Sorry if this has already been posted. From RA Aus 1/7/2016
(And I thought it would be as simple as ABC or 123)
Correction to Jabiru Instrument Amendment ENews
Members are advised that the descriptive information provided in yesterday's ENews is not accurate in relation to the type of engine required to comply with the instrument.
Revised information is required due to confusion resulting from inconsistent terminology by CASA between the internal CASA Jabiru Engine Reliability - Analysis Report and the newly published Jabiru Instrument CASA 65-16, which was enacted 1 July 2016.
CASA provided RAAus with last minute general information relating to changes which were made to the new Instrument 65-16, and in summary, the information we provided in the previous ENews has the potential for confusion with that contained within the instrument relating to the engines which are no longer required to comply with the instrument.
The engines described in the table below relate to the type of valve train system used, being either solid lifter, hydraulic lifter, or roller cam hydraulic lifter. This terminology has not been followed in a consistent manner in the information used in Jabiru Instrument 65/16.
Members are advised to carefully read the Instrument to determine for themselves if their engine is required to comply with the Instrument requirements based on valve train and through bolt configuration.
The new instrument 65-16 is effective from 1 July 2016. We will continue to work with CASA to encourage further review as will Jabiru and SAAA as key stakeholders.
You can read RAAus' response to CASA here.
RAAus would like to apologise for any confusion caused by this information.
The new Jabiru Instrument 65/16 can be accessed via the link below -
CASA 65/16 - Conditions and direction concerning certain aircraft
fitted with engines manufactured by Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd.
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This email was sent by Recreational Aviation Australia Inc., Recreational Aviation Australia, 3/1 Pirie Street, Fyshwick, ACT 2904, Australia.