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Everything posted by JEM

  1. The FAA has released 23 December 2015 the following advisory circular https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/general-aviation/2015-12-23/faa-releases-revised-ads-b-advisory-circular
  2. From the ABC this morning http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-12-24/plane-makes-emergency-landing-at-geraldton/7052212
  3. Happening right now 11am 16/12/2015 See Bureau of Meteorology for details TOP PRIORITY FOR IMMEDIATE BROADCAST DETAILED SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING for TORNADOES, DESTRUCTIVE WIND, LARGE HAILSTONES and HEAVY RAINFALL For people in parts of the Sydney area. Issued at 10:41 am Wednesday, 16 December 2015. THIS INCLUDES A TORNADO WARNING.
  4. Ditto from me
  5. Very sad news. Condolences to Ross' family and friends.
  6. Bordertown Chronicle newspaper report with photo http://www.borderchronicle.com.au/story/3477943/aircraft-emergency/?cs=1433
  7. Obvious how the police found out. He parked right next to the police car.
  8. This morning, in Arkansas, a plane piloted by a former CEO of Walmart came down beneath a parachute on a main road in Fayetteville, Arkansas. More info at the link... http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2015/11/a-former-walmart-ceo-comes-down-under-a-parachute/414046/
  9. From the Macarthur Chronicle Thursday October 29, 2015 1:03pm Peter Way Macarthur Chronicle Camden A light aircraft has been forced into an emergency landing near Camden airport at about noon today. The aircraft lost engine power and had to make a forced landing at Brownlow Hill, Camden police said. The plane came down about 2.5km west of Camden Airport. Emergency services are at the scene. Camden Police crime manager Detective Inspector Jayne Doherty said she believed no one was killed in the crash. “The plane has been reasonably damaged,” she said.
  10. Here is a link to the airservices notice https://www.airservicesaustralia.com/aip/current/sup/s15-h95.pdf
  11. What aircraft type is it?
  12. The Pres said there would be a copy put on the RA website members area for later viewing.
  13. The RA Aus AGM is on TODAY in Bundaberg at 2pm Queensland time (3 pm NSW time) today 10 October. It is being streamed live and RA members can access the link on the RA Aus members area through their username and password
  14. Its not a wheel rim bolt loose and touching the brake as the wheel revolves is it?
  15. Cant access the Australian. Not a subscriber.
  16. Mine were replaced this week. Aircraft has just reached 2000 hrs.
  17. Greetings all. In case this has not been posted already... Copy and paste the text below to access (I hope) the webpage. http://www.flightsafetyaustralia.com/2015/09/casa-launches-have-your-say-online-engagement-forum/ Cheers
  18. If CASA handled all the safety issues, then what would Airservices and ATSB do?
  19. Spitfire T9 MJ772 (German rego D-FMKN) has belly landed in a field in Kent. Pilot OK. Aircraft looks repairable.
  20. Hi Ada As far as I am aware if you have an RPL with navs and controlled traffic area endorsements you are legally able to operate in controlled airspace.
  21. There seem to be about 10 stings on the RA Register.
  22. Mentioned the above class G stuff to CASA and they are looking at it. This is good worthwhile feedback.
  23. Mentioned the above class G stuff to CASA and they are looking at it. This is good worthwhile feedback.
  24. Everyone should thoroughly read through these new proposed rules and report any anomalies found to CASA. For example see the Class G Airspace criteria that is/is not included in the draft (page 7 of 128). Also, are drones mentioned anywhere in part 91?
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