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Everything posted by JEM

  1. Everyone should thoroughly read through these new proposed rules and report any anomalies found to CASA. For example see the Class G Airspace criteria that is/is not included in the draft (page 7 of 128). Also, are drones mentioned anywhere in part 91?
  2. Consolidated general operating and flight rules (Part 91) published for public review Following extensive consultation with the aviation community, the new general operating and flight rules package (Part 91) is in the final stages of becoming law and has been published for public review. The consolidated rules - made up of some new and current regulatory provisions contained in the Civil Aviation Regulations and Civil Aviation Orders – will now all be contained in Part 91 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations. Once in place they will form the foundation for all civil aviation flight operations, much like the ‘rules of the road,’ and will apply to all pilots, aircraft owners and operators, people who fuel and handle aircraft, loading personnel, air display organisers and air traffic services. Part 91 will be formally made once the rules have been signed off by the Governor-General. CASA will then work with the aviation community to develop a detailed implementation plan, including a proposed commencement date and appropriate transition arrangements. To ensure everyone is well informed and ready for the introduction of the consolidated general flight and operating rules, CASA will be providing comprehensive guidance material. This will include a Part 91 Manual of Standards (MOS) and plain-English information sheets where required, making it easier to understand the requirements. The draft MOS has also been published on the CASA website and will be further developed before it is finalised. We welcome your comments during that process. View the general operating and flight rules package online.
  3. Consolidated general operating and flight rules (Part 91) published for public review Following extensive consultation with the aviation community, the new general operating and flight rules package (Part 91) is in the final stages of becoming law and has been published for public review. The consolidated rules - made up of some new and current regulatory provisions contained in the Civil Aviation Regulations and Civil Aviation Orders – will now all be contained in Part 91 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations. Once in place they will form the foundation for all civil aviation flight operations, much like the ‘rules of the road,’ and will apply to all pilots, aircraft owners and operators, people who fuel and handle aircraft, loading personnel, air display organisers and air traffic services. Part 91 will be formally made once the rules have been signed off by the Governor-General. CASA will then work with the aviation community to develop a detailed implementation plan, including a proposed commencement date and appropriate transition arrangements. To ensure everyone is well informed and ready for the introduction of the consolidated general flight and operating rules, CASA will be providing comprehensive guidance material. This will include a Part 91 Manual of Standards (MOS) and plain-English information sheets where required, making it easier to understand the requirements. The draft MOS has also been published on the CASA website and will be further developed before it is finalised. We welcome your comments during that process. View the general operating and flight rules package online.
  4. Check out Gostner Aviation at Camden. They are operating J160s.
  5. Check out Gostner Aviation at Camden. They are operating J160s.
  6. Short cut to Telegraph video of aftermath. http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCcQFjADahUKEwiYiKTI9IvHAhXnF6YKHQq-A_8&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fnews%2Faviation%2F11778031%2FSpitfire-crashes-after-losing-power.html&ei=2Ne-VZi8FeevmAWK_I74Dw&usg=AFQjCNHPYB2dbK514cW-E0rQnoLQtzSMhA
  7. Suggest you get an L2 to do a simple compression test first.
  8. Hi Ricky Could be a sticking valve. Try a compression test
  9. A terrible accident. Condolences to all. BBC footage shows the aircraft apparently flying through a smoke contrail just before the crash.
