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About Thruster88

  • Birthday 04/01/1963


  • Aircraft
    Thruster T500 T85 RV6A Beech23
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  1. Was probably built for the same reason Allen Millyard builds engines, that guy is amazing what he can do with simple tools.
  2. Has anyone read the fine print on the RAAus members liability insurance? Is low level covered, would any non compliance eg not getting land owner approval mean no pay out.?
  3. Parachuting, balloons, warbirds and gliding are all VH and would be in the VH sport and leisure section. You seem to lack some understanding of aircraft turbo.
  4. Interesting, I just looked at the latest, 2 month old tech manual and the section about 95.10 refers to CAO 95.10
  5. The Ercoupe was made stall and spin resistant by limiting up elevator travel, isn't the a novel idea.
  6. The only legal wood prop would be the one that was initially fitted. A wood prop by another manufacturer would require a maarup. RAAus already have a maruup for a bolly on the Gazelle.
  7. Just some corrections Onetrack, Regarding the crashes, the most recent one in the Lockheed he was a pilot rated passenger, the crash was caused by a defective brake due to a maintenance error. In the cessna 150 with flaps stuck at 40° a forced landing was inevitable, he carried this out successfully with zero injuries and the aircraft did fly again. In the 2009 DC3 incident I don't think he was ever charged with anything, he returned to commercial flying with Delta 6 months later. In the texas defamation case the initial ruling was thrown out and the case is yet to go to court.
  8. https://thedtsb.org/ While this is USA data, aircraft in Australia crash for all the same reasons. Dan's videos are not really entertaining but they are getting watched alot, there must be a reason for that.
  9. Aircraft is in the raaus accident database. A forced landing into those water lily's would result in inversion every time. Drag on the undercarriage, sharp nose goes in, momentum flips the aircraft. Rear seat has protection from structure and the wing, would make getting out more likely.
  10. Flying over the grasslands was nice, the trees and river no.
  11. It is Australia 2025. If the photographer or anyone else had suggested anyone move to the back people would speak up.
  12. I own and fly aircraft both RAAus and GA Vh registered. My work in aircraft maintenance shows that no GA aircraft will be signed out with any defects at the place i work. Regardless of class THE AIRCRAFT ARE NOT THE PROBLEM. THE AIRCRAFT ARE NOT THE PROBLEM. Read the accident reports. https://www.atsb.gov.au/aviation-investigation-reports or https://asn.flightsafety.org/asndb/types/V. Recently viewed flightsafety to see how the sting aircraft fared in accident data. While there had a look at the Van's RV6 that I fly, truly appalling, why? Stupid mind numbing easily avoidable accidents, they are not accidents, they are pilots doing the same dumb shit that has been done forever. I wish I was a better writer.
  13. No they don't, they also don't get weaker if maintained correctly. As you know, one of the most desirable GA aircraft would be something like a 1956 C180, yes 69 years old. Love my 62 year old beech23, 37 year old Thrusters and the near new 27 year old RV.
  14. There is some stats on the raaus website on the fleet. Fixed wing is static in numbers, weight shift and powered parachute are in decline. I don't see group G giving much of a bump in numbers. Some of the new group G will be existing raaus registered aircraft like the kitfox just so they can use their full MTOW and not be artificially restricted to 600kg.
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