Guys - certain clauses in the constitution are quite simply unreasonable and do not serve the best interests of us, the members who are funding the RAAus. I recently requested that I get emailed to me the audited accounts and was firmly put in my place as follows " Please refer to Section 36 of the coinstitution such I am unable to comply with your request". Section 36 asserts that members may without charge view the accounts and minutes of board and other meeting, these documents must be viewed in person at the RAAus offices in the ACT!!!!!!
This astonishing clause is completely unreasonable in a country the size of Australia, and needs changing now. The RAAus is OUR organisation, funded by US, for the purposes of promoting recreational aviation in all its forms, not for the personal self promotion of a select number of individuals who seek to be, for want of a better analogy, big fish in a puddle. The assertion that minutes are confidential is utter crap -and dangerous crap at that. We must challenge the board big time so that they are working for US and not them. They are our voice in the broader aviation world and their decisions will have far reaching effects on us, the recreational pilots in Australia. Open your eyes guys and wake up now. We all need to have uninhibited and unobstructed access to board meeting minutes and accounts - that information is ours by right. If Eugene Reid doesn't see that, he needs to go and be a President somewhere else.