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Everything posted by JEM

  1. Ozzie said "2015" Yep, my oops Oz. Thanks for correcting.
  2. Is this it? http://www.bordermail.com.au/story/2885264/crash-landing-at-yarrawonga/
  3. To get some perspective in the ATSB report suggest reading the Jabiru reply.
  4. Solicitor : Sue, Grabbit and Run.
  5. Piper Aztec BIQ https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/wiki.php?id=185156 Hope the pilot recovers OK
  6. Sorry to hear of Captain Eric Brown's passing. Many years ago I bought his book Wings on my Sleeve which encouraged me to learn to fly.
  7. What a disaster.
  8. Oscar said: ↑ Everybody - and seriously - email O'Sullivan, congratulate him for opening this up to proper inspection. THIS IS IMPORTANT! - not just for Jabiru but to forestall CASA expanding this kind of BS throughout the Rec Av scenario. https://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Contact_Senator_or_Member?MPID=247871 Done
  9. Sounds like a terminal beat up too.
  10. Happened at Tullamarine 6 months ago. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-02-07/near-miss-at-melbourne-airport-prompts-safety-concerns/7147006
  11. Wreckage recovered http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-02-07/barwon-heads-plane-crash-wreckage-found-body-missing/7146520
  12. What happened to the Jabiru (LSA55?) which was on ground display at Avalon and fitted with a D Motor? Have a photo of it somewhere. More info here See http://www.d-motor.eu/nl/jabiru-138.htm
  13. Hi Dr Z and Gandalph. Weather has been iffy on the coast lately. Maybe this is accounting for less visitations by all types?.
  14. Apparently the King Island Music Festival is on today - see RVAC home page
  15. Hi all If you are on Jabiru's emailing list you will have received the following mail this afternoon with an attachment. Sorry I don't know how to post here the attachment. To get on the list you might email leigh as below. Cheers all.................. Hello Jabiru Fleet Well it’s Friday once again and we thought you might like some light reading for the weekend In our recent email update to the fleet we talked about sending correspondence out to CASA, Members of Parliament and the Industry Complaints Commissioner. The attached information is good reading and although we know many of you may have either read or know the information contained in this, we thought it may be of good use and helpful if you are considering writing correspondence. Flying Schools may wish to utilise the information regarding the impact on business on page 5 of the attached document (The Office of Best Practice statement that is contained in CASA’s explanatory statement to the instrument) Flying Schools may also like to utilise the statistics provided to help alleviate the concerns of students and or their parents in respect to the safety of Jabiru Aircraft. We hope you all have a good weekend and “Happy Landings” JABIRU AIRCRAFT PTY LTD PO Box 5792 Bundaberg West Qld 4670 Ph: 07 41551778 Fax: 07 41552669 Email: [email protected] www.jabiru.net.au www.facebook.com/JabiruAircraft
  16. Just received from Jabiru. Hello Jabiru Fleet, Welcome back to 2016 and our first update for the coming year. Sales are continuing to go well in our overseas markets. Jabiru North America currently have six J230’s on order. Two will depart at the end of this week, two in March and two more in May. We have a J170-D due off the production line within the next few weeks and it will be leaving us in March for its new Australian home. It is great to see these new Jab’s flying the coop. Our roller cam engines are receiving a very good press. Total hours are now exceeding 30,000. Several of these engines have been back for their top end overhaul at 1000 hours in good condition and returned to service. Close to 100 people have now been through the Engine Maintenance Workshop held here at Jabiru. This training program, along with the on-going engineering research and development here at Jabiru is greatly improving the overall professionalism of the fleet. We will all keep up the good work and blitz those Rotax’s J The CASA limitations are unfortunately still in place. Information we have received tells us that the on-going airworthiness department of CASA has no further issues with Jabiru. We are unsure of the reasons why the limitations are still in place. It would appear that the matter of lifting these restrictions may be held up by the legal department. We would of course like the limitations to be lifted as soon as possible. We continue to provide correspondence to CASA, Mr Warren Truss MP and our local members of parliament. The more correspondence they receive on the impact the limitations continue to have on owners and operators will assist. Correspondence can be sent to CASA, your local member, Mr Warren Truss MP at [email protected] and the Industry Complaints Commissioner CASA at [email protected] The team here at Jabiru looks forward to the coming year with positivity and as always we sign off with “Happy Landings” JABIRU AIRCRAFT PTY LTD PO Box 5792 Bundaberg West Qld 4670 Ph: 07 41551778 Fax: 07 41552669 Email: [email protected] www.jabiru.net.au www.facebook.com/JabiruAircraft
  17. Another report http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-01-08/light-aircraft-crash-at-marulan-in-nsw-southern-tablelands/7077418 ABC Airstrip reported elsewhere as on edge of the highway on Munro Road.
  18. JEM

    Valve train mods

    Just noticed this on the Jabiru technical site - concentric inner and outer springs for 2200 engine. Apparently kits will become available See http://jabiru.net.au/forum/engines/36-valve-train-mods#139
  19. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-12-28/one-dead-in-light-plane-crash-on-gold-coast/7056524 ABC Report
  20. Recreational aircraft page 86 "Powerplant / propulsion There were 25 powerplant-related accidents and nine serious incidents involving recreational aircraft reported to the ATSB in 2014. There were no fatal or serious injury accidents. Most involved recreational aeroplanes though there were four weight shift aircraft also included in the statistics."
  21. If you can't get into Jaspers due Nowra Military Restricted Areas being active at the time, closest field would be YWOL Wollongong which is a CTAF on 127.3. Probably 1 hr car drive south to Nowra/ J Bay area. Class C LL over Wollongong is 7500ft AMSL.
  22. Was it Shine Aviation's 172 VH-LBK ?
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