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Everything posted by docjell

  1. Awesome - I didn't realize the site had an auto censor! A kick up the ****. Cool technology -because of course I didn't use ***'s!! Still doesn't solve our big problem - having a President who appears to be a butt and a laughing stock!
  2. OK Col - you're being very picky - and fair enough - its so hard having an 'animated ' interactive discussion in a forum! Up here in 'paradise' our local CTA (YBTL) is busy, full of military traffic, and circuits are over the CBD - hence my comments about backpacker buses etc - its very relevant. Flying in the London Heathrow CTA was a little different! I absolutely reject any thoughts that our board should be seeking CTA endorsements - we 'sell 'ourselves as Recreational fliers. So should it be. If you want those extra privileges - get a PPL. I've been 'number three' at YBBN advised to' hold short of the 737 to allow wake turbulence clearance'. I recently started a thread regarding the fact that our A/C reg details were 'secret' - they are - and was shot down in flames by hoardes of respondants in the RAAus carping on about privacy etc. ATC can't identify us - our board is not prepared to allow our aircraft to be matched to an owner- yet we are demanding rights to fly through CTA's. We need a reality check here - big time. I don't believe this sort of behaviour/demands gives us any sort of credibility at all- and we are short of that at the moment. Col - diatribe away - I've got many - I think RAAus credibility needs a major kick up the arse. Have you actually seen the photo of our Tasmanian president in his faux epaulettes trying to look like a professional pilot? He looks ridiculous - and I think sells us seriously short. I'll stop - look forward to the thread unwinding!
  3. No problem with quote mauling Don - adds to lively discourse! We'll have to agree to differ on this one - I know of several RAAus pilots whose presence in CTA would worry me more than somewhat, but perhaps those who wish to use control zones are a self selecting motivated group anyway and would thrive on the extra training. Perhaps also I've only had limited RAAus exposure so may be biased. Two points you make I must take issue with however Of course no medical is a guarantee of anything - except that at the time of the medical the examinee is not suffering from previously undiagnosed problems such as diabetes or hypertension, both of which are very significant risk factors for coronary artery, cerebrovascular and renal disease. If I arrest and deposit my Sportstar in a field out of town, I'm not having a good day but hopefully I'll be the only casualty. If it happens over the Townsville CBD and my Sportstar takes out a Greyhound bus full of young backpackers their grieving relatives have every right to demand why on earth I wasn't required to have a class ll medical like others in the airspace. Medicals don't provide guarantees - they just load the dice favourably. You state radio is 'not an issue' - it most certainly is a major issue in CTA. By this did you mean that the training and testing in the correct, fluent use of VHF was not an issue rather than the use of radio itself? My PPL training was in the UK which is one big CTZ effectively so the use of radio was second nature and a useful survival aid! Cheers Chris Jelliffe
  4. Guys - especially windsor68 - I rest my case. If you want to 'play' in CTA -get a PPL. You allude on several occasions to 'the correct training' - its been available for years- its called aPPL with a CTA endorsement. Not difficult to understand or do. "Just" transiting CTA is exacting and precise - alt within 100 feet of clearance, pilot medically fit (unlikely to have an infarct or stroke) and reliably identifiable via a certified and tested transponder , VHF radio competent and able to respond and act appropriately - the list goes on. Our 'freedoms' to fly without undue restrictions, do our own maintenance etc are earned by the fact that we are NOT likely to conflict with more professional or better trained traffic. If this interaction is what the RAAus wants then we have to move out of the recreational field into the more serious GA arena- surely that is exactly what we are not about?Smilies
  5. We are where we should be Stixy - recreational pilots in RAAus registered aircraft. If you want to fly in CTA get a PPL Cheers
  6. Hi Terry - fairly chip free as far as I know! I don't ask by what right RAAus keeps our details private -that's a given - I ask how come we apparently have greater rights to privacy than VH aircraft? I didn't suggest government legislation was not reasonable or responsible - don't misquote me - I suggest that our ability to keep our registration details secret was the irresponsible unreasonable bit.My friendly mole in ATC assures me that getting details for a VH aircraft is easy (a reasonable 'need to know' wouldn't you say) but for an RAAus aircraft very difficult - is this really reasonable? And how does it enhance our much needed credibility? I don't think it does at all.