  10. Maybe they are making up for there not being a Natfly this year.
  11. I'm with you, Gnarly Gnu.
  12. Hi Scarlet At the top left hand corner of this page click Menu then click resources. Cheers
  13. Here we go again http://www.australianflying.com.au/news/ctaf-radio-issues-emerge-as-trend-in-atsb-figures
  14. Here is a translation from a German newspaper (The Westfalen-Blatt 4/7/2015) This posted with condolences to the families and all involved. This newspaper has crash photos but I did not upload. Crashed plane near Holzminden:two dead Located in the Solling Hochwald at the 90-Seelenort mill mountain near Holzmindena nairplane is nearing on Tuesday 21: 00(Jabiru J430F-PFAJ private) crashed. Two men were killed. The wreck is located forest and is only accessible by foot after a long climb. By Michael Robrecht Holzminden(WB). A small plane crashed on Tuesday evening in Holzminden, in Lower Saxony, Germany. It came both occupants killed. According to police, the cause of the crash near the border with North Rhine-Westphalia is still completely unclear.Experts of the Federal Bureau of aircraft accidents investigation from Braunschweig (BFU)are local and have recorded in the night of Wednesday the investigations in the inaccessible terrain of the Solling. The plane crashed Tuesday evening shortly before 9: 00 in the forest near Mill Hill (90 inhabitants suburb) southeast of Holzminden. Citizens heard a bang and saw flying debris. Aircraft parts are been-thrown up on the adjacent main road even in my garden 497 direction of Neuhaus, said Mayor Gerdbatthe WESTFALEN journal Wednesday afternoon. Rescue workers were the first after a while on the ground in the middle of the forest of spruce high,but they help no longer could the inmates. The identity of the dead is still unknown The two dead men are who and where they are exactly, is still unknown.The plane of the type Jabiru J430 F-PFAJ was private on his way from Dinslaken for Saxony-Anhalt, found employees of the BFU. The plane is a single-engine sport aircraft. More details on the Flugzeugsbsturz will be announced in the course of the afternoon. Rescue workers reported that it has an hour it took until forces could bring the bodies of the victim at all after the crash. So far, it is unclear why the machine in rainy weather and fog crashed.Apparently she has scratched several tree tops on the Solling dörfchen between Holzminden and Neuhaus. Preliminary findings according to it should be when the single-engine propeller plane to a machine from France, announced the police. The Federal Bureau of aircraft accidents investigation(BFU) from Braunschweig reported that the aircraft had a French ID.But it is not known whether it also launched.Höxter and Holzminden aerodrome and airfield Hildesheim the unhappiness machine does not belong there was on request. The cause of the crash is equally unclear. Experts are currently investigating how the plane has touched tree tops before his crash. Search helicopters had to turn back due to bad weather At the time of the accident, weather so bad and diesiges ruled that even a search helicopter had to turn off. Also a further helicopter from Hesse abandoned his approach after mill mountain, it was said in the evening. Only a few special vehicles of the Fire Department could arrive at the site of the accident.The forest floor was strongly softened by the rain. It is already the second plane crash in the Weserbergland within a few weeks. Until the beginning of may a 67 pilot from Schleswig-Holstein to life was killed in bath (Hamelin Pyrmont) Münderam Deister.
  15. Just curious What have the attitudes and interactions been of the local (Bundaberg area) politicians such as Leanne Donaldson (labour Qld) and Keith Pitt (Nats Federal). Are/can/have they be/been of any help? PS: The Pollie in the electorate next door is Warren Truss.
  16. Just found this again. Re turning engine over by hand. JABIRU ADVISORY ENGINE BULLETIN #18 – December 2010 To all Dealers and Maintenance Persons DAILY "PULL THROUGH" Daily pull through is required on the Jabiru engine. Recently, a costly repair was caused by the infrequent task of noting compressions. If in doubt, a competent person will check the cylinder/head condition (leak down) and undertake follow up corrective action. A semi sealing valve will cause corrosive build up on stem and guide. The instance above caused the piston to impact the valve head and break it off due to the valve outgrowing the guide. Cheers JEM
  17. OCTA = Outside Controlled Traffic Area
  18. OKTA OCTA Whats the difference? There is one, you know.
  19. Every three days I turn my Jab 2200 prop over 10 blades to disturb the piston positions and (I hope) defray the onset of corrosion in the bores etc.
  20. May I add my thanks Andy for a job well done. All the best for the future and hope to see you in the blue soon.
  21. Hi Dafydd I am interested in finding out if MARAP can get the MTOW of my Jabiru LSA 55 3J increased.. It was an LSA 55 2J certified at 430 MTOW with 1600 engine, 50 L tank, etc 230kg empty weight. Now it's a 3J at 269 kg empty weight. The aircraft was upgraded in 2003 under engineering D Llewellyn EO 96 EO 87 + CASA letter. My email is [email protected]. Best Regards John Martin
  22. From the ABC A single-engine Cessna 210 has made an emergency landing on a bush track east of Broome, in WA's Kimberley. Broome police said the pilot made the landing on a track in Djugun, a few kilometres east of Broome, in an area known as Buckleys Plains. There was minor damage to the plane but the pilot is not injured. Police tweeted a photograph of the plane saying "great skills shown by the pilot, all safe and sound". The plane was on a flight from Alice Springs to Broome. It is not yet know what caused the pilot to make the emergency landing.
  23. Just watched the webcast. Very good.
  24. Its an ill wind...Wings Over Illawarra just cancelled.
  25. Due to weather. See the Wings Website for details
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