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Everything posted by JEM

  1. Great to see an airport prospering. Nice piccies.
  2. See this Safety issue: AR-2013-107-SI-01 - Through-bolt failures in Jabiru engines
  3. Just received new email from Jabiru To the Jabiru Fleet, Updates – Keep up with the latest information Revision 9 of the Jabiru Overhaul Manual (JEM0001-9) is now available to download from the Jabiru website at the following link:- http://jabiru.net.au/Manuals/Engine/JEM0001-9_Overhaul_Manual.pdf The updates in the revised manual are outlined below :- Oil specification changed (was MIL-L-22851 now obsolete) to SAE J-1899 Changes to Torque setting table made (Table 9) Additions to Top End Overhaul Mandatory replacement item table (section 5.3) Additions to Mandatory Replacement Parts Table (section 12.1) Add Crankshaft friction test procedure (section 4.4.2) Update to part history tables (section 13) Remove modified circlip pliars from Figure 21 Clarify distributor shaft procedure (section 7.8.6) Remove alternator dimension from Figure 144 Add laminated pole plates (Figure 146) ‘Generic’ Torque settings removed (Table 9) Note to install stud bolts with Loctite 263 added, no longer 620 (section 7.2.1) Fuel pump assembly revision (section 7.7.2) Add part in trouble shooting (section 8.5) regarding zero leak-downs when cold Revise rocker bush installation (section 5.11.8 and Figure 98) Kind Regards Leigh Cooper Aircraft Services & Registration JABIRU AIRCRAFT PTY LTD PO Box 5792 Bundaberg West Qld 4670 Ph: 07 41551778 Fax: 07 41552669 Email: [email protected] www.jabiru.net.au www.facebook.com/JabiruAircraft
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  4. Anyone know the latest progress on this? Dated 9 March 2016 by ATSB. Issue: AR-2013-107-SI-01Through-bolt failures in Jabiru engines Number: AR-2013-107-SI-01 Description: AR-2013-107-SI-01:Thicker 7/16 inch diameter through-bolts, fitted to newer Jabiru engines and some retro-fitted engines, have had limited service to date to confirm early indications that they reduce this risk. Retro-fitting engines with thicker through-bolts has only been recommended for aircraft involved in flight training by JSB031 issue 3. Most light ... Who it affects: Owners and operators of aircraft powered by Jabiru engines Issue owner: Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd Operation affected: Aviation: General aviation Date, status, type Date: 09 Mar 2016 Status: Safety action pending Type: Recommendation Recommendation
  5. Light plane crash near Noosa Newspaper article and photo.. Report says at Cootharaba.
  6. Some aircraft (eg A Cessna 152 I flew) have carby hot air not drawn through the intake filter so landing with carby heat on in such aircraft can result in dust in your carby.
  7. From Wings facebook page 5 hrs ago NEWS Unfortunately the Focke Wulf Fw 190 has been grounded due to mechanical issue. On departure from Albury, the Fw 190 had issues with the canopy coming away from the aircraft on departure. It was hoped that there could be some sort of resolution. But we have been notified that this has caused unresolvable issues at this time and had grounded the aircraft. Both Wings Over Illawarra, the Fw 190 owner and all concerned are devastated.
  8. Yep. Having looked at a local Corby (it still has its canopy) I now agree.
  9. Cessna Corvalis series?? http://www.prairieaircraft.com/media-gallery/detail/115/148
  10. Watch this video by CASA to understand CASAs rules for Au drone ops. (Video previously posted on another thread by FT) https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=481323502060676 Note that the public are told to keep drones down to 400 feet in controlled airspace. I wonder if a member of the public would even know where controlled airspace is or even estimate heights of 400 feet.
  11. Congratulations Frank
  12. Sorry Turbs, As OP I did not post the last 4 paras from your post 674 "you can obtain........any other aero engine". See Post No 1 this thread. You or someone else must have added this. Don't attribute this to me. I own a Jabiru and fly it regularly.
  13. More here http://vocasupport.com/casa-ceo-mark-skidmore-resigns-as-an-aopa-member/
  14. Hi Robbo There is a grass strip "Fish Creek Airport"there
  15. Report here. Motorised hang glider?? http://www.gippslandtimes.com.au/story/3828234/pilot-suffers-spinal-injuries/?cs=1198
  16. Photos here https://twitter.com/chopperdaveqld?lang=en
  17. Bruce has an Alpha as well as Jabs
  18. Hi RJW RA School YWOL Bruce Robbins http://www.flyillawarra.com.au/contact-us/
  19. Chief pilot resigned and everything stopped. Heavily reported in the Illawarra Mercury about a month ago. I heard yesterday that the business has been sold to a new owner. No contact number for him yet but I saw the AP hangar doors open yesterday with aircraft static inside. C152 and Cherokee. Aerial Patrol and an engineering business was caught up in the mess. Alternatively there is an RAA ultralight school operating at YWOL with Alpha and Jabiru aircraft if youre interested in Rec flying.
  20. Hi RJW Ring and check before going. NSW Air have been out of the air for a month.
  21. Glad you're safe Kasper. They say any landing you can walk away from is a good landing. Hope the trike is repairable. Regards JEM
  22. This is the latest from Australian Flying. May already have been seen as it is dated the 10th. http://www.australianflying.com.au/news/jabiru-slams-atsb-over-engine-failure-report
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