  7. I part owned a Long-Eze that I helped build in the UK in the eighties. Why on earth are you so keen? The Rutan canards are interesting, anachronistic and, now,very dated technology. They are very cramped, and need to be parked on their noses or loaded with ballast in the pilot seat to stop them tipping back onto the prop. The performance is lively and they don't like grass strips. Their short field performance is parlous whatever claims Rutan made, and the landing attitude needed to achieve a sensible approach speed is so high that the threashold is often invisible. There luggage capacity is minimal, and they glide like a bunch of keys - engine out landing practice was vey stimulating. Ditching is likely to be completely unsurvivable as the very long low undercarriage will angle the aircraft vertically into the water. I did about 30 miserable hours in ours until I pulled out and sold my share. I went back to Cessna's, then a Jabiru, and now an Evektor Sporstar. Lots of others to choose from out there - so do a few hours in the Varieze before comitting! Good luck!
  8. The topic thread of an 'emergency sticker' attached to an aircraft and giving the owner/pilots contact details brought to light information that I found extraordinary in the extreme. During discussion it transpired that my contact details relating to my aircraft registration marks are kept by the RAAus as 'confidential information' - I'd assume therefore that my details were only to be given out on a need to know basis (eg ATC or via AFRU to chase up or charge landing fees), but apparently not. They are available to Search and Rescue only, so I'm told. The RAAus wishes to be seen as a responsible cog in the wider aviation 'machine', yet are not prepared for their members to be openly accountable for their actions. We share the airspace with many other users - why are we hiding behind a cloak of secrecy? Surely ATC has every right to know who I am if I have caused control chaos somewhere - and to contact me for a 'please explain' directly? Ross Millard waxed lyrical on the subject and said that the RAAus membership had 'voted for this' (when - recently?) therefore it was effectively set in stone. Of course 'secret registration' was voted for - its human nature surely- but its in no way responsible or reasonable. Why should we place ourselves apart from the systems in place for other aviators? By what right - simply because 'we voted for it??' No one would advocate that our ownership details should be open to anyone, but surely we should accept that we should be as 'traceable' as any VH registered aircraft? Ross also disagrees with me that the RAAus is currently suffering from shaky credibility - but it most certainly is - keep your ears to the ground and listen. This absurd veil of 'ownership secrecy' does nothing to enhance this. We are pushing for more an more PPL privileges but without the extra knowledge and training (and of course expense) that goes with these privileges, and I believe this road is a dangerous one to travel. Our recreational ticket should be just that - fun in the sun. If you want more - get a PPL.
  9. Great to hear it Martin - enjoy and welcome!
  10. My vote for Sydney/Brisbane/Melbourne simply reflects the ease and (usually) availability of cheap commercial flights to the big cities. Temora costs a fortune to fly to unless you go in your own aircraft and can rely on VFR all the way! We are RA-Aus remember - I can't fly my Sportstar with an Instrument Rating - so the 'RA-Aus friendly field option" is impractical as well for the same reasons.
  11. Yes Shaun - elaborate please! What privileges do you imagine are threatened by frank open discussion, and what's brewing? I'm sure a number of outside bodies are watching the RA-Aus antics with incredulity and one couldn't fault any of them for questioning our ability to self govern. The seemingly desperate push to confer PPL privileges to Rec pilots without all the financial and personal hard work involved is a case in point. If you have a valid discussion point - make it and don't beat around the bush
  12. Interesting point Darky - I understand that Evektor did have a problem with the springs so the replacement sent and fitted is apparently a stronger version. I await events with baited breath!! Meanwhile wife still having psychotherapy!
  13. Good thought -on board - I'm going to get more anal by the day! Did cross my mind to suggest that Evektor should include 'canopy opening in flight' in their "things to do when its going pear-shaped" list - I'd have felt a whole lot better if I knew that we weren't about to auger in! cheers and thanks for the input!
  14. Our pleasure rdarby - anytime! Rest assured that once the sphincter gripping sensations had abated she flew as beautifully as this awesome little aircraft normally does - albeit a little more noisily!Having fixed the catch I'm looking forward to getting some altitude underneath us next weekend - once I've prized my wife away from her psychotherapist! Enjoy your flying - cheers:thumb up:
  15. I did - it was there at the "harness & hatches " stage but was later found on the floor! However - triple checking from now on. Could make me quite neurotic!
