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About traindude2002

  • Birthday 01/10/2002


  • Location
    Charlotte, Nc
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  1. Ok, so many of you have brought to my attention that to be a commercial pilot I have to get a First Class Medical which can be difficult due to my mild case of Cystic Fibrosis (Lung Disease) and Chrons (Inflammatory Bowl Disease). Other than that I'm a healthy, slightly active teen. I have located the nearest Designee who is 4 minutes away from my house but I need to know what I have to have to be able to pass. I'm planning on getting advice from my CF doctor even though I've flown on planes many times without a problem, but should I get medical advice from my Chrons doctor? Also, I have other questions like would lack sleep be an issue? Should I wait to get my Medical until after training? Will I having Cystic Fibrosis and Chrons look bad on my resemay when I'm trying to get hired by airlines? Should a 14-year-old actually worry about this type of stuff? I'm just very worried that my Cystic Fibrosis and Chrons disease mat prevent me from being able to get a job as a pilot. Please respond, Luke
  2. Hi, I would like to be a part of the flying community, but I'm just... overwhelmed. I'm 14, and while I know that may be a little young I would like to at least know what to do (what schools to go to, what aircraft to get, etc) before the time comes to actually train, which according to google is 16. I guess I'll start off with my goal which is to be able to fly myself to places. While piloting a passenger plane would be a goal I feel would be more substantial because of the hard hours of non-paid training it takes to get it and the fact that hundreds of lives lay in my hands scares the bejeezus out of me. Heck, I can barely land a Beechcraft king air 350 in FSX. Basically, the first and foremost thing I want to know is what flying school I go to and how do I get in. The closest airport to me is Charlotte Douglas International Airport (or CLT).Any information or websites would help me. The second thing I need to know is that if having Cystic Fibrosis and Crohn's disease would stop me from being a commercial/recreational pilot. Please respond if you have any helpful Information, Luke:oh yeah:
  3. Thanks!
  4. Hi, I would like to be a part of the flying community, but I'm just... overwhelmed. I'm 14, and while I know that may be a little young I would like to at least know what to do (what schools to go to, what aircraft to get, etc) before the time comes to actually train, which according to google is 16. I guess I'll start off with my goal which is to be able to fly myself to places. While piloting a passenger plane would be a goal I feel would be more substantial because of the hard hours of non-paid training it takes to get it and the fact that hundreds of lives lay in my hands scares the bejeezus out of me. Heck, I can barely land a Beechcraft king air 350 in FSX. Basically, the first and foremost thing I want to know is what flying school I go to and how do I get in. Any information or websites would help me. The second thing I need to know is that if having Cystic Fibrosis and Crohn's disease would stop me from being a commercial/recreational pilot. Please respond if you have any helpful Information, Luke:oh yeah:
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