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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Landed on hard water in Maine. -10C ?
  2. Welcome comrade! I thought you are from Vladivostok Russia. I might have couple questions for you down the road.
  3. Thanks. Yes the volcano is breathing. I circled several of them during the trip. Stunning views. Here is Makushin.
  4. Shishaldin volcano on Unimak island.
  5. It is legal. There is a VFR corridor cut through busy airspace. With clearly determined altitudes and self reporting points. The trike had a transponder and a radio sounded a bit scratchy though. It was early morning I complimented and he rocked his soft wings really cool sight. I fly in the corridor very often and I've seen a lot of strange machines there over the years. Trike was the first one. That's a nice video JG3. Taken off from my airport. There is my RV parked just across the big community hangar. Small world very small.
  6. Met a trike over New York City the other day.
  7. Once upon a time there was an event on Cape Canaveral. Some were cleared...
  8. Amazing! Thanks for sharing. Would you be so kind to post a route map of your trip please? If able of course. I was trying to pin points on your track but failed miserably
  9. That's how my wings looked yesterday. Solid 1/2 inch of ice. Spent two hours deicing then one hour local flying. I need skis
  10. I did it once. It was wrong fuel...
  11. No Alf this homebuilt baby...
  12. Training for Australian Trip
  13. A little fun in New York Bay. Tomorrow we will be grounded for 17 days. Presidential TFR and my airport is in no-fly zone.
  14. How cold was it?
  15. Bernie, Wood is the best dipstick indeed. There is also a glass tube type where you close one side with your finger. Easy to calibrate but easy to break too.
  16. Closing the ice season for 2017.
  17. Some years ago an experimental in Brazil slashed his vertical stab and rudder by wires. Flew it home for 10 min or so and managed to land. Could find pictures I have them somewhere in my archives.
  18. I've heard that from airline guys. The highest I've been in my experimental is 23,000 feet. She barely makes any power at that altitude.
  19. I didn't fly today. Spent couple hours at 30 kts winds scraping the ice off the wings and shoveling.
  20. Nice thread Frank. Good to know what I might expect in Oz. I landed on Alaska Highway several times and traffic was no issue. Once kids stopped the car by me and asked if I need help. I told them yes, drive a mile this way and stop the traffic in 5 min till I take off. They drove away but traffic kept coming so I took off downwind. There are some stretches of the highway traffic free but you can't land there. They will come to scratch the itch...
  21. Nice! Can't wait to fly in Australia. Here is a fresh report from a subzero territory. A seaplane base in New Hampshire converted to an ice runway. Brrrr!
  22. Landed on frozen lake and did some droning.
  23. Welcome neighbor nice to have you here.
  24. This is the tiniest beach I've ever got close to. It's also the easiest one to land and the hardest to taxi. A lake deep in the Adirondack Mountains of New York state. Outside temperature is balmy -12C.
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