulic valve lifters Generation 3 22A3596 and above 33A2540 and above Manufactured with roller hydraulic valve lifters The new Instrument 65/16 by M Skidmore seems to reverse the groups ABC above to BAC (Group A in the report has become group B) . The Skidmore instrument 65/16 shows: Group Description of configuration Manufactured s/n range (4 cyl) Manufactured s/n range (6 cyl) A Engines with flat-faced hydraulic valve lifters 22A2068 through 22A3595 33A0961 through 33A2539 B Engines with solid valve lifters and 3/8" through bolts 22A0001 through 22A2067 33A0001 through 33A0960 C Engines with roller or flat-faced hydraulic valve lifters and 7/16" through bolts 22A3596 and above 33A2540 and above
  25. The wing as well. The Guardian link is Singapore Airlines plane catches fire while making emergency landing
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