  16. Yes! Correct on both counts! Spring has now been replaced and all seems well - though if it didn't happen again I'd be delighted! Peter Harlow assured me that he was required to fly the aircraft with canopy open by Evektor as part of his prospective importers "accreditation" - and it was quite stable and controllable. Cheers
  17. Christian - any plans for a parachute display? Lots of skydiving at Ayr - always looks good Cheers Chris Jelliffe
  18. Hi Steve Jules and I are booked in for the weekend - I'll be flying the Sportstar up - happy to include it in some sort of display, static or otherwise. Cheers Chris J
  19. Ahlocks- thanks! Contortionism indeed. Mirror and light worked well but 20 years off my personal airframe would have helped in the flexibility department! Will employ a short teenage gymnast next time happy to stand on his/her head!!
  20. During an evening scenic flight near Townsville, North Queensland, the canopy of an LSA registered Evektor Sportstar Plus opened spontaneously at about 1800'AGL at 100kt IAS. The sudden inrush of air blew out maps, sundries and the Kroger sunshade on the pilots side. Efforts to re-close the canopy and retain control of the aircraft were unsuccessful so an emergency (PAN call) landing was made on a conveniently located grass strip whilst the passenger held on to the canopy. Once the canopy had stabilized flight control was easy and the landing uneventful ( interesting to be approached by a dilapidated Ute with the owner demanding his $5.00 landing fee!) The problem had been caused by a sprung steel 'safety' latch, that normally prevented the main canopy latch from disengaging, shearing off thus allowing the latch to rotate and open the canopy. The two parts of the sheared latch were found on baggage floor area after the flight. The PIC determined the latch was functional if in position properly and therefore presented no risk of re-opening - therefore the passenger held it in position for the brief 5 minute re-location flight to the home strip which was reached without further incident. Of particular concern to the pilot at the time was his lack of knowledge as to how the A/C would perform aerodynamically with the canopy open. It was subsequently discovered from the importer that the canopy-open configuration is stable and safe although cold and alarming! The forward airflow over the canopy equilibrates with the pressure from within the cabin area and the canopy 'sits' about 250mm open so the aircraft can be flown without any need to hold the canopy down. Prior knowledge of this fact would have made the whole incident far less intimidating!
  21. Thanks very much for your input Ozzie. Shortly after posting I got a call from the importer Peter Harlow, who was as usual very helpful. The maintenance manual should probably read "top up with a syringe after removing the (invisible ) hex head plug" located at the bottom of the aforementioned threaded hole. So - no valves, no trickery, just a manual that is light on details! Peter told me that the system is effectively 'automotive' ie. use Dot 4 fluid (not aviation hydraulic fluid) and bleed in the conventional way ( master to slave). Knowledge is power! Thanks again Chris
  22. Brakes in my Sporstar were getting spongey so attempted to top up and bleed system - maintenance manual helpfully says "use a syringe" to top up the individual pedal cylinders. Inspection (whilst virtually standing on my head in the cockpit) revealed a small threaded hole in the cylinder top - probing it felt blind - about 3 mm - whats on? Is it a valve? Why threaded? As an anaesthetist I'm very comfortable with syringes but thought I'd seek advice before flooding the carpet with brake fluid! I gather the latest Sportstar (sensibly) has a single brake fluid resevoir so my confusion is probably not unique to me. Advice from someone who has mastered this gratefully received!
  23. Ross- I'm intrigued - I was working over Natfly. What did Eugene get up to? What does he have to explain? Cheers
  24. Thanks Guys - for all you inputs-much appreciated! But I wasn't after 'warranty thoughts' or' bagging Evektor thoughts' - just leaking tank thoughts! Evektor have been extraordinarily helpful as has their Aussie agent Peter Harlow, and there seems no doubt that they are genuinely interested in getting to the root of the problem. It will not be a big issue to resolve - if it becomes so I'll report back! Thanks again all
  25. Hi Owi - out of ordinary factory warranty due to age - I'm awaiting further thoughts from the importer Peter Harlow who is usually very helpful. Meanwhile I just want to go flying!!
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