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Everything posted by rodknee

  1. rodknee

    Iridium plugs

    Hi Jetjr ,after all the things I did to the air path maybe only the incantations worked Rod
  2. rodknee

    Iridium plugs

    The answer is,bearing in mind that the bing loves straight air into it The engine rear is not in the centre of the firewall so using the crankcase join line I moved the whole airbox over so that it was aligned with that ,so the air has a straight run to the carby I made a new cobra head carby intake with a cross in it to further keep the air straight As suggested by Don from Jabiru I removed the airfoil type shape from the original plenum chamber that I have and replaced it with a 12mm dowel because the dowel appears to stir the mixture more.maybe a 15mm dowel that was knurled would do an even better job but I am too lazy to try as my egt’s are close enough for me Further to that I level the carby with The plenum using two rulers to get the rulers parallel with one on the plenum and one on the carby Jetr is right that the egts change with throttle settings and the speed of the mixture coming in,at full throttle my number 5 mixture is the hottest instead of 2 .at full noise there is a little spread but nowhere near 100 degrees c.will be away for a week or so will get a full throttle reading when I return Every bit has helped I think but I got the gauge last so don’t really know I may have uttered a few incantations as well but can’t remember
  3. rodknee

    Iridium plugs

    My jabiru egt reading from a few days ago
  4. Track up would be good to have also if it could be arranged:cheezy grin:
  5. The advert in the RAA mag is wrong as the listed features is a misprint & belong to the J170 range of Jabiru aircraft .Any chance getting all of that for $ 63000 is wishful thinking.I was excited though for a moment.
  6. try this link (probably not for aircraft though );) Whitworths Marine: Navman Fuel Flow 2100
  7. ozzie probably means "how muchy"
  8. http://www.jabiru.net.au/ Look under propellers
  9. only trying to be helpful & all the usual caveats apply,so sorry no insurance !! you should still have some fingers left by using the finger that is used least you wont miss it so much if only the spinner is damaged there is one for sale on this site for a good price
  10. another way is to assemble it with the screws not tightened only snug apply brakes ,start engine stand in front of prop & tap gently on spinner with finger (the one you use the least in case of an accident) until you get it right . stop engine tighten screws & check again .do this at your own peril but it does work .
  11. which size jets were in the lean kit
  12. the latest j170 has the noseleg bent to a different angle as well as longer trail on the nose wheel
  13. the difference in the fuel used is 74 litres according to the figures & @ an average price of $1.33 litre the trip cost should be only about $ 100 less for the J160.The calculator is wwwwrong this time not me (I hope ) !!!!
  14. rodknee

    Jabiru sp 2200

    I was wrong again.Ah well such is life!!
  15. rodknee

    Jabiru sp 2200

    I dont think it will circle the destination .but I have been wwwwwrong before
  16. rodknee

    Things that fit

    There is more to the story at http://www.jabiru.flyer.co.uk/ look under " Jabiru Experience " then Presidents air race .They sure made the Jab work hard
  17. Not a jack but I made a stand to put under the leg on my sp to be able to change a flat out in the wilds.Place the stand at the front or rear of the leg after removing the spat then a shoulder under the outer end of the strut with a lift and move the wing towards the stand and if you have lifted enough the leg bottom would be on the stand and wheel off ground :;)3: .The stand is 75x100x2.5 & 130 (mm's) high & fits in the tool box under the pilots seat with enough tools inside to change a tyre also doesnt weigh much
  18. Do you have anr headsets in the plane ?
  19. If you think that strip was difficult ,try this place
  20. rodknee

    Things that fit

    Seemingly impossible , but these guys were in a jabiru in the South African presidents air race in 2004 Who needs a J230 http://www.sapfa.org.za/articles/race_article_2004.php
  21. Where I live ulp is $1.33 per litre Avgas is $1.44
  22. I saw a homebuilt jet do a couple of flypasts at the Clifton flyin last weekend .Have no idea what sort it was and no pictures either as the camera was too far away .Sounded very nice though . Someone else who was there & on this forum might have some to post .
  23. Thanks Andy for the photos but I was hoping for photos of a smaller jack(lifting device ) that could be carried in an SP jab and not take up much room .Still cant work out how the 4x2 works with one person but that's truck drivers for you
  24. Is there any more news on the evolution of a jabiru jack or maybe even some photos ????
  25. Try this site . http://www.fumoto.com.au/ you need F101N for a Jabiru near $60 delivered inc GST I have one fitted you may have to try different thickness washers to get it to sit upright but it doesnt really matter (mine finished upside down)
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