Here is a translation from a German newspaper (The Westfalen-Blatt 4/7/2015)
This posted with condolences to the families and all involved.
This newspaper has crash photos but I did not upload.
Crashed plane near Holzminden:two dead
Located in the Solling Hochwald at the 90-Seelenort mill mountain near Holzmindena nairplane is nearing on Tuesday 21: 00(Jabiru J430F-PFAJ private) crashed. Two men were killed. The wreck is located forest and is only accessible by foot after a long climb.
By Michael Robrecht
Holzminden(WB). A small plane crashed on Tuesday evening in Holzminden, in Lower Saxony, Germany. It came both occupants killed.
According to police, the cause of the crash near the border with North Rhine-Westphalia is still completely unclear.Experts of the Federal Bureau of aircraft accidents investigation from Braunschweig (BFU)are local and have recorded in the night of Wednesday the investigations in the inaccessible terrain of the Solling.
The plane crashed Tuesday evening shortly before 9: 00 in the forest near Mill Hill (90 inhabitants suburb) southeast of Holzminden. Citizens heard a bang and saw flying debris. Aircraft parts are been-thrown up on the adjacent main road even in my garden 497 direction of Neuhaus, said Mayor Gerdbatthe WESTFALEN journal Wednesday afternoon. Rescue workers were the first after a while on the ground in the middle of the forest of spruce high,but they help no longer could the inmates.
The identity of the dead is still unknown
The two dead men are who and where they are exactly, is still unknown.The plane of the type Jabiru J430 F-PFAJ was private on his way from Dinslaken for Saxony-Anhalt, found employees of the BFU. The plane is a single-engine sport aircraft. More details on the Flugzeugsbsturz will be announced in the course of the afternoon.
Rescue workers reported that it has an hour it took until forces could bring the bodies of the victim at all after the crash. So far, it is unclear why the machine in rainy weather and fog crashed.Apparently she has scratched several tree tops on the Solling dörfchen between Holzminden and Neuhaus.
Preliminary findings according to it should be when the single-engine propeller plane to a machine from France, announced the police. The Federal Bureau of aircraft accidents investigation(BFU) from Braunschweig reported that the aircraft had a French ID.But it is not known whether it also launched.Höxter and Holzminden aerodrome and airfield Hildesheim the unhappiness machine does not belong there was on request. The cause of the crash is equally unclear. Experts are currently investigating how the plane has touched tree tops before his crash.
Search helicopters had to turn back due to bad weather
At the time of the accident, weather so bad and diesiges ruled that even a search helicopter had to turn off. Also a further helicopter from Hesse abandoned his approach after mill mountain, it was said in the evening. Only a few special vehicles of the Fire Department could arrive at the site of the accident.The forest floor was strongly softened by the rain.
It is already the second plane crash in the Weserbergland within a few weeks. Until the beginning of may a 67 pilot from Schleswig-Holstein to life was killed in bath (Hamelin Pyrmont) Münderam Deister.