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About Thruster88

  • Birthday 04/01/1963


  • Aircraft
    Thruster T500 T85 RV6A Beech23
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  1. A Thruster carefully prepared with some inflatable mattresses in the wings has been demonstrated to work in very hostile conditions. The only successful ditching in Bass Straight?
  2. Hi Moneybox. I need some of these for a Thruster, were did you find them?
  3. DA40 has had stall related fatal accidents. The quote is just sales BS. https://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2017/aair/ao-2017-096
  4. After market turbocharged, supposed to be 135hp. https://www.aircraft.com/aircraft/237212267/vh-ldv-2013-morgan-aeroworks-cougar
  5. It is understandable why this lay person would say this. Aircraft circling will have a changing engine note due to the doppler? effect. It doesn't sound like a normal Aircraft flying past.
  6. Seems likely given the flight track and the flat nature of the terrain. Can't see a strip there so maybe a moose turn stall spin. We learn the aircraft had changed hands only very recently. Wind out of the north at 20 knots may have been producing some turbulence. Sad situation.
  7. The published stall speeds are very unrealistic for an aircraft with 800kg MTOW and only 110 sq feet of wing. Could it lead pilots to fly at unsafe airspeed during manoeuvring?
  8. Tool was made of plastic, most likely to prevent engine damage.
  9. I have always just used my Samsung phone charger for the SkyEcho2. 2 amps at 5 volts out put. I only charge it at home.
  10. One way to know for sure if your transponder is transmitting adsb is to disable to transmit function on the SkyEcho2 and go flying. If your SkyEcho2 can't "see" your aircraft then you don't have adsb working. In my RV with the uAvionics tailbeacon X / av30c combo and SkyEcho2 set to receive only I can see my aircraft call sign and altitude displayed constantly confirming correct operation of both the in and out function of adsb. Very nice.
  11. If the hydraulic fluid is lost due to leak the manual backup on those is as useful as an ash tray on a motorbike. Gear cannot fall free. Cirrus got it right with fixed gear.
  12. What Zonsen says is irrelevant. It would be a good idea to check the legality for different classes of RAAus a aircraft, private, flying school, LSA, experimental etc with RAAus. It is a question potential customers will be asking you.
  13. Will be interesting to see how RAAus handle these engines. MARUP? Buyers would need to do some checking. As the unicorn circuit would say "is that even legal".
  14. Nearly all mid air collisions occur in the circuit, there is no vertical separation if QNH is set correctly.
  15. I did my last Aeroplane Flight Review, AFR in the RV6 to cover both VH and RAAus. I told the instructor who doesn't let anything slide that I would be using my tablet because that is the way I fly now, he said no problem as long as you can demonstrate competence.
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